The Third Reich

Chapter 1410: Kill him

As a guerrilla, there are principles.

For them, the Germans are their enemies, but the Poles are not. At least after the Soviet Union conquered Poland, Poland should be considered a citizen of the Soviet Union. Now, although these Poles are from western Poland, they are from Germany. They moved from the occupied areas, but they still did not take up arms and invaded the Soviet Union.

Therefore, if you directly aim the guns at these unarmed Poles, the guerrillas will also feel that they are too shameful, and they will disdain to do so.

In this case, the guerrillas have fewer options, and now they can only adopt harassment tactics, constantly firing cold shots and frightening them.

I don’t know what the Germans think, or that the Germans have too few troops to maintain law and order in all road sections. In many places, only these Poles are doing their jobs and no guards can be seen nearby. The soldiers, not even the army of the servant nations.

This is definitely a good opportunity for harassment tactics!

The guerrilla fighter Maseraf, holding his Monashingan rifle, stepped on the leaves in the bushes, and walked forward step by step. At this time, he could already hear the sounds of the Poles working.

When he came to the edge of the woods, he pushed aside the leaves of the bushes and looked outside. This time, he was going to do something amazing.

It's boring to just empty the gun, he wants something difficult.

Well, just aim at the rice pot over there and knock their pot away!

At this time, it’s almost noon. At this time, big pots of rice are eaten. When the men are working, the women are just cooking. In the big pot, the cabbage is boiled and floating. With a few pieces of meat, the Polish food smells good.

He picked up the gun and aimed it slowly. He knew that he had to keep it steady. If he accidentally injured these civilians, he would definitely be punished after he returned.

This kind of action is too simple, so he alone is enough, and they have to cast the net and harass everywhere in the vast road construction area, so he just acts alone.

For him, it seems easy.

When his eyes were fixed on the baseline, his spirit was concentrated. At this moment, there was nothing left in his world, only the cauldron in front of him.

He didn't know, at this time he had already stepped on the ghost gate.

Behind them, two Poles are slowly approaching here.

Alex guessed very well, the guerrillas really wanted to harass themselves here, and only one person came.

However, Alex is not omnipotent. He only guessed here. There is still a distance of tens of meters from the place where the guerrilla ambushed. He has to walk step by step.

Not fast, even the sound made by stepping on the dry leaves may be seen by the opponent. Alex can only touch this side slowly when the opponent starts to aim.

He held the hand saw in his hand, and after sawing the tree continuously, the hand saw Cheng Liang was like a saber.

Behind him, Simon also came slowly, getting closer and closer.

"Bang!" Just then, Maseraf had already shot! His bullets flew steadily, without worrying about the gunfire exposing the target, because the bullets flew faster than the gun.

He watched his bullet fly over and pierced the cauldron. The cast-iron cauldron did not show a hole under the impact of the bullet, but was directly cracked. The whole food in the cauldron, All fell down, looking quite spectacular.

Then, the women panicked and avoided everywhere, apparently the sound of gunfire had arrived.


He stood up and wanted to withdraw. Just when he let go of his attention from the front, he suddenly felt something was wrong. There were footsteps behind him, quite fast!

Alex and Simon started to run. When the other side opened fire, they would definitely retreat, and both sides would encounter each other. They had no time!

Sure enough, at the moment Maseraf turned his head, he saw two Poles running towards him, only a dozen meters away!

He quickly pulled the bolt, pushing the next bullet into the barrel, and the clear sound of the bolt resounding in the woods, and then his eyes sparkled.

At the critical moment, Alex threw the hand saw directly!

When seeing this thing flying, Maseraf subconsciously lowered his head to hide, the hand saw with a sharp whistling, brushed his scalp and flew over, flew to the big tree behind him, and plunged deeply.

Maseraf didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and a figure had arrived!

Alex's right hand grabbed the barrel and pushed forward violently, pushing the gun to the side.

"Bang!" Maseraf pulled the trigger with his fingers, and along the barrel of the gun, the bullet flew to the side tree, knocking out countless leaves.

Alex's hand was also loosened because of the sudden heat. At this moment, Maseraf used his gun to push Alex's head back a few steps.

Alex was unsteady, tripped over a stone and fell backwards, and Maseraf rode up, the gun body firmly against his neck.

A sense of suffocation came slowly, and Alex grasped the gun body with both hands and pushed it outwards, but he felt that his strength was getting weaker and he could not breathe enough air in his lungs!

Alex's eyelids closed slowly. Before closing, he saw the stunned Simon. He immediately summoned his strength and shouted loudly: "Simon, kill him!"

It’s one thing to say that you’re not afraid of In this situation, Simon’s body began to tremble. When the bullet flew in front of him and hit the tree, he I was so scared that I almost peeed.

Now, he was starting to look in a trance, but Alex's yelling woke him up.

If he continues to panic like this, Alex will definitely be dead. When Alex is finished, it will be his turn, and he will definitely be killed.

So, with trembling hands, he lifted a large moss-covered rock from the side, and then slammed it down against the back of the guerrilla's head!

In a moment, Maseraf fell to the side, and Simon was afraid that he would not die, twice, three times, four times, and he kept his head completely smashed.

"Well, Simon." said Alex, panting, "Good job!"

The body was only convulsed. Alex took a few more breaths before standing up, picking up the rifle on the ground, and saying to Simon: "Search him for all the bullets."

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