The Third Reich

Chapter 1402: Budjoni

"This is a turning point." Stalin said: "The defense of Smolensk broke the myth of the German encirclement. We can also break through the encirclement of the Germans. In the future, we will not be afraid. The encirclement tactics of the Germans."

Stalin was very happy.

Up to now, the situation in the Soviet Union is still quite pessimistic. The Germans can continue to advance eastward after fighting Smolensk, threatening Moscow. The army in the north is also marching towards Moscow, and in the south, during the Battle of Uman, the Soviet Union Hundreds of thousands of troops were also lost. In the Caucasus region, Turkey has crossed the border and formally intervened in this war.

Although there are crises everywhere, Stalin is still optimistic, he even thinks that now is a turning point, the Great Patriotic War has seen a glimmer of light!

"As the Germans continue to attack, the German logistics supply line will become longer and longer. The German tank troops are completely dependent on fuel. Now we are not only fighting on the front line, but we must also launch it behind the enemy." Stalin said. : "Let the Germans know that our Soviets are not Britain or France, so easy to be occupied. We want to make the Germans back on fire!"

The Soviet territory is vast. It is definitely not the kind of France. It is comparable to a small country in Britain. The Germans occupying several republics will not affect the overall situation of the Soviets at all. On the contrary, there are a large number of occupied areas. Those who are loyal to the Soviets, including those who have not had time to retreat, will be organized together to start guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, destroy the German railways and roads, block them from transporting supplies to the frontline, and support the frontal battlefield on the side. .

Stalin also valued this.

The Russian guerrilla warfare has a long history. As early as the war in 1812, the Russian guerrillas made Napoleon's army exhausted. Although Napoleon hit Moscow in those days, he finally returned back in a desperate manner. The guerrillas definitely contributed.

It is a pity that in the 1930s, the Soviet Union had completely abandoned guerrilla warfare. The commanders of the various units had not learned the essentials of guerrilla warfare. Therefore, although Stalin shouted loudly, Stalin now does not know that their guerrilla warfare, In fact, it can't play out at all.

Even in history, it took about 43 years before the guerrillas played their role.

On the contrary, Germany has made preparations a long time ago and established the Belarusian Liberation Army. After the occupation, Germany has made corresponding preparations for stable order.

But it was time for Stalin to feel a little relaxed. He seemed to have seen the gradual change of the battle situation. At this moment, a telegram from the front again made him feel bad.

"Marshal Budjoni calls."

After receiving the telegram, Stalin frowned and read the telegram hastily. Stalin threw the telegram on the table hard: "Bujuni, as timid as a rat, regardless of the overall situation, there is This kind of thinking really failed the Soviets' years of training!"

Comrade Stalin was angry.

The men on the side took the telegram carefully, and their expressions changed.

Comrade Stalin, the battle of Smolensk has confirmed the strength of the German armored forces. We are worried that the end of Smolensk will appear in Kiev, and we request to abandon Kiev and retreat to the rear to avoid being surrounded by German troops again.

Budjoni didn't say much, but it hurt Stalin deeply.

The Battle of Smolensk was a failure, but it was after the **** battle of the Soviet soldiers, delayed the Germans' progress and dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Germans, and retreated.

In this battle, talents like Lukin and Rokosovsky also emerged.

What about Kiev? Kiev is the capital of Ukraine, and now Budjoni wants to retreat without a fight! Coward, absolute coward, how could he propose such a plan?

In fact, Stalin knew clearly in his mind that Zhukov had accepted Budjoni's request when he proposed to abandon Kiev. Although it is a time of war, Stalin's control over the army is quite strong, and Beria has reported on the liaison between Budjoni and Zhukov long ago.

Because Zhukov suggested that the Kiev defenders retreat, Stalin even removed Zhukov from his position and asked him to organize a reserve force. Stalin’s attitude was already obvious. At this time, Budionni dared to personally put forward his opinions. !

This is simply hitting Stalin in the face!

Stalin was quite satisfied with Budjoni, the old marshal. The two had a deep personal relationship. They had a deep friendship as early as the civil war. This was also in the vigorous cleansing campaign. Budjoni was not affected by anything. The reason for the impact.

But now, Bujuni dared to make this request. This is what touched Stalin, and Stalin would never allow it!

"Through my order, I will remove Budjoni from the post of commander-in-chief to the southwest." Stalin said. As soon as this sentence came out, the temperature of the entire conference room dropped several degrees.

Budjoni, Stalin's most trusted subordinate, one of the few remaining marshals, was exempted by Stalin with a word.

No one dared to object.

"Order Timoshenko to go to Kiev immediately to take over Budjoni's position." Stalin continued.

Timoshenko was originally the commander-in-chief of the Western, after cleaning up Pavlov’s mess, he retreated to Smolensk and organized a defense in Smolensk, although he failed in the end. At least it satisfied Stalin.

Now that Germany has occupied Smolensk, Timoshenko moved back with it, and Stalin simply threw Timoshenko to Kiev, and let this uninspiring Budjoni return!

Stalin was angry. He didn't know. It didn't take long for him to regret it, because his decision completely ruined the retreat of the 660,000 defenders in Kiev. Germany learned the lesson in Smolensk. Kiev encircled the circle and there was no defender. Can break out.

Zhukov, the only one who dared to advise Stalin, has been kicked out, and now everyone is obedient to Stalin.

In the Kremlin at this time, no one knew that the entire armored group of the German Central Army Corps had quietly moved south after the Smolensk battle was over, ready to go to the east side of Kiev to make dumplings directly.

The tactics used by Germany this time are not two-sided offensive tactics, it is simply a surprise from the sky.

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