The Third Reich

Chapter 1375: Swamps everywhere

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>History and Military

>Third Reich

>Chapter 1375 is full of swampsChapter 1375 is full of swamps

Fiction: Third Reich Author: East-hung Word Count: 2372

The 7th Armored Division, Germany’s ace army, its first commander, Rommel, fought in France, and went to North Africa. When the war in the Middle East stabilized, this ace armored division that has been tested by the war, Also returned to the German mainland, after some preparations, participated in the Barbarossa project. 35xs

In this operation, they also took the lead, and they played very enjoyable. During the charge, they encountered the 5th Tank Division full of Soviets. They went up to greet, and they gave the 5th Tank Division. Disabled.

But since then, they haven’t caught too many battles. They rushed all the way, crossing the Dnieper River from the north, through the northern part of Smolensk, and then preparing to march from the east to the south, and merged with the southern legion to complete the encirclement. Encircle.

The commander of the current 7th Armored Division is Colonel Wolfgang Glasermoor. He is sitting on a Tiger tank, looking forward with his eyes full of confidence.

Along the way, almost all the battle exploits were snatched by the Waffen-SS. Armored divisions of the Wehrmacht like them could not get a good fight. Now, they can only drag racing on the vast Soviet plains to show. They exist.

"There are so many swamps here." Looking at the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Tanks rely on tracks and can gallop in the wild, but this is not a panacea. When encountering a swamp, tanks often get stuck in the car. At any time, you should not put yourself in danger. This is the basic consciousness of a soldier. 35xs

Therefore, instead of attacking the unknown places on both sides, they advanced on the muddy road.

If the Soviets planted landmines on the roads here, they would be able to delay their actions, and they would not dare to walk the swamp in the wild rashly and could only follow the road.

His armored division is a strengthened organization. In the entire armored division, there are more than 100 Tiger tanks and more than 200 Panther 3 tanks. At this time, the powerful tank troops lined up in a long line and marched on the road. With.

The track stirred the mud and splashed around. Just last night, it rained again here, making the road more muddy.

"Our scouts are arranged farther ahead," Colonel Wolfgang-Glassermoor said over the radio.

At this time, if someone comes from the side to sneak an attack, although it will not eat his armored division, it will cause him some trouble.

Major General Fang Ke didn't want trouble.

"Understood." An echo came from the radio: "Increase the search range."

Walking in the forefront is the 37th Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. At this time, they are fan-shaped, searching for the one directly ahead.

Walking in front are a few BMW motorcycles. They are advancing on the road. The mud stirred up by the wheels is flying everywhere. Behind the BMW motorcycles are a few crawler infantry reconnaissance vehicles. They are on the road. Go up carefully.

They are here to explore the way. If anti-tank mines are buried on the road, they will find out in the first time, even if they sacrifice their vehicles, they must protect the main force behind intact. This is their mission!

The surrounding swamps were not bottomed, they did not dare to enter these swamps easily, and at the same time, there were deep ravines in the swamp.

At the front end of the ravine, you can see that it is the top of an ordinary wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, but the lower part is two large screws, and the infantry fighting vehicle drives the large screws to walk in it, like walking on the ground.

After the initial use, it was found that this screw car is quite adaptable to the swamps of the Soviet Union. In addition to walking on its own, it can even help other vehicles that accidentally fall into the swamp.

Therefore, a considerable number of vehicles are equipped with this kind of large screw, used to advance in the swamp area.

They seemed to be flying on the swamp, showing a fan-shaped search queue, moving forward.

In a screw car, squad leader Shude stood on the turret and looked forward with a telescope. Suddenly, his brow frowned.

A puff of black smoke appeared in the swamp area ahead!

This kind of black smoke can only come from the engine, and in this kind of place, it may only be a vehicle or even a tank!

Thinking of this, he was excited: "Report, found the target, there is a vehicle about three kilometers ahead."

Putting down the radio, he continued to pick up his binoculars, now he could see more clearly.

That is a Stalin tank!

Looking at the rounded turret and the thick barrel, you know that this is the most powerful tank in the Soviet army, and it is only equipped for elite troops.

At the same time, this is the only tank that can pose a threat to the Tiger tank from the side or the rear. I didn't expect to see it here!

Where there are such tanks, there must be the main force of the Soviets!

"Found the Stalin tank, there is the main force of the Soviets ahead!" Shu De yelled happily: "It has fallen into a mud puddle. Two tractors and a tank are trying to pull it!"

The marshland is simply the natural enemy of vehicles. Those wheeled vehicles can only walk on the road and cannot enter the marshland at all, and even tracked tanks will have difficulty moving into the marshland.

For example, this Stalin tank is self-important. Although it uses an improved diesel engine from the t-34 and increases its power, it still cannot be easily dragged. When it enters the swamp, it is even more terrible. Experience.

"Buzz, buzz!" Its diesel engine was running at full power at this time, emitting a puff of black smoke, but it was useless. Almost all of its car body was submerged in the mud, and the track was not visible. , I can only see the turret above, with the roar, the car body doesn't move at all.

Two crawler tractors are just in front of it, trying to pull it out of the swamp, and in front of the tractor, there is a bt-7 tank, and three crawler-type vehicles start at the same time. The black smoke came out of the engine, and the rumbling sound was earth-shaking, but the Stalin tank did not move, it sank deeper!

A tank soldier reluctantly got out of the tank turret. He stretched out his hand, touched the mud underneath, and shouted something to the person in front of him.

At this moment, the screw car behind had already rushed towards them!

The Stalin tank of the Soviets fell into the swamp, and we can capture this tank intact! The German scouts in the screw car were quite excited. At the same time, the Soviets also found them!

A battle began like this.

Novel recommendation: Yuandou Qiankun Chapter of the New Century Harem Qi Women's First Waste Material of the Tang Dynasty Cultivation of the Unicorn Fairy Demon Enmity and Enmity Recording Qingmei Was Fucked Everyday Ghost Blind Date Game Like the Shadow Who Walks The Strongest System The Flower Care Mad Medical Spring Secret Records of the Boudoir: Mrs. Factory Sultry, Splendid Phoenix Path: Poison Doctor, Prince Concubine, Divine Doctor and Concubine: Black Evil King Peerless Thief: Miss Chai Seven Rebirth, Urban Cultivation Barbarian Wife: Special Agent of the Remaining King, Love: Duke The winged bride agent, the doctor's mad concubine, Sheng's pet peasant girl: buy a maid and give birth to a baby, the evil emperor climbs to bed: after eating the poison doctor's little mad

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Chapter 1375: There are swamps everywhere, the Third Reich-novelfull

The 7th Armored Division, Germany’s ace army, its first commander, Rommel, fought in France, and went to North Africa. When the war in the Middle East stabilized, this ace armored division that has been tested by the war, Also returned to the German mainland, after some preparations, participated in the Barbarossa project. 35xs

In this operation, they also took the lead, and they played very enjoyable. During the charge, they encountered the 5th Tank Division full of Soviets. They went up to greet, and they gave the 5th Tank Division. Disabled.

But since then, they haven’t caught too many battles. They rushed all the way, crossing the Dnieper River from the north, through the northern part of Smolensk, and then preparing to march from the east to the south, and merged with the southern legion to complete the encirclement. Encircle.

The commander of the current 7th Armored Division is Colonel Wolfgang Glasermoor. He is sitting on a Tiger tank, looking forward with his eyes full of confidence.

Along the way, almost all the battle exploits were snatched by the Waffen-SS. Armored divisions of the Wehrmacht like them could not get a good fight. Now, they can only drag racing on the vast Soviet plains to show. They exist.

"There are so many swamps here." Looking at the surrounding scene, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Tanks rely on tracks and can gallop in the wild, but this is not a panacea. When encountering a swamp, tanks often get stuck in the car. At any time, you should not put yourself in danger. This is the basic consciousness of a soldier. 35xs

Therefore, instead of attacking the unknown places on both sides, they advanced on the muddy road.

If the Soviets planted landmines on the roads here, they would be able to delay their actions, and they would not dare to walk the swamp in the wild rashly and could only follow the road.

His armored division is a strengthened organization. In the entire armored division, there are more than 100 Tiger tanks and more than 200 Panther 3 tanks. At this time, the powerful tank troops lined up in a long line and marched on the road. With.

The track stirred the mud and splashed around. Just last night, it rained again here, making the road more muddy.

"Our scouts are arranged farther ahead," Colonel Wolfgang-Glassermoor said over the radio.

At this time, if someone comes from the side to sneak an attack, although it will not eat his armored division, it will cause him some trouble.

Major General Fang Ke didn't want trouble.

"Understood." An echo came from the radio: "Increase the search range."

Walking in the forefront is the 37th Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. At this time, they are fan-shaped, searching for the one directly ahead.

Walking in front are a few BMW motorcycles. They are advancing on the road. The mud stirred up by the wheels is flying everywhere. Behind the BMW motorcycles are a few crawler infantry reconnaissance vehicles. They are on the road. Go up carefully.

They are here to explore the way. If anti-tank mines are buried on the road, they will find out in the first time, even if they sacrifice their vehicles, they must protect the main force behind intact. This is their mission!

The surrounding swamps were not bottomed, they did not dare to enter these swamps easily, and at the same time, there were deep ravines in the swamp.

At the front end of the ravine, you can see that it is the top of an ordinary wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, but the lower part is two large screws, and the infantry fighting vehicle drives the large screws to walk in it, like walking on the ground.

After the initial use, it was found that this screw car is quite adaptable to the swamps of the Soviet Union. In addition to walking on its own, it can even help other vehicles that accidentally fall into the swamp.

Therefore, a considerable number of vehicles are equipped with this kind of large screw, used to advance in the swamp area.

They seemed to be flying on the swamp, showing a fan-shaped search queue, moving forward.

In a screw car, squad leader Shude stood on the turret and looked forward with a telescope. Suddenly, his brow frowned.

A puff of black smoke appeared in the swamp area ahead!

This kind of black smoke can only come from the engine, and in this kind of place, it may only be a vehicle or even a tank!

Thinking of this, he was excited: "Report, found the target, there is a vehicle about three kilometers ahead."

Putting down the radio, he continued to pick up his binoculars, now he could see more clearly.

That is a Stalin tank!

Looking at the rounded turret and the thick barrel, you know that this is the most powerful tank in the Soviet army, and it is only equipped for elite troops.

At the same time, this is the only tank that can pose a threat to the Tiger tank from the side or the rear. I didn't expect to see it here!

Where there are such tanks, there must be the main force of the Soviets!

"Found the Stalin there is the main force of the Soviets ahead!" Shu De yelled happily: "It has fallen into a mud pit. There are two tractors and a tank, trying to pull it!"

The marshland is simply the natural enemy of vehicles. Those wheeled vehicles can only walk on the road and cannot enter the marshland at all, and even tracked tanks will have difficulty moving into the marshland.

For example, this Stalin tank is self-important. Although it uses an improved diesel engine from the t-34 and increases its power, it still cannot be easily dragged. When it enters the swamp, it is even more terrible. Experience.

"Buzz, buzz!" Its diesel engine was running at full power at this time, emitting a puff of black smoke, but it was useless. Almost all of its car body was submerged in the mud, and the track was not visible. , I can only see the turret above, with the roar, the car body doesn't move at all.

Two crawler tractors are just in front of it, trying to pull it out of the swamp, and in front of the tractor, there is a bt-7 tank, and three crawler-type vehicles start at the same time. The black smoke came out of the engine, and the rumbling sound was earth-shaking, but the Stalin tank did not move, it sank deeper!

A tank soldier reluctantly got out of the tank turret. He stretched out his hand, touched the mud underneath, and shouted something to the person in front of him.

At this moment, the screw car behind had already rushed towards them!

The Stalin tank of the Soviets fell into the swamp, and we can capture this tank intact! The German scouts in the screw car were quite excited. At the same time, the Soviets also found them!

A battle began like this.

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