The Third Reich

Chapter 1365: Ordered to take prisoners

The moist sea breeze blew onto the port, and the surroundings were shrouded in darkness. Because of the war, the port was also completely dark without any lights.

In the past few days, in order to prevent reinforcements at sea, Romania sent out bombers many times to bomb the port here. Now there are ruins everywhere, and several people slowly walked over the ruins.

Lyudmila smelled the dampness in the air and the smell of the endless smoke of gunpowder. He was a little nostalgic. I don't know why. Tonight, it was exceptionally quiet, and the Romanians did not continue the night battle.

I was about to leave here. Before I knew it, I was a little nostalgic. Lyudmila twisted her body and looked at Odessa behind her. One day, she will come back.

"Comrade Lyudmila, it's time to get on the submarine." At this moment, a voice came from her ear. A small submarine was mooring at the dock. The captain of the submarine said to her: "Here It's not safe and will be bombed at any time."

Lyudmila nodded. Although she had several wounds on her body, the hatch of the submarine was too small and she could only climb down by herself.

She endured the pain in her body and came to the submarine with the captain. When she started to climb down, she finally glanced at Odessa and bit her lip.

The German man left a deep impression on her, and now she has more and more doubts in her heart. The German military discipline has always been very good, and she has never heard of bad behaviors towards women. , If the other party needs it, they can find a woman at any time. Why do you want to leave more than a dozen women from Romania?

Very strange!

From the perspective of the time, she had to kill the German if she wanted to escape, but now that I think about it, there are many doubts.

She tried hard to let herself give up these ideas. The German invaders occupied her homeland. She actually wanted to clean up the Germans, thinking they were caring? It's so ridiculous.

Moreover, I am afraid that I will never see the German man again when I leave. Everything is just a dream.

Liudmila walked into the submarine. When the top hatch was covered, she was insulated from the outside world. The internal heat of the submarine and the sound of the rumbling diesel engine made her feel uneasy. She is still Think about it.

She didn't know that in fate, she would meet this man again.

Sitting in a large rat-like tank, Hans bit a piece of grass in his mouth. He has been well educated since he was a child. Hans does not smoke. If he is bored, chewing on a piece of grass is his daily routine. Up.

"Hans, it seems you are still too tender. Such a character is very unfavorable on the battlefield." Kurt said to him.

When the women were tied to the pillars, Hans still showed sympathy in his eyes, as if he had forgotten that his neck was almost cut off by others. When he learned that among these women, there were no more female soldiers. After the female medical staff, Hans was even more sympathetic.

Such a character will suffer on the battlefield. At the same time, Kurt also knew that this is human instinct, and sympathy for the weak is natural.

"Yes, but if the rescuers from the Soviets come, I will ruthlessly destroy them with our weapons!" Hans said.

Tying up these female medical staff and using them as bait to lure the Soviets into the bait is a pastime when boring, like an eagle catching a chicken.

However, they did not wait this time.

The roar of the engine was heard in the distance, and a convoy quickly arrived at the station of the 502 Armored Battalion. A tall German man jumped out of the car.

On their bodies, wearing the uniforms of the State Security Administration, the leading major came quickly toward the tank.

"Hello, I was ordered to receive these prisoners." The major said to the battalion commander Mark who was approaching.

Battalion Commander Mark glanced at these people. In the darkness, he couldn't see clearly, but they were all wearing black uniforms and speaking fluent German. They came from the west of his own country, shouldn't it be a problem?

It’s just too fast, right? This afternoon, I only reported to my superiors that I had captured some female prisoners and asked how to deal with these female prisoners. In the middle of the night, the State Security Administration dispatched personnel.

It seems that this time the trap was dug for nothing.

"It's really great that you can come and receive these prisoners." Hans jumped off the tank and said to them: "Please treat them in accordance with international conventions. They are all medical staff, not front-line fighters."

When Hans was saying this, the leading major actually looked at Hans with an incredible look. This look made Hanston Shishi embarrassed, and seemed to blame himself.

When Hans lowered his head, he saw that the opening of the opponent's cuff seemed to be rusty. Suddenly, Hans felt his eyelids start to jump.

"Battalion commander, since the captives are here, we don't have to continue to ambush and wait for the Soviets to rescue." Hans said, "Go, let's go back to sleep."

After speaking, Hans took Mark and waved to the others at the same time: Go, go, go back to sleep.

"Thank you," the major said to Mark, and then turned around to greet his men: "Bring all these prisoners into the car!"

The major finished and led people to the post where the prisoners were tied.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head to see that the tank soldiers left the tall and mighty rat tank and walked towards the tent in the distance. It seemed that they had indeed gone to bed.

Yelena was almost in a state of collapse. When she was in the car, she started to attack the driver in front, but only ran to Lyudmila. When she came here, Yelena was naturally treated more harshly, but she would never Give in and spit the battalion commander.

She hadn't drank a sip of water for so long, and now she was in a trance, as if she was going to another world.

While in a trance, she saw a group of Germans coming towards her, and she immediately gathered her energy again, but when she saw the appearance of the leader coming, she was a little confused.

How come the silhouette of the person is so special that you look like your lover? Impossible, he must be dreaming, he seems to be leaving this world, and he has fallen into an illusion.

"Bring all of you in the car!" The man spoke, fluent German, so familiar, Yelena suddenly woke up, and couldn't help exclaiming.

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