The Third Reich

Chapter 1360: Somewhat naive

Although the Romanian army attacked on its own, Germany did not appoint a high-level commander, but only provided the support of a tank unit. However, Germany has become the most powerful country in the world. Every German can support it. Straighten up and walk around the world.

The German soldiers are even more prestigious. Even if the Romanians here have higher military ranks, you have to bow your heads when you see German soldiers.

Even their supreme commander, Lieutenant General Sopica, was polite to Hans and even listened to his opinion. The Romanian soldiers below show respect to the German soldiers.

Especially during this period of time, the German tanks provided fire support, which reduced their heavy casualties and made the Romanian soldiers grateful.

At the moment, a Romanian soldier stood up after he was shocked, lifted his pants, with a flattering smile on his face: "Let’s all get up, these trophies, our German comrades have asked for them. Give them to us. German comrades!"

After speaking, he ran over and said to Hans: "I know you. When you came in the morning, you were the gunner in the Tiger tank, right? You fired your cannon really hard. To these women, You have to fire harder."

With a man-specific smile on his face, Hans felt a little sick, and Hans could only put on a smile: "Yes, now, tie them all up to me. Throw them into my car. Go up!"

These women, there was expectation in their eyes just now, hoping that they would be able to escape this terrible torture, but they didn't expect that the other party was just a replacement, and it was even more hateful, it was still a few Germans!

They were about to resist immediately, but a few Romanians opened their bows from side to side and slapped a few mouths fiercely. Some Romanian soldiers slapped them directly on the **** without any pity.

After ten minutes of tossing, a famous Soviet woman was **** and shoved the ammunition delivery truck outside.

A woman still had a bandage on her head, and the wound on her leg was still oozing blood. She limped.

The Romanian soldier who led the way looked dissatisfied. He raised his leg and was about to kick her ass. At this moment, Hans spoke again: "Don't be so rough, treat the girl more gently."

After finishing speaking, Hans unexpectedly bent over and directly carried the woman up, strode to the stars, ran for a while, and then threw the woman into the car.

This won a round of applause from the Romanian soldiers, but this woman showed a murderous look.

Just after the woman's gaze and Hans looked at each other, something seemed to appear in her eyes, and she quickly retracted, and Hans' nerves were also touched.

Where did this woman seem to have seen her, especially these eyes, she looks familiar?

Thinking about it, he shook his head. How could this be possible. He had never studied in Russia, and it was even more impossible to know such a woman. She was a medical worker.

Hans didn't know, he was negligent.

Most of these women are medical personnel, but there are also a few female fighters. The current female fighter who was shot in the leg is the most determined and hated German invasion.


She has been fighting in Osad. Up to now, the number of Romanian soldiers killed by her has reached 168, in fact there are more than 20, because there are no witnesses, it is impossible to record the results of the battle.

In the defense battle at the hospital, she did not expect that the opponent's firepower was so fierce, and unfortunately she was injured.

If she is still aware, she will fight until she is sacrificed. She is still carrying a glorious bomb, even if she slaps a grenade and kills the enemy, she will not surrender.

However, she fainted.

After hitting her head, she fainted. In fact, this was because she hadn't recovered her injuries after being injured by a shell. After waking up, she was already in a room with ten Several sisters are being abused by Romanians.

Fortunately, the German arrived without a start.

When he stood at the door and shouted, Lyudmila was still grateful to him. His tall image seemed to be Prince Charming, but it was a pity that he was a German.

And now, these Germans have no good intentions, he takes his own way, just to give them pleasure!

When the man carried her on his shoulders, Lyudmila had already made up his mind to kill him!

One after another, the women were carried by Romanian soldiers. They took it for joy, learning Hans's appearance, and threw the women into the car. At the same time, they were still reluctant to give up, not fun!

Hans closed the door made of tarp behind, screwed it on from the outside with a wire, then waved to the Romanian and got into the car.

"Hans, what are you going to do with them?" Schmidt started the car, put into gear, drove out easily, and asked Hans at the same time.

If Hans wants to find these women to enjoy themselves, it is impossible. Schmidt knows that Hans’s personality is better than lacking. Hans’s courtship standard is quite high, that is, there are constantly women nearby in the military station. Hans had never been to an appointment when he came to the barracks to find dew love.

Even the orthodox ordinary German woman Hans looked down on them, so how could they look at these Soviet women? They were shown by the Romanians.

"War has nothing to do with women." Hans looked at the ruined city outside the window and said to Schmidt.

"Are you going to let them go?" When he heard Hans's words, Schmidt was quite surprised: "This is not appropriate? The war has nothing to do with women, but they have long been involved, even if they didn't. On the battlefield, they made weapons in the rear, they operated on the wounded soldiers, and when the wounded soldiers got better, they came to hit us. Before they did not obey us they were still our prisoners."

"Then send them to the prisoner of war camp first?" Hans asked.

"We don't have a prisoner-of-war camp. The prisoner-of-war camps here are all built by Romanians. Send them back. I am afraid that the scene just now will appear again. Everything you have done is in vain." Schmidt said.

They only came to support. The battle was mainly fought by Romanians, so the prisoners of war were also taken in by Romanians. There must be scenes like this today.

Schmidt has always felt that Hans is nosy. Although Hans is an adult, many times his considerations are too simple, or he is a little naive.

War has nothing to do with women? The only way for women to avoid war is to end this war as soon as possible, and then make all these women obey!

Schmidt glanced at Hans from the corner of his eye, Hans was still thinking about it.

At this time, the women rescued by Hans in the back of the bumpy car were of course uneasy.

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