The Third Reich

Chapter 1334: Fierce fighting

At the same time, he also knew that he had too few opportunities to shoot because his warship's rate of fire was too low. The guns on his warships had no automatic reloading capability and were completely loaded manually by humans. Of course, it was quite slow. . It is obviously inappropriate to waste shells at a long distance.

The one-character column continued to sail forward at high speed, and quickly approached the Italian's one-character column. At this time, other warships in the Italian fleet also opened fire one after another.

Every shot will bring huge black smoke, blocking their sight. After the black smoke passed, the Soviet fleet was still rushing towards them!

This made the Italian Navy extremely depressed.

"Is this the level of our fleet's gunners?" On the bridge, Catano said angrily: "Until now, our shells have not touched the Soviet warships!"

Cataño knows that naval gun shooting is actually a process of constant adjustment. First test fire, and constantly fine-tune according to the test firing situation, gradually approach the target, and finally hit the opponent. Now that the impact point is not visible, every time This is equivalent to the first test shot, so the alignment of the head has not been guaranteed.

However, seeing the two sides keep getting closer, they couldn't hit each other, which made Cataneo feel bad.

The distance between the two sides was already close to five nautical miles, and Gorshkov finally issued an order: "Fire!"

The shortcoming of the one-word column is that the fire boundary of the rear warship is easily blocked by the front warship. Therefore, in the actual progress, it is not a complete one-word column, but every one behind is more to the right than the front. Some, so it's free.

After receiving the order to fire, the gunners who had been ready for a long time immediately pulled their gun ropes.

"Boom!" The 180mm twin-mounted naval gun roared, black smoke enveloped the turret, and two high-speed armor-piercing projectiles flew toward the Italian battleship!

Draught does not forget the well digger, and the armor-piercing bullet at this time is simply ungrateful.

When the Soviet Union designed the Red Caucasus, it planned to leapfrog, using 4 180mm guns against 6 to 10 203mm guns of imaginary opponents.

Therefore, they have no choice but to increase the chamber pressure and tube length. When your gun is not powerful enough, then increase the propellant!

As a result, the Soviets did it. The muzzle velocity of this naval gun was as high as 1,000 m/s, and it was so powerful that it could completely suppress the Western 203 mm naval gun.

However, the rifling of this artillery is extremely fast, and even the barrel life does not exceed 10 rounds. That is to say, as long as a few rounds of shells are fired in actual combat, the shells fired afterwards will show great deviation, which is equivalent to a waste gun!

The Soviets had no choice but to ask for help, but they couldn't hang themselves on a tree in Germany, so they turned to Italy.

With the technical assistance of the Italian company Andorsa, they shortened the gun barrel to 57 calibers, reduced the propellant package to 37.5 kg, and reduced the barrel pressure and muzzle velocity to 3200 kg/cm² and 920 m/s, respectively. , And the use of more sparse rifling distribution to alleviate the problem, so that the barrel life can reach 320 rounds, with actual combat capabilities.

The Italians probably never dreamed that they helped the Soviets transform the naval guns, but now this naval gun is about to fire at them!

In addition to the 180 naval guns, other naval guns also fired.

In addition to the 180 naval guns, the Red Caucasus also had four 1911 102mm 60-caliber single-mounted non-shielded secondary guns. This type of gun is a mature naval gun, built by the famous Obukhovs Designed and manufactured by the base steel plant.

At this time, the Red Caucasus roared and fired its cannonballs. At the same time, other warships were also shooting along. Although their artillery caliber was not large enough, they had to show their existence.

Moreover, their goals were all aimed at the battleship in the middle of the opponent's line, and concentrated their firepower, even if they couldn't hit it, they would have to fight it.

"Boom!" In the huge impact, a 102mm armor-piercing projectile actually hit the Count Cavour accurately!

On the position of an anti-aircraft gun, several Italian soldiers screamed, and it happened that their position was shot!

"Boom!" Under the attack of this shell, the artillery shell of the anti-aircraft artillery was killed. In an instant, the smoke and dust billowed here.

For a battleship, the 102mm armor-piercing projectile can be carried down hard, as if it is tickle, but now, the black smoke is rising from the unlucky antiaircraft gun position, so you can stand on the bridge to watch After all this, Cataño sank in his heart, no, what's the matter?

For any country, battleships are very precious. After all, the entire country can be used to build a few ships. For example, the Soviet Union, which transported half of the country’s steel to the shipyard, did not build the Soviet battleship. Come.

Therefore, once the main warship suffered losses in a naval battle, the country could not afford it. Even the historically Germans could not afford it. After the sinking of the Bismarck, the German surface fleet never took the initiative to attack.

At this moment, the glory of the navy in Cataneo's mind has been put aside, and he was thinking about one thing all over his mind, there is nothing wrong with this battleship! If anything happens to this ship, his military career will come to an end!

Cataño is a little guilty, watching the Soviets fight so bravely, or else, withdraw to the side by himself? How about changing the formation and calling several ships around to protect?

The naval battle was fought fiercely, and the battle was in progress in the air.

"Tom Tom!" It was the sound of the shaft gun firing again. With the firing, the Il-4 bomber in front of Ankruz dragged the black smoke down and fell.

At this moment, Suddenly, Angkluz saw bullets coming from his left side. He knew that he was ambushed by a Soviet fighter!

It is very difficult for biplanes to fight Especially the Germans used the tactics of dive, climb, and hit and run. They simply couldn't reach.

However, Ankruz had just been greedy for merit. He had already shot down four Il-4s. As long as he shot down one more, he could become the first HNA man to become an ace pilot in a battle.

Therefore, when he shot down the fifth Il-4, he unknowingly missed a hit and chased him up. As a result, he was attacked.

Pull it up! An Cruz no longer coveted the low altitude and began to climb upward, but unfortunately, he fell into the arms of the other party.

Alexander Mironenko’s eyes were almost fired. They were **** fighters, but they watched the German fighters jumping up and down, constantly shooting down their own bombers. Now, he must shoot down the opponent!

The opponent made a mistake and moved horizontally, so he quickly walked around behind the opponent and opened fire.

When watching the opponent pull up, Alexander followed by pulling his nose, the 7.62mm machine gun bullet, followed by climbing upwards, and hit the opponent accurately!

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