The Third Reich

Chapter 1329: still have a chance

"Our reconnaissance plane has spotted the formation of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, which is more than a hundred nautical miles away, and is coming towards us." On the battleship Stuttgart, Fredberg said: "They Its main force is just a heavy cruiser, and it dares to pounce on us."

Lieutenant General Marshal nodded: "Yes, now, we must act decisively."

By coincidence, the two sides will be able to encounter each other within an hour and a half to two hours. The Soviets’ Black Sea Fleet is so closely watched. Calculated according to the time, it happens to be the carrier fleet of its own aircraft carrier. At the time of the machine, it was the most chaotic time for our side.

How to do?

Bypass the Soviet fleet? It is also possible. As long as you change your course now, you can avoid the opponent, but how can this be in line with your own combat style?

As the Imperial Navy, there is no time to retreat. Now, it is time to completely eliminate the Black Sea Fleet!

Marshal stood up, looked at the chart, and said: "We will separate the two teams, one team will face the Black Sea Fleet, and the other team will protect the aircraft carrier formation and recover the carrier aircraft."

This is the safest plan at the moment. After the matter is finished, Fredberg said: "Let us use our own 460 naval guns to let the Soviets know how powerful we are. We are the first to fire. , They can hit their biggest warship into the sea."

Fredberg looked forward to the fight, but the next moment he was disappointed.

"No, if the Stuttgart wants to protect our aircraft carrier, let the Earl Cavour go." Marshal said.

The Stuttgart is the flagship. At the same time, the displacement of 70,000 tons makes it the overlord of the sea. At this time, the heavy cruiser that is used to deal with the Soviets in the 10,000-ton class is completely useless.

Now this good opportunity is left to the Italian Navy.

According to the agreement, the western part of the Mediterranean Sea was under the jurisdiction of France, and the eastern part was under the jurisdiction of Italy. In this battle into the Black Sea, the Italian Navy did its part and sent several warships, among which the Count Cavour was the head.

Although this is a battleship built during the First World War, it is a bit old, but after all, it is also a huge battleship with a displacement of nearly 30,000 tons. What problems can there be when using it to fight the Black Sea Fleet?

It has ten 320 mm naval guns. After 37 years of modification, it has first-class combat effectiveness and absolutely no problem.

This glorious victory for the complete destruction of the Soviet fleet will be handed over to the Italian navy, and Marshal is very generous.

As a result, Fredberg could only give up. With envious eyes, he looked at the Italian battleship, with several warships, and left his formation.

No one knows that after Cyric’s transformation, the Italian army is no longer the noodle army. However, the Italian navy was not interfered by Cyric, but it was still the noodle army. This victory, which was originally secured, was just beaten. a shame.

The two fleets separated, and the aircraft carrier formation stayed in the original sea area, waiting for its own fighters to return. At the same time, the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet also received news that surprised them.

The German naval air force launched a surprise attack and destroyed nine of its own field bases! A large number of bombers there were destroyed by the Germans!

By the navy? The navy was attacked by the opponent's submarine, relying on aviation? The aviation bomber was actually wiped out on the ground. What could be more speechless than this?

Lieutenant General Oktyabski was sitting in front of his desk, with his hand on the table, stroking his gun. This gun has been with him for decades, and now he is about to use it. My own gun, end my life.

Can it be restored?

The Black Sea Fleet has failed, a complete failure!

He slowly picked up his pistol, opened his mouth, and stuffed the pistol into his mouth. Instead of being sent to Moscow for interrogation, he would rather die in his post.

"Crack." At this moment, the door suddenly opened. Outside, Rear Admiral Vladimirsky walked in. Seeing this, he quickly came over: "Commander, what are you doing?"

"Don't persuade me, it's no use, now the Black Sea Fleet is finished." Oktyabbrski's eyes were gray: "What am I still alive for? I have no face to see Comrade Stalin."

The fleet is over, the aviation is over, there is no hope of revenge, how should he explain? I can only die!

"No, it's not over yet!" Rear Admiral Vladimirsky said: "We still have two bomber bases that have not been attacked by the Germans. We still have more than 20 Iraqi-4 bombers ready to take off. Now the German aviation is returning to their carrier. Maybe we can pretend to be their aircraft and fly into their carrier formation. Even twenty bombers can blow up the German main battleship. We haven’t yet. failure!"

Of course the Germans couldn't find all the aviation bases. They could only find a part of them. They found nine of them. This is simply an accident.

However, there are two other bases that are intact. The bomber units inside are ready to go. They haven't dispatched yet. They are waiting for the position of the German aircraft carrier formation, and now they can be determined!

"Also, General Gorshkov did not give up. He is still carrying the remaining warships, looking for the main battleship of the Germans for a decisive battle. Also, we have 47 submarines, and now already has them. 32 submarines have set sail, they are sailing towards the position of the German navy. As long as the Germans appear in our Black Sea, they will not be able to go back alive!"

At the beginning, the Soviet Union did not pay attention to the role of submarines, but saw that Germany was so effective in attacking from the air, so it planned to rely on aviation to solve the German navy. Today, Germany once again taught the Soviet Union a lesson.

Since the Germans can use submarines, so can the Soviet Union!

There are also two bases of bombers, surface ships, and a large number of submarines. This battle is not over yet! It's hard to say who will die!

As long as it is not at the last moment, never say defeat, even if it is to die on the battlefield, it is better than suicide! When Rear Admiral Vladimirsky heard the news of the bombing of his base just now, he was like a bolt from the blue, but he quickly responded, counting the losses, and waiting for the opportunity. Now, he found that he still had a chance to win and ran. Came to the commander, but saw that the commander was about to commit suicide.

Hearing the words of Rear Admiral Vladimirsky, Oktyabrsky put down his gun: "Yes, we still have submarines. Let the Germans know how powerful our submarines are! We want all German warships Disappeared in our black sea!"

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