The Third Reich

Chapter 1321: Can only rely on naval aviation

When the eastern sun began to rise, the Soviet fleet finally got rid of the pursuit and hunting of those submarines, and now Gorshkov has the urge to commit suicide.

The huge Black Sea Fleet was originally the second largest fleet of the Soviet Navy, but now there are only so little left. The only large warship left is the Red Caucasus he was riding on. The other large warships were either torpedoed. Hit, or collided at sea, unable to keep up with his current formation.

A heavy cruiser, with a group of destroyers, wants to challenge the German maritime hegemony? Now, as long as there is self-knowledge, it is time to retreat.

But Gorshkov did not. He knew that he had made the wrong choice. Now, the way to make up for his mistakes is either suicide or death in battle!

At the time Pavlov had no chance to die on the battlefield, and Gorshkov still had it. Before the superior order was issued, he was still the commander of the fleet. He had to take the fleet to find the German Navy desperately, even if there was one. A shell fell on a German warship, he was also worth it!

At this time, in the port headquarters at the rear, Oktyabrski’s fingers began to tremble. He tried to take the cigarette out of his mouth and said to Vladimirski who was aside: "We The glory of the Black Sea Fleet now depends on our naval aviation."

The main force of the fleet was actually destroyed by the German submarine, and it has not yet reported to Moscow. However, Oktyabrski knew that his official career was over, and the Black Sea Fleet had its most terrible day unless the Navy Airmen can do miracles, otherwise, he would kill himself with the pistol in his drawer, and save him going to Moscow to go to a military court.

Vladimirsky’s expression was very cautious: “Yes, our naval aviation will definitely complete the mission. Our reconnaissance plane will take off before dawn. Now, as long as we find the trail of the German Navy, we The bomber force will take off immediately."

The first step in a naval battle is to find the opponent. Although the German naval formation only passed through the Black Sea Strait yesterday, if the German advanced formation can fly at a speed of 30 knots, it will be able to fly three hundred in one night. Go more nautical miles.

And if the Germans came directly toward Sevastopol after exiting the strait, I am afraid they are now at a distance of 200 nautical miles away from their own side, which happens to be within the delivery range of their carrier aviation.

Maybe, the German carrier-based aircraft are taking off one after another, planning to attack their own. Now, all the ground artillery in the fleet are ready, just waiting for the opponent to come. At the same time, the huge bomber force has also done it. Out of the assembly, waiting for the final attack order.

The Black Sea is so big, you have to find each other first.

An SB-2 bomber, flying at an altitude of one kilometer.

This bomber is the main bomber of the Soviet Union, accounting for almost 95% of the Soviet bombers. At the same time, this bomber is also versatile. For example, the current bomber does not carry bombs and uses all of its payload. Load fuel to meet the needs of long-term flight on the sea.

It wants to find the German fleet!

When the Germans enter the Black Sea, they will definitely go straight to Sevastopol!

Therefore, after taking off from the Crimean Peninsula, they almost directly rushed into the Black Sea Strait, trying to find traces of the German fleet.

The Germans will definitely deploy fighter jets over the fleet. It is very likely that they will be shot down, but before they are shot down, they must report back the position of the German fleet. After that, a large number of bombers will come to complete the German fleet. Explode!

In the nose of the aircraft, Stoloka, the navigator, machine gunner and bombardier, was carefully observing the sea.

There are only three people in this bomber, each in a different position. The pilot is on the top, the gunner is behind it, and the navigator in the front also has two machine guns to operate.

The navigator's vision is the best. Now he can clearly see the surrounding sea, but unfortunately, he can't see anything.

"No target was found, the German fleet is definitely not here." Storoka said: "Where did they hide?"

Istanbul can be seen from the front, and the German fleet has not been found. What does that mean?

The actions of the Germans were different from what they had expected.

"The Germans are not heading directly to our base, so they must have sailed westward and want the protection of the Romanian air force. Let's fly westward, maybe we can gain something." Storoka suggested.

"Okay, then we head west." The pilot above said, pushing the joystick, and the bomber turned back almost before entering the sky over Istanbul.

Now Romania is the servant country of the Germans, and Romania is next to the Black Sea.

Therefore, although the German navy passed through the strait with great fanfare, it was still cautious. If they didn't head directly to their own base, they could only go west by the coastline, so that they could be protected by the Romanian air force.

This is definitely a safer plan, but the Black Sea Fleet has long been prepared. If the Romanians dare to provide air support, then even the Romanians will be beaten!

It is difficult for the Soviet air force to strike Berlin by air, but Soviet bombers can fly to the Romanian capital and drop bombs every day.

If it had not been overwhelmed by the massive offensive, the Soviet Union would have wanted to bomb Romania.

Engines on both sides rumbled The bomber turned north and began to fly again.

In the east, the red is gradually rising, and the golden sunlight floods the sea, which looks very spectacular.

No one appreciates such a sight. Storoka is still carefully observing the sea surface. Suddenly, he sees the place where the sea and the sky meet in the distance. There seems to be a bright spot. It is a fleet!

"We have found the target!" Storoka shouted loudly: "There is a fleet on the sea near Constanta!"

"Sevastopol, Sevastopol, this is the No. 223 bomber. We have found the German fleet, near Constantine!" The pilot turned on the radio and began to report to the rear.

Now they have only discovered bright spots, which cannot be fully confirmed, but they must be fast. If it is really a German surface fleet, maybe the German carrier-based fighter jets will arrive quickly in the future. , So that they have no chance to report back.

The bomber continued to fly forward, and the radio wave had passed back. Suddenly, the aviation of the Black Sea Fleet quickly made preparations for battle.

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