The Third Reich

Chapter 1301: 0 distance

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Due to the effect of gravity, the artillery shells will fall downward when they fly forward. Therefore, when firing and aiming at a distance, the general tank gun will have a certain elevation angle.

In this way, when the shell flies past, it happens to be an oblique throwing movement. When it passes, it is most likely to hit the opponent's turret.

Therefore, generally speaking, the turret of a tank is the thickest, especially the front turret. Compared with the turret, the car body is weaker. After all, it cannot be the same thickness everywhere, otherwise it will be too heavy.

But now, the distance is quite close. The artillery of the Stalin tank is almost flat, without any elevation angle. Such firing also allows the tank to withstand huge recoil.

After all, when it was raised, part of the recoil was directly absorbed by the ground, and now it is level, the recoil is all borne by the tank itself, which makes the tank back more than ten centimeters.

And that armor-piercing projectile has already flown to the mouse tank, whether it can penetrate, it's here!

When the impact reached the inside of the tank, the few tankers inside did not respond at all, and Hans only complained about the shaking caused by the vibration, making him unable to see the target in the sight.

They are not worried.

The 25 kilograms of armor-piercing projectile hit the side hull of the mouse tank. It just brought a noise. After the noise, there was no response.

At this time, Hans saw the tank that was hit by him, and it was emitting a huge fireball. It was beaten to death!

"One hundred meters, five degrees to the left." Kurt continued to shout.

At a distance of one hundred meters, that is already the distance for the tank to fight the bayonet. At this distance, the remaining two Stalin tanks of the Soviets fired at the mouse tank together!

Five tanks, a fierce battle, within a few minutes, only two of them were left, and the current mouse tank was still intact, which surprised them, and at the same time, it aroused their enthusiasm. , Must destroy the opponent!

They are not afraid of death.

Two armor-piercing projectiles hit the bottom of the mouse tank one after another. Compared with the flat-fired Stalin tank just now, they used a low shot, with the muzzle facing the ground, hitting the side skirt of the track below the mouse tank. This time, it finally penetrated the side skirts, then got in and hit the tracks of the mouse tank. Then, there was no new movement.

Still no breakdown!

"Boom!" The 128 mm shell almost flew out of the barrel and flew onto one of the Stalin tanks. In the huge impact, the tank was burning.

The last one is left.

"Rush, rush up for me!" At the moment when your partner was hit, the Stalin tank, with full power, rushed toward the immobile mouse tank!

The tail engine emits puffs of black smoke, accelerate, accelerate!

While Hans was observing the results of the battle, Kurt was also watching the last tank. Are the Soviets crazy?

In tank battles, collision tactics can be regarded as one, but in general, one's own tank is heavier and the enemy's tank is light, so that it can play a role in collision.

Lightly hit and heavy, it must be lightly injured. What do the Soviets now want to do?

The walking mechanism of the mouse tank has not been repaired. If the mouse tank can move, Kurt really wants to order his tank to hit it, and then push the opponent for a while, compare with the opponent, who is more powerful?

But now, he can only issue an alarm: "The Soviet tank is coming up, ready for the impact!"

In the field of vision, the Soviet tanks were getting closer and closer. Everyone held the handrails beside them. Although the mouse tank had more than 150 tons, the collision would definitely give the rat. The impact of the tank type.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, according to the opponent's speed, it should have been hit by this time, but there was no movement of the impact.

what happened?

At this moment, the driver in front Schmidt screamed: "This **** tank, it wants to shoot us at zero range!"

The bigger the tank, the more blind spots, and the more difficult it is to observe the closer the object. Now, people in the turret are preparing to accept the impact. No one dares to stare at the observation hole or scope for fear of hurting their eyes.

But Schmidt in front saw from his periscope that the purpose of the Soviets was to shoot at zero distance after getting close!

At this time, the Stalin tank was almost 30 degrees behind the right rear of the mouse tank, only four meters away from the mouse tank, and its muzzle was zero distance from the body of the mouse tank!

If your sword is not long enough, then take a step forward, if your armor-piercing projectile is not deep enough, then move forward!

Zero distance, can it penetrate?

At this time, this last fearless Stalin tank was in the final launch phase.

"Quick, reload!" the captain shouted loudly.

Stalin tanks use 122mm tank guns. When using armor-piercing shells the data was originally quite powerful. They can penetrate 160mm thick uniform steel armor plates at a distance of 1000 meters, but they can't penetrate. The German mouse tank!

If this is the case, then shoot at zero distance. One shot is not enough for two shots, and two shots are not enough for three shots. As long as there are a few more shots and hit the same place, you don't believe you can't blow the opponent!

At this time, the biggest problem with the Stalin tank was that its loading was too slow. Just before the loader inserted the warhead, the turret of the mouse tank had already turned around.

Hans quickly controlled his artillery and shot down, but in his sight, only the radio antenna on the top of the Stalin tank's turret could be seen!

Hans's heart suddenly sank: "We can't reach it!"

Now, if you look from the outside, you can easily see this scene.

The 128 mm tank gun of the mouse tank is more than seven meters long, and its barrel is on the top of the Stalin tank at this time! The Stalin tank became a cannon stand.

The mouse tank is tall, with a total height of 3.66 meters. Even the height of the bottom of the artillery is more than three meters. The total height of the Stalin tank is just 2.7 meters, which is still the tallest periscope.

The elevation angle of the mouse tank gun is good. In terms of altitude, it should be possible. Just increase the depression angle of the tank gun. But now, the Soviet tank has been attached to them, and the muzzle has exceeded. How to fight the opponent's tank?

The barrel of the 75mm cannon is short enough, but it is coaxial with the 128mm cannon. The 128mm cannon can’t shoot, and the 75mm cannon can’t.

If the tank is able to move, they will operate the tank to leave here now, and they will be able to fight at a distance, but now, their tank cannot move, which is really a speechless situation!

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