The Third Reich

Chapter 1297: Reinforcements arrive

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>History and Military

>Third Reich

>Chapter 1297 Reinforcement Arrival Catalog Setting Bookmark Comments Chapter 1297 Reinforcement Arrival

Fiction: Third Reich Author: East-hung Word Count: 2542

The whole Osad is already a soldier.

The factory also organized a self-defense force and fought in the streets outside the factory. At this time, the Romanian army on the opposite side was attacking violently.

Although Germany has tank support, after all, the number is limited. It is impossible to allocate tanks on every front to assist in the attack. Of course, the more direct reason is that all German tanks have been transferred, and the 502 tank battalion has moved eastward. It was sent, and did not assist them in continuing to attack the city in the west.

Although there was no tank support, the fighting of the Romanian army was still quite fierce. They pushed forward little by little and suppressed the Soviets in defeat.

And now, they are heading towards the tractor factory.

On the road outside the tractor factory, there were constant gunshots. In the open space in front, there was the body of a famous Romanian soldier. On the position of the self-defense force of the tractor factory workers, people were constantly injured.

It was like a meat grinder, with people falling down constantly.

"Machine gun, suppress them, we will organize another charge!" the Romanian commander shouted.

Following his orders, several heavy machine guns roared, and the dense bullets fired to the opposite side, making the Soviets unable to raise their heads.

Then, it was the Romanian soldiers' charge, they were going to step on the corpses of their companions and rush up!

However, this time was different. A monster with black smoke suddenly appeared at the door of the tractor factory in the distance. When he saw that thing, the Romanian commander was taken aback.

n1 tank?

"Boom!" The opponent's tank gun fired, and the shell flew over the Romanian position and hit a kilometer behind them.

"Calibrate the meter, lower the elevation angle by three degrees, and fire!" Akalov shouted.

Following his order, the tractor opened fire again.

"Boom!" This time the tank gun hit the front of the Romanian position, about 30 meters away.

"Go forward fifty meters, the shooting table remains unchanged, continue shooting!" Akalov shouted.

Although they did not hit a few shots, it was clear that their presence boosted morale. The workers in the tractor factory here were greatly encouraged by the sight of their tanks coming out.

"Hey, what's behind us?" At this moment, a worker turned his head back, but saw a famous man in a navy uniform, holding a gun, running towards them.

"Reinforcements, our reinforcements have finally arrived!" The workers shouted loudly.

"Comrades, you have worked hard. We have to launch a counterattack to beat the Romanians back!" With the addition of new forces, an unusual scene appeared on the entire front. They not only wanted to defend, but also to counterattack!

Of course, we have to counterattack here and beat the Romanians back in order to better defend the tractor factory. 35xs

At the same time, in other directions, the Romanian army found that the battle on this day was too difficult to fight. They paid a lot of sacrifices, but it was difficult to move forward.

The Soviets must have reinforcements!


"Hans, how are you?" In the general's car, Hans quickly returned to his army. At this time, he saw the whole class repairing his own rat tank.

After a short maintenance on the front line, the mouse tank finally got a safe zone, but there is no guarantee that the mouse tank can continue to rampage in the future, so the safe way is to wait for the rear parts.

Fortunately, Berlin directly used the special plane, which was sent over early this morning, and now they need to rotate this new initiative. "It was okay." Hans said: "But last night was a wonderful one. I caught a group of Soviets who wanted to harass behind enemy lines. The rifle in my hand was about to empty the drum. At least five or six Soviets were killed."

Hans's face was full of excitement. Now that I think of it, it is really enjoyable. How do you feel that this infantry combat is sometimes even more enjoyable than tank soldiers.

As Hans spoke, he reached out and took the sledgehammer.

As a tank soldier, you must have enough physical fitness. After all, tankers do all physical tasks. Don’t look at the power when driving the tank. Daily routine maintenance can make people sweat. Everyone All of his muscles are quite strong.

To pull up the sledgehammer, you must first knock off the pins on the track and break the track before you can replace the driving wheel.

"It's a pity, it seems we can't keep up." Hans waved the sledgehammer down his arm, knocking the pin down in a few strokes, put down the sledgehammer, Hans couldn't help but say.

After attacking from the east, after reaching the eastern urban area, our 128mm gun can reach the port.

Find a relatively high place and project your own grenade directly onto the port to sink the Soviet ship. It's not bad to think about it.

It's just that I won't be able to catch up. At this time, I have fixed the driving wheel, maybe it will be night.

The track was more than one meter wide and quite heavy. Therefore, when they were repairing, they also got help from the maintenance team. A dozen people together, with the help of tools, took apart the driving wheels.

Yesterday, it was welded directly, and when I took it apart today, the cracks in the inner part were bigger. If it were directly on the battlefield, once the driving wheel broke, it would lie down again.

"Crunch." Hans used a crowbar to pry open the wooden box on the side. Inside the wooden box, wrapped in straw, is a brand new driving wheel.

"It looks like this was done in a hurry," said the captain Kurt.

The two people lifted the driving wheels, erected them, and wanted to install them on the tank. At this moment, a fragrance floated in the air.

dinner time?

Hans turned his head and looked over. On the field cooking car, delicious meals have been prepared, with the smell of coffee and steak in the air.

Here, drinking coffee and eating a steak is the most pleasant.

In World War II, the American army's food was the best. When the Soviets were cheering for the canned beef, the American army disliked that the canned beef was too tired, and that there was no brandy to eat with canned food.

Among the Axis countries, Germany’s food is also the best. As Germany integrates the power of the entire Europe and has sufficient food supplies, like the current tank troops, they are given preferential treatment, and the food is also the envy of Romanians.

Without a fork, I can only pick up the steak with a bayonet and fill the kettle with hot coffee. Hans just took a bite and remembered something: "Oops, I forgot to advise Nikolaj. If we cut off the water in the city , It’s easier to occupy here!"

Although there is seawater all around, they cannot drink. For the citizens of Osad, they mainly rely on a reservoir in the east of the city to drink water, which cut off the water source of the whole city. Let's see how the Soviets persisted!

"Boom!" At this moment, a huge shelling sound came from not far away. Everyone was taken aback, looking at their own northern part. Why did a tank with a red five-star turret appear there?

Novel recommendation: Yuandou Qiankun Chapter of the New Century Harem Qi Women's First Waste Material of the Tang Dynasty Cultivation of the Unicorn Fairy Demon Enmity and Enmity Recording Qingmei Was Fucked Everyday Ghostly Blind Date Game Like the Shadow Who Walks The Strongest System's Flower Care and Medical Spring Secret Secret Record: The factory father is sultry, the peerless thief: The Seventh Miss, the waste wood, the genius doctor and the fierce concubine: the black evil king on the upper abdomen, the splendid Phoenix road: the poisonous doctor, the prince is reborn, the city cultivator, the barbaric wife: the spy of the remnant, the spoiled concubine love: the Duke The winged bride agent, the doctor's concubine, the evil emperor, climbs into bed: the royal daughter-in-law survival manual after eating the poison doctor's concubine

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Chapter 1297: reinforcements arrive, the Third Reich-novelfull

The whole Osad is already a soldier.

The factory also organized a self-defense force and fought in the streets outside the factory. At this time, the Romanian army on the opposite side was attacking violently.

Although Germany has tank support, after all, the number is limited. It is impossible to allocate tanks on every front to assist in the attack. Of course, the more direct reason is that all German tanks have been transferred, and the 502 tank battalion has moved eastward. It was sent, and did not assist them in continuing to attack the city in the west.

Although there was no tank support, the fighting of the Romanian army was still quite fierce. They pushed forward little by little and suppressed the Soviets in defeat.

And now, they are heading towards the tractor factory.

On the road outside the tractor factory, there were constant gunshots. In the open space in front, there was the body of a famous Romanian soldier. On the position of the self-defense force of the tractor factory workers, people were constantly injured.

It was like a meat grinder, with people falling down constantly.

"Machine gun, suppress them, we will organize another charge!" the Romanian commander shouted.

Following his orders, several heavy machine guns roared, and the dense bullets fired to the opposite side, making the Soviets unable to raise their heads.

Then, it was the Romanian soldiers' charge, they were going to step on the corpses of their companions and rush up!

However, this time was different. A monster with black smoke suddenly appeared at the door of the tractor factory in the distance. When he saw that thing, the Romanian commander was taken aback.

n1 tank?

"Boom!" The opponent's tank gun fired, and the shell flew over the Romanian position and hit a kilometer behind them.

"Calibrate the meter, lower the elevation angle by three degrees, and fire!" Akalov shouted.

Following his order, the tractor opened fire again.

"Boom!" This time the tank gun hit the front of the Romanian position, about 30 meters away.

"Go forward fifty meters, the shooting table remains unchanged, continue shooting!" Akalov shouted.

Although they did not hit a few shots, it was clear that their presence boosted morale. The workers in the tractor factory here were greatly encouraged by the sight of their tanks coming out.

"Hey, what's behind us?" At this moment, a worker turned his head back, but saw a famous man in a navy uniform, holding a gun, running towards them.

"Reinforcements, our reinforcements have finally arrived!" The workers shouted loudly.

"Comrades, you have worked hard. We have to launch a counterattack to beat the Romanians back!" With the addition of new forces, an unusual scene appeared on the entire front. They not only wanted to defend, but also to counterattack!

Of course, we have to counterattack here and beat the Romanians back in order to better defend the tractor factory. 35xs

At the same time, in other directions, the Romanian army found that the battle on this day was too difficult to fight. They paid a lot of sacrifices, but it was difficult to move forward.

The Soviets must have reinforcements!


"Hans, how are you?" In the general's car, Hans quickly returned to his army. At this time, he saw the whole class repairing his own rat tank.

After a short maintenance on the front line, the mouse tank finally got a safe zone, but there is no guarantee that the mouse tank can continue to rampage in the future, so the safe way is to wait for the rear parts.

Fortunately, Berlin directly used the special plane, which was sent over early this morning, and now they need to rotate this new initiative. "It was okay." Hans said: "But last night was a wonderful one. I caught a group of Soviets who wanted to harass behind enemy lines. The rifle in my hand was about to empty the drum. At least five or six Soviets were killed."

Hans's face was full of excitement. Now that I think of it, it is really enjoyable. How do you feel that this infantry combat is sometimes even more enjoyable than tank soldiers.

As Hans spoke, he reached out and took the sledgehammer.

As a tank soldier, you must have enough physical fitness. After all, tankers do all physical tasks. Don’t look at the power when driving the tank. Daily routine maintenance can make people sweat. Everyone All of his muscles are quite strong.

To pull up the sledgehammer, you must first knock off the pins on the track and break the track before you can replace the driving wheel.

"It's a pity, it seems we can't keep up." Hans waved the sledgehammer down his arm, knocking the pin down in a few strokes, put down the sledgehammer, Hans couldn't help but say.

After attacking from the east, after reaching the eastern urban area, our 128mm gun can reach the port.

Find a relatively high place and project your own grenade directly onto the port to sink the Soviet ship. It's not bad to think about it.

It's just that I won't be able to catch up. At this time, I have fixed the driving wheel, maybe it will be night.

The track was more than one meter wide and quite heavy. Therefore, when they were repairing, they also got help from the maintenance team. A dozen people together, with the help of tools, took apart the driving wheels.

Yesterday, it was welded directly. Today, I took a look at the inside of The crack is bigger. If it is directly on the battlefield, once the driving wheel breaks, it will lie down again.

"Crunch." Hans used a crowbar to pry open the wooden box on the side. Inside the wooden box, wrapped in straw, is a brand new driving wheel.

"It looks like this was done in a hurry," said the captain Kurt.

The two people lifted the driving wheels, erected them, and wanted to install them on the tank. At this moment, a fragrance floated in the air.

dinner time?

Hans turned his head and looked over. On the field cooking car, delicious meals have been prepared, with the smell of coffee and steak in the air.

Here, drinking coffee and eating a steak is the most pleasant.

In World War II, the American army's food was the best. When the Soviets were cheering for the canned beef, the American army disliked that the canned beef was too tired, and that there was no brandy to eat with canned food.

Among the Axis countries, Germany’s food is also the best. As Germany integrates the power of the entire Europe and has sufficient food supplies, like the current tank troops, they are given preferential treatment, and the food is also the envy of Romanians.

Without a fork, I can only pick up the steak with a bayonet and fill the kettle with hot coffee. Hans just took a bite and remembered something: "Oops, I forgot to advise Nikolaj. If we cut off the water in the city , It’s easier to occupy here!"

Although there is seawater all around, they cannot drink. For the citizens of Osad, they mainly rely on a reservoir in the east of the city to drink water, which cut off the water source of the whole city. Let's see how the Soviets persisted!

"Boom!" At this moment, a huge shelling sound came from not far away. Everyone was taken aback, looking at their own northern part. Why did a tank with a red five-star turret appear there?

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