The Third Reich

Chapter 1216: Belarusian Liberation Army (1)

"Now, under our German blitzkrieg, the Soviet Union is losing ground. Just yesterday at noon, the whole of Petersburg has been turned into ruins. There is nothing that Germany cannot conquer." The above is a German. But he can speak fluent Russian.

"How about? Don't believe it? Okay, I have a photo here, you can look at it." The German took the enlarged photo, and many people in the front row with good eyes could see clearly.

When the German bombed, it followed the reconnaissance plane. The reconnaissance plane took photos after the bombing. The entire city had been destroyed. From the air, you could see various rivers, the landforms only in Petersburg.

Petersburg, was blown up? Suddenly, the eyes of some people there were wet, and for them, it was a holy place.

"Just like Exeter, no city can remain intact under our German attack. We have broken through Minsk and Petersburg. Next month, we will be able to rush to Moscow!"

The Germans continued to proudly declare: "Under this situation, everyone present, please understand the current situation. There are two choices left to you."

Hearing this, everyone present calmed down. They knew that the time had come to decide their fate.

"Belarus was originally the homeland of the East Slavic people. It has lived here since ancient times, but it was annexed by Russia at the end of the eighteenth century. After the establishment of Soviet Russia, it was forced to join the Soviet Union. Now, with the help of our Germany, Belarus Finally independent again." The speaker was humming and frustrating at this time.

"On this land, the Belarusian state will be re-established. Therefore, a Belarusian state’s own army is also needed. We now call it the Belarusian Liberation Army, which is mainly responsible for guarding the security of Belarus. Now, everyone present can join voluntarily. The Belarusian Liberation Army contributes its strength to this land."

Belarusian Liberation Army? Hearing this, many people present were disgusted in their hearts.

They are indeed captured, but it does not mean that they are about to rebel. If they join the so-called Belarusian Liberation Army, then they must be enemies of the Soviet Union.

Although the Soviet Union was not established for many years, they were too scared in their hearts. Moscow was ruthless.

How many people died in the purge in previous years? Thinking of this, they trembled in their hearts. They all came from that era. Everyone was full of awe of Stalin. Surrendering is one thing, and apostasy is another. You can’t take a trip in this muddy water. what!

"Of course, if you are unwilling to join the Belarusian People's Liberation Army, you have to use your own strength to contribute to the construction of Belarus." The German continued to say: "Now, the transportation of Belarus is too backward, and the empire wants to be in Belarus. To build a highway, at the same time, Belarusian bridges and railways need to be repaired. These need your participation. All mines also need to resume production as soon as possible."

How to use captives? Of course they cannot be kept in prison camps, they must be fully utilized!

When Germany and the Soviet Union had a close relationship, Germany helped build a railway, which is different from the original narrow-gauge railway in the Soviet Union, which is the same wide-gauge railway as Western Europe.

This railway transported a large amount of iron ore in the past, which brought great convenience to the development of Germany’s military industry. In the war, due to Germany’s attacking too fast, the railway was hardly damaged. It fell into the hands of Germany.

Now this railway only needs to be repaired a little bit before it can be put into use. It is much more convenient to use railway to transport supplies than roads.

There are almost no roads here. Most of them are muddy and unhardened roads. Compared with the conditions in Europe, they are very bad. In order for Germany to advance smoothly, it needs to build a high-grade road.

This task is of course performed by these prisoners of war.

Germany will not waste food. Give them the least food every day and let them do the heaviest work, even when they are exhausted.

In addition to road building, there are mines and so on. In short, these free labor must be used effectively.

Is this cruel? Of course not. Historically, the Soviet Union treated German prisoners of war in the same way. Under Beria’s gun, they were taken to the Ural Mountains to mine, and more people died.

Hearing this second choice, everyone was silent, none of them were stupid. Everyone could hear what the Germans said. It’s best to join the Belarusian Liberation Army. This way, you can live better with the salary and food. If you become a coolie, you will basically be abused until the end of your life.

How to choose?

They are already inclined to the first option but they still feel pressured when they think of the terrible commander in Moscow.

At this moment, in the distance, a high-end SS bulletproof car drove towards this side, and it instantly attracted the attention of many people.

The German who was talking here, after seeing it, stopped immediately, ran over quickly, opened the door in front of the stopped car, and saluted, all speaking fluent German.

Lieutenant General Kachalov knew some German, and his face changed immediately.

The senior German general who got out of the car, a handsome young man who looked extremely handsome, was Cyrenk’s capable man, Reinhardt Heydrich.

Among the high-ranking officials in Germany, Reinhardt is a special case. He is the only one who is not intoxicated by power, has the spirit of hard work, and is not complacent with the pleasure of killing and simple and crude racism. He is also an expert at The executor of the killing, he is very good at divide and conquer, which originated from ancient China, which is especially commendable.

It can be said that other people in Germany are responsible for expansion, and they will only expand, while Reinhardt is responsible for integrating the expanded lands so that these lands and the people above can serve the empire.

Now Reinhardt is here, with a hint of coldness and handsomeness on his delicate face.

The German who was in charge of the speech, the subordinate sent by Reinhardt himself, reported a few words to Reinhardt, and Reinhardt nodded, and then stepped onto the podium.

"I'm here this time to tell you a piece of news." Reinhardt said: "Now, in Moscow, an order No. 270 has just been passed. This order has something to do with you." ()

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