The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 177 Discovery of shipwrecks and precious manganese nodules!

People who have not experienced the fear of the unknown deep sea will never understand it. It is a kind of absolute silence and darkness. You can never know whether there are cold eyes hidden in the darkness, staring at you.

Resisting the urge to escape, Gao Yuan dived all the way under the protection of five expedition members.

Five hundred meters!

Eight hundred meters!

One thousand meters!

Finally, they reached the bottom of the sea, and the depth at this time was already 1,215 meters, which was nearly four times higher than the human diving record.

Due to the blocking effect of sea water on communication signals, even though they carried high-power underwater signal equipment, the picture still became blurry, and the resolution was even less than 480P. Audiences who wanted to see clearer videos had to wait until they returned from the plateau. The video was edited.

After spending more than ten seconds to calm down, Gao Yuan faced the camera and said seriously: "Viewers, now we have reached the bottom of the sea. The depth here is more than 1,200 meters, and the pressure has reached a terrifying ten Two megapascals is equivalent to two hundred adult elephants trampling on my body at the same time."

"To be honest, this is the first time in my life that I have felt such intense fear, darkness, silence, and the unknown. Everything turned into huge pressure, forcing my body to secrete a large amount of adrenaline to resist the threat of fear. "

"Boss Gao's face is really pale."

"Cold sweat broke out on his forehead!"

"Not to mention standing in the extreme cold in person, I already had goosebumps all over my body while watching the live broadcast."

“The pressure and fear that Boss Gao is under is truly unimaginable!”

The audience made comments one after another, thinking that Gao Yuan, as an untrained ordinary person, was able to stand on the deep seabed at this moment was a very remarkable thing.


Gao Yuan took two breaths, forced a smile and said: "Although I am very scared, I still have to persevere, because this is a rare stress-resistant exercise. Our goal is in the distant sea of ​​stars! If there is even this little pressure, If we can’t bear it, how can we colonize space in the future?”

"Okay, without further ado, we will now explore this seabed area. From left to right, the six of us line up in a row, keeping a distance of fifty meters from each other, and conduct a dragnet search. I hope we Have good luck."

The next moment, the six of them lined up in a row, lit up all the spotlights, and relied on the hidden thrusters on their backs to quickly cruise on the seabed.

"Huh? There seems to be a huge black object ahead."

"Over the years, the surface has long since decayed and is covered with algae and marine microorganisms."

"Anyway, let's go take a look. Please ask the brothers on the left and right to step up and be responsible for the overall lighting."

Gao Yuan spoke quickly, and in a blink of an eye they arrived at the black shadow on the bottom of the sea. It turned out to be an ancient sunken ship. The whole sunken ship was a wooden structure. It was now completely rotted. If you exert a little force, it would collapse in pieces.


A hammerhead shark emerged from the sunken ship, startling everyone. This should be its residence, and the sudden intrusion of humans frightened the shark.

However, the hammerhead shark did not attack Gao Yuan and the others. Instead, it shook its tail, quickly escaped into the dark sea water, and disappeared.


Gao Yuan covered his heart with his hand and took a deep breath, showing that he was still frightened.

"Shark, that was a big shark just now! Did you all see it?"

"You see, my blood pressure is a bit high now. Let me take a few quick-acting Jiuxin pills first."

"How scary! Fortunately, they didn't attack Boss Gao and the others."

"Unknown and dangerous, this is probably the charm of adventure."

"Come on, Boss Gao! A real man can never be intimidated by a shark!"

The audience witnessed the thrilling scene, exclaimed in surprise, and then offered words of encouragement.

Gao Yuan was in a dull mood now and was too lazy to say anything. He directly gestured to the expedition team to search for the sunken ship, while he himself had to stay outside for a while to collect himself. Such a deep-sea adventure was not enough for an ordinary person like him. , the pressure is really high.

Four of the five people immediately separated and went into the sunken ship to explore, while the other stayed outside to accompany the plateau.

Not long after, a voice came from the earphones. Gao Yuan was startled and asked: "Really!? There is such a good thing!?"

"Great! I'll get down right away!"

I don't know what kind of good news he got. Gao Yuan's hands didn't shake for a moment, his face was very excited, and he activated the propeller and plunged into the sunken ship.

I saw four expedition members quickly peeling away the mud and sand, revealing rows of porcelain at the bottom of the cabin. The porcelain has been covered with seaweed for a long time, but the smooth glaze of the porcelain can still be seen by gently wiping it with your hand.

"Awesome, this should be the legendary blue and white porcelain, right?"

"Boss Gao is selling antiques from the Ming Dynasty!"

"It's not fair! Boss Gao is already extremely rich, yet such a good thing still happens to him."

"No way, this is the setting of the real world. The richer the person, the easier it is to make money."

"Not all blue and white porcelain is valuable. The exported porcelain of the Ming Dynasty was all fired by private people, not from official kilns. Coupled with seawater erosion, a well-preserved dish is worth an average of several thousand to ten or twenty thousand yuan."

The discovery of Ming Dynasty porcelain in the sunken ship immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and the barrage refreshed rapidly.

At this time, the sound of Gao Yuan's laughter came to his ears. The voice was full of excitement. It seemed that he had come out of his claustrophobia, holding the treasure in his hand and feeling comfortable.

"The hard work pays off, we have discovered the treasure!" Gao Yuan faced the camera, proudly shaking a porcelain bowl in his hand. The pattern on the bowl was a common picture of Guiguzi descending from the mountain in the Ming Dynasty. The image was clear and subtle, and it was the pile of porcelain. It's in good condition.

"The essence of the earth is a water ball, and 71% of the area is covered by water bodies. Compared with the continent, our understanding of the ocean is far from enough. Not only are there hidden treasures and mineral veins in the ocean, but it is also more likely that There is evidence for the origin of life.”

"I believe that the future of mankind lies in the sea of ​​stars. At the same time, I also firmly believe that before heading towards the sea of ​​stars, we must first conquer the ocean!"

"After the Antarctic dome base, there is the deep sea base!"

"Atomic Ant 2 was born for deep-sea exploration!"

Gao Yuan sighed with emotion and stood proudly under the sea like a conqueror.

"I'll go! Boss Gao's face changes so quickly..."

"When he saw the treasure, he seemed to come to life immediately!"

"Look at Boss Gao's eyes, they are all green!"

Gao Yuan said excitedly: "Now let's move forward and see what else we can find in this sea area!"

After that, Gao Yuan marked the location of the sunken ship to facilitate future salvage, and then continued on the road with the other five people.

Their speed was getting faster and faster, and white water sprayed out from behind, like bullets, rushing forward close to the bottom of the sea.

"I'll go! Iron Man?"

"Isn't this too fast? Against water pressure and resistance at the same time, you can still rush so fast!"

"You guys underestimate the Kunlun Aurora Motor too much. Don't look at Boss Gao's back, which is just a pair of very small propellers, but it has a full power of 60 kilowatts!"

"Awesome! Not even a submarine can keep up with this speed!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Have you forgotten? PLA can also use Aurora motors. Maybe the Chinese Navy has already changed its equipment."

The water jets from the propeller on the back at high speed, and the body is used to control the angle and turn. Gao Yuan and others shuttle freely on the seabed, enjoying a feeling similar to flying.

As time goes by, electrical energy decreases rapidly. Although solid-state batteries are powerful, they are under the sea after all and require many times the energy consumed on land to achieve the same speed.

My luck seemed to have been exhausted. After a full half hour of high-speed cruising, I didn't encounter any valuable treasures on the plateau.

But just as he was about to end his cruise and float back to the surface, the seafloor in the distance suddenly subsided and entered a seafloor basin area.

The depth quickly dropped from 1,200 meters to 1,400 meters. A strong metal signal came from the mud below the basin. Many stones about the size of an adult's fist were densely scattered around. Ten million, simply countless.

"What's this!?"

Gao Yuan was suddenly startled. He controlled Atomic Ant 2 to dive into the basin, picked up a stone from the sand, and looked at it carefully with the help of a diving light.

"This is not a stone!" Gao Yuan couldn't help but feel a huge shock when he saw the object clearly. He faced the camera and said excitedly: "These are manganese nodules, audience friends! We have discovered a manganese nodule mining area with extremely high purity!"

Sorry, I had to go out for a day to run some things today. It was freezing cold and I was very tired and in a bad state. So I will update this chapter.

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