The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 737 Wars Zombies

"The cultivation of gold civilization is very important to refinery, so even zombies, their defense ability is also terrible."

Phoenix shouted while attacking zombies, "Zhang Bin, we must be inherited."

"My beauty, let's keep the life will say."

Zhang Bin screamed, this is just a normal zombie, may be that some ordinary people have turned into, the real zombies have not come yet.

Trouble is that the city gate is now not open.

It is difficult to go out than the day.

Exploring the exuberant ruins is dangerous.

"Kill kill ..."

They shouted madly and crazy.

However, the advancement is getting more and more difficult, because too much zombies.

"Ice the world."

Zhang Bin shouted, two ice dragons flew out from his nose.

Rapid, open your mouth, crazy, put dozens of zombies into it.

Then the ice dragon is there, and that dozen zombies have become ice sculptures in the belly, and they can't move.

However, more zombies flocked, continue to attack them in madness.

I can't resist them.

"Fire sea ..."

Phoenix is ​​also desperate, yelling.

Her body suddenly emerged from unzflapless flames, and it was chemically formed into a dozen fire dragons.

Attack those zombies crazy.

The zombie is full of fire.

However, even if they can't afford to attack, they seem to attack, and the flame does not hurt them.

"Zhang Bin, have you seen it? Their body seems to become a super powerful metal, can fight my flame. If I get this inheritance, I can really live a while." Phoenix shouted.

"Go away."

Zhang Bin shouted, and grabbed the arm of the phoenix, took her with her.

The pen is straight to the building.

Just now they are actually testing the strength of the zombie, and killing zombies.

It has been tested now.

This building is very high, it seems that it is extraordinary.

Perhaps, there is a treasure, or even, it may get cultivation.

" ..."

Let them shock, there are some zombies fly.

Look carefully, you can find a pair of strange shoes on their feet, that is golden created.

It is the shoes that let them have the ability to fly.

Undoubted, that is a high-tech item.

"God, I make a fortune, that is, these shoes, also worth even."

Zhang Bin is extremely extremely, and the face is also revealing the color of ecstasy.

His hand appeared in his hand, dancing crazy, and intercepting all the zombies in front of him.

The bloody teeth really sharply, although it is not possible to cut the neck or arm of the zombie, but it is able to cut out the scars.

Zombies are really zombies, no blood flow.


Zhang Bin shouted, grabbed the arm of Phoenix again, pulled her, flying out the encirclement, like a bird, flew to a balcony of the building roof building.

The window of this balcony is open.

This is also one of the reasons for Zhang Bin to choose here.

Then they drilled in the fastest speed, Zhang Bin closed the window.

Hey ...

Many zombies come and fly, and they are crazy and hit the window.

However, the defense ability of this window is really powerful, and it doesn't break it.

Therefore, the two of the two people are in great peace.

Start finely taking this room.

This is a brilliant room with a bed with a furniture.

All is the creation of gold.

However, there is no jade jade, or useful treasure.

"Walk, go to the hall to see."

Zhang Bin's courage is very large, and the door is opened.

I will go out.

Outside is a luxurious living room.

Place a huge golden garden table and a lot of gold chairs.

Sitting on a chair and a male and a woman with two zombies.

They are not the same as the zombies outside.

Their skin is intact, and the skin is also glossy.

Magic is that there is still a living in the female zombie, it is a living person.

Male zombies did not disassemble, and they were dead.

They all wear golden armor, and there is a powerful momentum and pressure.

They are almost simultaneously, and the ice bruises are brought over.

This gaze is too scary, anyone sees, you have to be creepy.

"This seems to be a very advanced zombie."

Zhang Bin's face changed.

However, the phoenix is ​​extremely exciting, and a arrow has rushed over, drink: "Doing the practice of your cultivation? Otherwise, death!"

"This beauty is too fierce, people can become a real warrior in front of hope."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and stepped into a step, and the phoenix is ​​standing side by side.

The two zombies were furious, almost at the same time, pulling out the golden knife between the waist, rushing over, and smashed the knife in the hand to Zhang Bin and Phoenix.

" ..."

The sound is harsh, and it is particularly screaming.

It seems that the space must collapse.

"Killing ..."

Zhang Bin and Phoenix did not hesitate, Zhang Bin gave the male zombie, and the phoenix was killed with the female zombie.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound of the weapons homogeneously sounds like the rain.

Spark splash.


Zhang Bin and the phoenix did not resist, and their two were defeated.

Because these two zombie are extremely endless, and they are fierce, it is a play for two defeat. After all, the defensive power of the two zombies is very strong, and the real knife gun does not enter.

The golden knife in their hands is also extra sharp and hard.

Zhang Bin's bloody teeth have been cut, only some traces and small gaps can be cut off.

And the gun of the phoenix, instead of being cut out by a zombie gold knife.

"It's a good zombie, they may be a monk in the Baby Baby.

Zhang Bin shouted.

"I want to kill them."

The phoenix retreats and shouts.

She clearly knows that Zhang Bin is very powerful, there are a lot of topic.

Flames can't hurt zombies, and ice can be trapped.

Zhang Bin immediately showed the ice dragon.

There are two ice dragons again.

However, these two zombies are really too strong, they crazy out of dozen knives, and the two ice dragons have become a powder. There is no way to swallow them at all.

"Good to force."

Zhang Bin shouted and shouted in the right ear.

I have a thorny orange thunder to go out and bombard in the male zombie.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

Male zombies turned over, jeopardized with orange light.

The armor is also crash.

The horrible orange Thunder continues to bombard in his body.


The horrible voice sounded.

This zombie actually quickly became coke.

It's clean.

"Sure enough, the Thunder is the best weapon to the zombie living."

Zhang Bin was excited in his heart.

If you want to kill this female zombie, the phoenix is ​​shouting: "Don't kill her, we can't help you, maybe you can get it, she seems to be different from the zombies outside, may have wisdom."

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