The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 719 Desert Desert

Zhang Bin immediately started experimenting.

He is always moving, and the innocent in Dantian came to his palm, and it turned out to form a complex rumor.

However, there is no movement.

It seems that this accordions do not have any use.

"It's impossible, it must be wrong."

Zhang Bin is doubtful, continuing research and attempt.

Finally, his arrogance from his fingers, rapidly, soon, let the flow of the flow constitute a rumor.

Singular things happened.

The water in Longchi is attracted, and it suddenly rushed out from his nose.

And that is also attached to the water that is rumored immediately.

That water turned into a dragon, in the air-to-pull claw, crazy and dancing.

"Lying ..."

Both teasing eye beads are almost dropped.

The face is also full of envy.

This is the magical water system.

That is what they dream, but they can't comprehend.

"Hahaha ... I finally realized the road law. It is so simple."

Zhang Bin smiled excitedly in his heart. He used the contempt to control the honesty, with the water dragon in the air.

Hey, he has a more amazing discovery. This dragon actually has slowed slowly, one can absorb the water molecules in the air, and water can slowly generate water in the two bodies.

"There is such a magical ability?"

Zhang Bin was a complete earthquake.

Soon, he took this water dragon back.

Then he once again condensed a rumor, but it did not let the water in the dragon pool out.

The water concentrated in the bucket was attracted, and it turned into a small dragon, flew up, and the rumor also integrated into it.

This water dragon is in the control of Zhang Bin, and it is rapidly dancing in the air and it is rapidly.

Soon it became a thigh thick.

"This time, the water should be freshwater." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he would find a way to separate the dragon pool, half used to dress sea water, half used to install fresh water.

Last time, my Dragon Pool swallowed a lot of sea water, so water is salt water.

However, how did Dragon Pool spaced?

Zhang Bin thought carefully.

Suddenly, his eyes were bright and thought of a good way.

That is separated by ice.

Last time, although he did not comprehend the King Kong Dynasty, he can prevent cold leakage of icebergs.

After that, he has been working hard.

However, there is still no results.

However, today he discovered the mystery of Longchi, he felt that he did not have any difficulties from comprehend the ice line.

He immediately gave Gabus immediately, let him send the basaltva to the research information of the Ice Water System.

He began to study fine.

The study of Xuanwu 's Dao Law of the Water System is really much too much than too much.

The long life of green wood is not introduced in detail in detail.

There is all the exquisite rules of the dragon pool.

Let Zhang Bin secretly joy is that Gauss is sent to the fuss, and there is no such Dragon Pool's intention and complex.

It can be seen that its dragon pool has become a large sea because of the singular changes, and the dragon is varied, it becomes particularly advanced.

The Ice Dynamic Law is also built on the dragon pool.

The mysterious monk has also been clearly studied. It is a slightly simplified, and the symbol has become a cold.

In the past, Zhang Bin used a cold ice, almost killed the Gurch.

That is such a cold.

However, the cold ice does be special, using a special symbol.

In addition, it is a master of the Yuan Baby, and the true gas is very advanced, so it is also very powerful.

It is a zone of the district.

The cold break has passed too much research, divided into many types, such as ice dragon, ice shield, ice arrow, ice filament, ice wall ...

The avenue is simple, it is really so simple.

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

"Ice, give me."

Zhang Bin horses used a gas to condense an ice wall, of course, in the dragon pool.

In an instant, a ice wall rose rapidly, in the Longchi.

Zhang Bin continued to draw additional cold gland.

Let the ice wall grow rapidly, and finally complete the dragon pool.

Then he also launched the road to the road, put all the sea water in another side.

And on this side is used to install fresh water.

Perhaps because of this half of the dragon pool without water, it will start to play a singular ability.

Water is generated quickly, it is true.


These water is of course fresh water.

When the water of the dragon pool is a certain point, it will not be regenerated into water.

Anyway, the dragon pool will not dry.

Cool. "

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he immediately got a huge ice pool, filled with fresh water, placed in front of two teasings, whispered: "This swimming pool is not bad?"

"Master, you are really too cattle."

"Master, you must be the fairy."

Two tence excitement to the ultimate, take off their clothes, jumping in swimming.

Swim in the desert, this is definitely the happiest thing in the world.

" ..."

Zhang Bin also smiled and smiled.

However, he understands that he still knows that it is so much.

Less research and exemption process.

Therefore, this foundation is not strong.

Fortunately, under the guidance of the statue of the ancestors, I entered the micro-world and had special feelings.

For the principles of the Ice Dynamic Law, especially the principles of attacks. Still understand.

Not relying on hard ice, but relying on horror and low temperatures.

I have to work hard in the future, carefully study the information from Gauss, read the process of studying the water system and ice lanes, and brief the foundation.

"Master, there is found, I detected a gold statue, but only one, buried in the desert." A lot of calls, and excited.

Also, I came to the Earth for so long, it is still the first time.

"Take the statue and let me see."

Zhang Bin's face revealed the ecstasy, excitedly shouting.

After a few minutes, I took a lot of deserts and ran over.

Then he waved his hand, there was a golden statue flying out.

I slammed on the sand and put the sand in a big pit.

This is actually a yellow cattle statue, which should be a ratio of one, and the true yellow cattle is not too big.

So, this yellow cattle has two meters long and heights have also reached Zhang Bin's chest.

The only special thing is that this yellow cattle has nine tails, which exudes a demon.

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