The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 684 Renends, Prototor Master!

The Dragon Master actually took Zhang Bin to a place where the Fairy is a moral door.

Zhang Bin's heart is a little guilty, is it, I will have the last time I am ignorant, I have a problem, the leader is going to find me?

However, most monks have fun, not only one.

However, he did not fear.

Nowadays, I haven't been before, I have been cultivated to the middle stage of the condensation, and there is a lot of power.

Nowadays, my own combat power should exceed the master of Tianlong, I have nothing to do with Zhou Tianyu.

Even, I am completely qualified to pursue a snowy teacher, just a snowy teacher is too cultivated, this is a big trouble.

I have to think that I will correct it too much.

Yes, that is, now, he also stubbornly thinks that there is a problem with the matter, and the direction of cultivation is incorrect.

After all, although the realm is not as good as the snowy tester, it may exceed the sensation of heaven. He has also exchanged with the predecessors of the dragon.

That anti-human practice is absolutely problematic.

Just like the evil bullying, the problem is too big.

I have forgotten this, just this name, it is also anti-human, forgets, forgetting everything, and finally cultivated into a stone wood without life, and there is no future generation. The direction of walking is to die.

He is unwilling to see the Xueyin Master will cultivate a wood person who has no feelings. What is the meaning of living?

However, to do this, you must learn too much forgetting.

How can I learn too much forgetting?

Zhang Bin is a bit distressed.

Soon, Tianlong Master took Zhang Bin to enter a wide hall in Xianchaicong.

Nowadays, the hall is full of monks with moral door.

Most of them are masters who cultivate into the realm of Jindan.

In addition, many masters of the special team are here.

Zhao Dadu, Qian Bing, Sun Tie, they are also there.

On the chairperson, I took the third leadership.

Behind his, standing two powerful guards.

"This is going to meet."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

When Zhang Bin came, Zhao Dafu was excited to welcome it, and they were holding with Zhang Bin Bear.

Even, Zhao Da is still envious: "I am very embarrassed, you are cultivated to Jin Dan."

The merchants also envyed: "I am so booked to so many beautiful women."

Sun Tie also smiled: "Brothers, can you feeding them? This is too much?"

"You don't know, he also blessed the goddess of the landscape."

Tianlong Master sighs.

Zhang Bin suddenly had a tear, where he booked a lot of beauty, this seven beautiful women only had one and her bed, the rest is not. Although Zhang Xue is also my woman, but can't be together. The woman I booked, as much as three in Sancha River Village, Outdoor Of Ice.

Three people were surrounded by Zhang Bin, sit down in the next row, seven beautiful women's slimness behind Zhang Bin.

Just like the seven gorgeous flowers, it is too compelling.

Almost all monks' eyes are cast, and the face is full of jealousy and envy.

Any male repair, which doesn't want you to have seven beautiful women?

You know, these seven top beauty are all cultivated to the Liquefaction.

Such a repair is already proud of the world, it can be said that the top beautiful bodyguard.

It is the former Lu Yusu, and there is no such luxury and pull the wind. He doesn't have such a strong beauty bodyguard.

If they know, these seven beautiful women have been the master of Yuan Ying, but only because of special reasons, they will be repaired in this point, they must be frightened.

It is also because they are the medium-term master of Yuan Ying, so their temperament is naturally extraordinary, and the momentum is also very good.

There is no tapping.

It seems more beautiful and more beautiful.

They don't look at all monks, and their eyes are on Zhang Bin.

As if Zhang Bin is their day, they have attracted them all their attention.

This of course, let all monks are awkward.

"What will I open? I am not a monk of morality, nor is a member of the moving team, let me do what?" Zhang Bin asked Zhao Dafu.

"Hey, wait for you to know."

Zhao Dadu sold off.


Military and Sun Tie also laughed.

"Will it be a batch?"

Zhang Bin muttered.

"Today's conference is indeed the bargain and commendation of the reward conference, but the person who is approved is not you, but that.

"Battle Division Yanyu? It's refreshing, I have to participate in this meeting."

Zhang Bin was extremely excited, and the face floated on his face.

Since I didn't get the evidence of Siyangze collike the black bell, so many monks even got him, but they didn't dare to kill him.

Just just a meal.

However, the villains like Siyangze, almost funerally funerally funeral, such people, how to make Dynasty door owners, how can he get the punishment?

If not, what is the fair?

Sure enough.

At the beginning of the meeting, the three leaders first praised Zhang Bin and Texagram. After unremitting efforts and tough fight, finally destroying the evil black bell organization, rescued more than 30,000 victims, even intercourse I sent a lot of rewards. Just Zhang Bin alone, I got a $ 10 million meter reward.

Then he said: "Zhang Bin also participated in additional actions, making great contributions to our country. For example, Zhang Bin has played a vital role in the incident of killing gene enhancements. Zhang Bin made a contribution There are still a lot, for example, he studied a variety of odd medicines, you can cure AIDS and cancer, save countless patients ... so, after the national high-level agreement, Feng Bin is a master! "

" ..."

All team members are excited to applaud.

However, the disciple of moral door, especially the Shuyangze, the face became difficult.

Because, the masters of the national reward, only one since the founding of the People's Republic of China, that is, Dragon Master.

The master is extraordinary, see the official high level, power is promising.

You can transfer the moving team to perform any tasks.

It can even mobilize the door to perform the task.

This is equivalent to an out of the head.

Si Yangze expects to become a master of the protector, but it doesn't have a wish.

Now Zhang Bin is only 21 years old, it has become a master of protector?

How can he not be embarrassed? How can you not be angry?

At this moment, he didn't even hate Zhang Bin to kill on the spot.

Because the country is impossible to reward too many masters of protector, two are broken.

Division Yangze may never have a chance!

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