The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 653 waiting for you to stay forever

"Give me, I will return to Mountain. Go back and marry it immediately, and you can go down the mountain."

Zhang Hangkui grabbed Zhang Xue's hand, dragging it, and just roar.

Of course, there is a saying that I will listen to Zhang Bin.

It is to let Zhang Bin don't want to be infatuated.

"Zhang Hangkui, don't think that your Lushan is very powerful? Do you dare to Zhang Bin? You didn't see it? Such a powerful black bell, in front of me, and quickly fly." Zhang Bin slammed. .

"Black bell dare and I am more than a big joke." Zhang Hangkui looked at Zhang Bin in a scorn, "as a person in the Lushan old ancestors, I can put black bells."

"Your old ancestors are very powerful? We are too good for the masters of the door." Zhang Bin said, "I dare to get a woman who Zhang Bin, I have been destined."


Zhang Hang Kui is almost vomiting blood, his granddaughter, when did he become a woman of Zhang Bin?

However, he remembered Zhang Bin's means of rain and rain, I remembered the giant huge in Zhang Binjian, and his heart was a little worried. This bastard is a devil. If you don't have any care, if you take Zhang Xue Marry, give birth to children, maybe this bastard will really go to the Lushan School, and there is a lot of trouble.

"Zhang Hangkui, the rules of your Laoshanpai are too unhealthy, how can I send disciples in Lushan?" The Xueyin was too suddenly.

Everyone is awkward, the snowy tester is too actually to talk to Zhang Bin? Is this the sun from the west?

"Snowy tester, you are old, this is nothing to do with you. You please go back to Mountain."

Zhang Hangkui does not want the sinful voice teacher too this horror woman, the emotion is released.

Zhang Hangkui, about this rule of Yushan, I have had opinions for a long time. Today, I have to vomit quickly. "Snowy talents said too.

"Our rules of our Lushan are the old ancestors. It is also the foundation of our Lushan faction to today. So, this rule cannot be changed. It is not to be questioned." Zhang Hangkui's face is getting cold.

"Do you have this rule, isn't it afraid of cultivation of immortality? I am afraid that the woman married to teach the husband and the child? It is too unfair."

Snowy tangle said too angry.

"How is it unfair?"

Zhang Hangkui can't help but drink.

"Of course, it is unfair. Because you sent a disciple to you, you can do your name, and encourage them to do this. However, the woman in your martial art is not married. Is there such a truth in the world?" Snowy tester said too angry. "I remember, we have a few female disciples to marry your Lushan. It seems that your little mart is my Emei disciple. I am not letting her come back?"


Zhang Hangkui dumb, saying that it is not coming, the face has also become red.

The heart is also secret, how can snow masters actually help Zhang Bin? And me theory?

How can this be good?


"Snowy tester is too reasonable, the rule of the Sword of Lushan is too selfish, very unfair ..."

"If all the martial arts are like the Laoshanse, the woman will marry. How many tragedy will be in the world?"


Many monks have also discuss it.

"The predecessors, now you should understand the absurd of this rule?" Zhang Bin took the opportunity to say, "This rule is ******, the purpose is to be human extinct. Think about it, if we do I don't allow my daughter to marry, so I can only marry my own people. I will marry. I don't have to get a monster. I even returned to the primitive society. I see that your old ancestors can not fly to The fairy is going to, because he is too selfish, set up such a rule, this rule should, he may fly immediately. "


Everyone is almost smiled, Zhang Bin is simply in his nonsense, but there is also a little bit.

"Hey ..." Zhang Hang Kui snort, "Zhang Bin, there is a matter, you go to Lushan to find our old ancestors? If he can change this rule? I will become all you and Zhang Xue."

"Don't go, don't go."

Zhang Xue students are afraid that Zhang Bin is promised, "I have an anxiously shouted." I have happened this past ten years ago. We sent a female sister in Lushan like a small gartial disciple. He called Duan Yun. Duan Yun is very talented. At the age of 30 It is cultivated to the early days of Yuan Ying. Even, he defeated my grandfather. Kill the theory of Lushan and the old ancestors, say that the rules are wrong, let the old ancestors break coldly, as long as you can withstand me I will change the rules. Duan Yun promised. Then the old ancestors broke the head of Duan Yun, and the cloud was miserable. "

All monks silently and pulled their heads.

Because they all know this.

However, they have no way to stop, and even if they don't dare.

"Lying in the trough, is that an old babes?"

Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, and his teeth were almost bite.

The heart is also extremely extreme, because, it is necessary to kill a master of a Yuan Ying, which is really powerful.

It is absolutely cultivating to the context, and may even cultivate into the flying.

Lushan is because there is such a horrible existence. The rules that are not rypentry are not allowed, and no one dares to change, and even dare not blame.

"Snowy tester, what is the way to practice in the Lushan old ancestor?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"No one knows that he is now realm, but he cultivated to the unique border in Millennium." The Xueyin teacher said too, "You still don't want to provoke that old stubborn, he will not hesitate to kill you Over the years, anyone challenged his rules and majestic people have retired, and they are not quenched by him. Of course, if you have a master of the same level, then you can say. "

"Say a fart."

Zhang Bin depressed, herself is the first expert in Taiqing. Where is the master of the same level?

This Lushan School is too horrible, and there is such a horrible old ancestor.

"Snow, is not my busy, the rules of our Lushanpai are like this. You don't want to harm others." Zhang Hangkui looked at the stubborn chapter snow, and the sound said.

"Zhang Bin, I will never marry, otherwise I will commit suicide. If they are strong, I will commit suicide afterwards, and I will never compromise." Zhang Xue still did not change my mind, looked at Zhang Bin's affectionately, " I will wait for you, waiting for you for a hundred years, two hundred years, one thousand years, I will wait until you take the most powerful elders of Taiqing, let the old ancestors change this rule. "

She is convinced that too clear the door is very powerful, and it is not asya, and there is a master of the same level.

However, today's Zhang Bin is still too weak, only cultivating the early days of Jin Dan, it is difficult to speak in front of it.

However, Zhang Bin's talent is very good, and it will certainly practice into the Baby Baby in the future, and may even practice to the fit. At that time, Zhang Bin had a component, you can ask the giant giant of too clear, such a giant, come to the Lushan, the ancestor is to give face, then she can be with Zhang Bin.

"I will definitely, I will definitely go to the Lushan party to take you back, anyone can't stop!"

Zhang Bin shouted himself.

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