"Your suggestion is very good. When we go out, take the controller. Take the organization to build more powerful, more beautiful. We can get a great benefit, you can live extra happiness." The Black Bell smiled and said, "Now, we attack together, killing these enemies who want to destroy our black bell."

"Are you lie to a child? Kill us? Go out here? Your commitment is also effective?" Zhang Bin said, "Everyone, you come in, I will take out your head in your head, and will put it You are going out. Where are you going, I won't worry. You are attacking us again, I want to kill us, I have no regrets. "


The Hua Tong is almost vomiting blood, angry to the extreme, and it is essential.

I met Zhang Bin such a opponent, it was simply poured eight ages.

"You, you see, the Virgin does not want you to restore free, she wants to continue to control you, continue to slave you." Zhang Bin said, "Fortunately, I saw her rape."

"Zhang Bin, your blood, spray, today, I will let you know, I am not so good."

The black bell screamed angrily.

"Hey ... I am not afraid at all. I have no controller in my head."

Zhang Bin said.

"Wait for you, just put the controller in your head, what do you do?"

The Black Bell said with anger.

"Hey ... this is what I want to say, if you can grab you, let you taste the taste of controller control." Zhang Bin said.

"All, you listen to me." Huang Bell Spirit said, "Zhang Bin is absolutely uncomfortable. He is to destroy our organization. We all rely on the organization to be happy today. So, the organization will definitely can't overturn. Now I have a way, let you believe me. That is, we will first kill or capture Huazao monks first. Of course, Zhang Bin can't kill. It can let him take the controller. If he is not willing. I can Base is sent to the robot, it is easy to remove the controller. How about this method? "

"You have a good way. My way is very good. I will take out their controllers one by one, let them go back, they are yours. Not for me Zhang Bin. It turns out that you are so Don't believe in your belongings, I am afraid that I have taken their controller, they will betray you. "Zhang Bin said," Your strength is better than us, we have no way to destroy the black bell. In fact, we also Without the purpose of destroying the black bell, I really have to give you free. "

"The Virgin, Zhang Bin's way is good. Let me take the controller first."

A killer is really can't help but rush into the circle of Hua Guo monks.

The black tower is so angry, and her hand is also lifted high, I want to kill the killer.

However, it is too late to fall.

Because killing one, the rest of the killer estimate is really going to betray her.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Zhang Bin's face revealed the smile of victory. He is a woman's gratitude, the black bell leader is a woman, how can I play him?

All Hua Guo monks also excited, happy.

Because the black bell really starts to collapse.

It is simply like an avalanche, it is absolutely difficult to stop.

"What is your code?"

Zhang Bin took out the surgery knife to shave the killer's hair, gently asked.

"I am S15."

Killer said.

"Your parents are in the heart, they miss you, they live now ..."

Zhang Bin said that he quickly took out the controller in his head.

"Thank you."

This killer said that I said, I went out and returned to the original place.

It seems that there is no change in any change.

"Come, are you afraid of the autumn of the Virgin?"

Zhang Bin said.

Suddenly, there is a daring killer, let Zhang Bin take the controller.

In this way, one pick one, no stop.

The black tomb is almost faint, but she is not a fool. It is a big way, and still smiled. "Don't worry, in the future, our black bell will not be in the head. The controller, everyone's controller will be taken out. Our organization will become more powerful and beautiful ... "

"Long live Virgin."

All killers are exciting, and the red is shouting.

However, they are not filled out, just know it.

The Xuequer who has magical readings is too natural to read a lot of killer's hearts, and the voice is said to Zhang Bin: "Zhang Big, your plan is successful, most killer is a heart, they are all clear I know that if it is not today, the Virgin is impossible to take the initiative to take out the controller in their head. That is a woman with super control desire. Even, they are worried, the Not Dame will not be with their autumn. "

"Zhang Big bad?" Zhang Bin slam, "How can you call me so much?"

"You are a big bad guy, there is no margin, even the leader of the black bell is planted in your hand. I think, and more women have a big loss on you. So, I feel that Zhang Dad is very bad. Suitable for you. "Snowy tester said," Anyway, I will call you like this in the future. "


Zhang Bin is speechless, and you can don't have a snowy tester. The most is to hold it, I have a small waist of her vitality, how can I get such an outer number? Is Zhang Big? It is Zhang Xiaoying is also stronger than this.

Perhaps because reading Zhang Bin's heart is thinking, the snowy tester has a smile on the face.

I almost didn't laugh.

Suddenly she found that a very good thing is also a very good thing to be friends.

Zhang Bin did not have time to think that Snow Magic is too much to give him a unhousing out of the number, he is working hard to take out the controller among these killer's heads.

Let them recover freedom.

Even the five God of War came over, let Zhang Bin took the controller in their heads.

Of course, Zhang Bin also asked their code, and said that they said their parents.

Finally, there were five fairy, and they hesitatedly did not come.

"You will go, I believe you will not betray me."

The Black Bell is mostly said.

"Thank you for your business."

Five fairy walked over.

The first thing that came over was the six fairy.

This is a tempting and endless beauty.

"Beauty, my capital is really strong, my ability is really strong, is we?"

Zhang Bin slowly shaved the Ufa on her head, while the evil laughed and said.

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