The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 574 is shocking

"Women, I said, don't move, I am letting you."

Zhang Bin is full, this beautiful killer will not remind him of her?

Such a woman is too rare.


The beauty killer looks at Zhang Bin with a very unintererated.

As if she is suspected, Zhang Bin really is a man?

Pressing the beauty of her, I don't plan to be ****?

She is the kind of vicious killer, just how to treat her.

"Of course it is true. Do I have necessary to lie to you?"

Zhang Bin finished, just climbed from her body.

The heart is, "I feel very good, but unfortunately, it is not a soft bed ..."

"This man seems a bit stupid! Perhaps, I have hope."

The beauty killer is also in my heart. This time, she did not rush to attack Zhang Bin, but climbed up from the ground, stunned in front of Zhang Bin.

"Beauty, I have a doubt in my heart. I think anyone should not be willing to be killed? Anyone is not willing to kill innocent? You should also know that the black bell killer is evil, no humanity. So why don't you escape? Could they control your loved ones? If you escape, you may be tired to them? And they use your loved ones to control you? "Zhang Bin asked.

"If you use your method to control the killer, the killer has already escaped it, and the black bell doesn't have to exist." The beauty killer looked at Zhang Bin like an idiot.

"Then you talk about how they control you? What is the high-level means?"

Zhang Bin smiled away and asked.

"I tell you, how do you put me? I don't want my loved ones to kill this."

Beautiful killer is looking forward to it.

"No, I will not let you put it. I will help you save your loved ones, let you get out of the killer organization, start a new life." Zhang Bin said, "I have a magical intuition, you have never missed Innocent, you are still a good person, you can still look back. "

"Well, I have just hit a good person." The beauty of the beautiful killer floated the color. "I really have the first time. I just came here, began to be responsible for Yanjing. Business. And I am also very reluctant to kill, and I don't want to kill those innocent people. I also look forward to you can save me, but if you can't save. How do I put me? "

"Okay, I promise you."

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to agree.

He has a non-lodby confidence, as long as you have the ability to pull this beautiful killer, you can get her, no, you can save her.

Moreover, his purpose is not only to save this beauty, but to eliminate the black bell.

Save countless lives.

And he can get huge merits.

If he has insufficient self-recognition ability, you can combine the super masters like Tianlong master.

After all, Tianlong Master also looks forward to gaining huge merits.

To do this, the future is to know the bottom of the black bell, find their old nest.

"Very good." The beautiful killer's face revealed the smile of victory, obviously feeling that he can take insiders, so she said in detail the killer to control the killer's means.

The first means is to threaten them with the killer relatives.

Terrible is that killer does not know the identity of his loved ones, and even know which country they are.

Because all killers are traffled from small, strictly said that people who are killed by killer steals.

At that time they might be only two or three years old, naturally it is impossible to have too many impressions on their parents.

However, the high level of the killer tissue is to establish a file and record all the information of all killer parents.

Once there is a killer escape, the killer tissue will really kill the kill's loved ones, one will not stay.

Furthermore all killers, killing chicken monkeys.

Therefore, even if you want to save their loved ones, then there is no way.

This means, let countless killers are helpless, have to pick up mission, assassinate the goal, make money to the killer.

The second means is more horrible, that is, a small bomb is installed in the killer's head.

At any time, you can explode the brain of the killer and become a powder.

You are not obedient, you escape, start the remote control, you will die.

This bomb is obtained from ancient relics, and the surgery is also accomplished using a special robot.

The black bell killer organizes the history of three hundred years, and there is no killer that can take out the bombs in the head.

They all explore themselves in the moment of the opening.

It is miserable.

And they also tired their loved ones, all killed.

Therefore, the killer of the black bell is absolutely not betrayed.

Even if you commit suicide, you are not willing to betray.

Because suicide can keep your loved ones.

And they commit suicide are very happy, because they keep their loved ones, their relatives can live happily, and don't worry about being tired of them being missing by their missing.

More terrible is that they are the right to commit suicide, only in the case of being captured by the enemy, can you commit suicide. The rest cannot be suicide, once suicide, killer organization will kill their families.

In other words, they are not willing to help themselves.

How sad this is!

Zhang Bin really listened to his eyes, and his face was full. At this time, he only knew that killer tissue is far more than his estimate, and their means far exceeds his imagination.

The high level of the black bell killer is truth is the devil that should be thousands of knives.

The devil, but it can escape the surveillance of the sky through such a method, and they don't kill themselves. So they didn't miss.

However, they have got huge wealth, and they will enjoy it with huge wealth, or buy spiritual medicines, improve their own cultivation, and even use huge wealth to do charity, gain huge merits, their cultivation can also be flying.

They also have a strong terrible.

This is a crowd of horror, is not as good as living.

Even more horrible and evil than living ghosts.

After all, the living ghost is just looking for a ghost, it will not kill anything like this.

"Don't this, this is the best interpretation of good people who don't have a long history of life?"

Zhang Bin muttered, and a heil of the anger is also rushing from his heart, and he is all over his body.

At this moment, he decided to completely destroy the black bell tissue.

Of course, he also knows that it is difficult to do this, it may be difficult than the day.

After all, there are so many powerful martial arts in the world, so many powerful masters, why can't they let the black bell will kill.

This killer organization has always been proud, can't shake!

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