The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 540 Han Chun

"Master, Siyang Ze took Lu Yuszawa, which is rushing on you."

"Master, we must be careful."

"Master, you said, what should we do?"

In the suite, Ma Rufei, Chen Chao Yue, Zhang Hajun is anxious.

Zhang Bin sat in the sofa, and his face became a bit unhearted. He made the rabbit surveillance the conversation of the twelve of the bunny and Lu Yuze, but unfortunately, they both were very vigilant, did not bring mobile phones, There is no way to monitor the rabbit rabbit.

However, Zhang Bin can use the toe to think that they may be to deal with the toxicity of Zhang Bin.

He is also sigh in his heart, and people are not much in the rivers and lakes.

There are always some people to play his idea. There are always some people who have a conspiracy trick, speculative, and it will get fatigue, and it is innocent. It is hints to be the mustard.

Such a person should not live in this world.

At this moment, Zhang Bin regards the two of Shuyang and Lu Yuxa as an enemy and a enemy that must be cut.

"The soldiers will be hidden from the water. I will not believe, but they are fighting them."

Zhang Bin's body made a unprecedented momentum, and his face was also full of confidence.

Soon, the Fairy Temple is open, starting to bid a fairy.

This time, Zhang Bin also just went in and saw that he did not participate in the auction, he came out.

Even, Zhang Bin's face is full of contempt.

Because, the number of fairy auctions is not much, only twenty.

Although it looks beautiful, although the talents are also good, but, with Yanfei, it is like a firefly than the month.

What's more, he didn't think about bidding the fairy. He would enhance the strength of the Taiqing door, and there is no need to spend huge wealth to take a fairy.

It's a very common genius, no matter whether men and women are cultivated.

Through the dragon martial arts, you can completely find such a genius.

Therefore, the fairy here is a big joke for Zhang Bin.

However, he has to admit that the fairy here is very attractive to some of the ancient martial arts.

If the bid is returned, cultivated, it is a wife, but it is not just eye-catching, but also improves family genes, and the talents of future generations will be good.

In this way, countless powerful monks will become like.

Duo Qimen relies on the fairy, it is indeed a huge amount of wealth and merit.

At present, Zhang Bin has no good way to destroy the talents of the Fairy Palace and the fairy include the business of the , only can only move the business.

The foundation of the Fairy Palace is too deep, and many major martial arts and small martial arts are rooted.

There is such a sly and shameless door owner such as Yangze, and the strength and power of the Dao Zhimen have to be extreme.

In Hua Guo, even the whole world, dare to go to the family or martial art of the Dao Zhizhen, really does not exist.

In the past, there were also gene enhancers with rice countries, but now the gene enhanced people and smoke, survived, they did not dare to show, hidden in the mountains, and morality is like a day, a big one.

"Si Yangze, I really don't believe it, have you gathered my merit to have me?" Zhang Bin was acknowledged in his heart, waiting for the Sancha River Village, began to develop drugs for treatments, and cure countless patients.

This will certainly gather together to countless merits, how can I be Siyangze's Xiancai and hospitals can be multi?

Yes, Zhang Bin let the rabbits have carefully query, and the Siyangze has invested many hospitals in the nation's name.

The hospital is indeed a good way to accumulate merits.

Plus the establishment of the Fairy Palace, let him get the speed of merits faster.

However, there are more hospitals, can't cure instructions, and accumulated merits or limited.

How can I develop a lot of merits that have a lot of drugs that treat terminal illness?

So, this is the biggest base card of Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin does not participate, there is no impact on the auction of the fairy, or is still hot.

Often a fairy, you can bid for hundreds of millions of huge wealth.

Let Syno have earned a lot of money.

Therefore, Siyang Ze smiled and smiled, so that wealth and merit double-receiving business are too cost-effective.

"Master, you are a genius."

Take the gust of Lu Yuze with him.

"Hey ..." Siyang Ze smiled, "Anshus, now you understand the mysteries of merits, have you want to have a good way to get melody?"

"Received Master, I have already thought of a good way. I plan to invest huge wealth to build schools across the country, gain huge merits through education." Lu Yushu said confidently, "My school, the pursuit is not only an upgrade rate," Mainly, education students do people, let them go on the right path in the future, be a hierarchy. This is a good merit. "

"Yes, good, you can do this." Si Yangze's face is all the color, "I also invest one, I will accounted for 40% of the shares."

This old fox, Zhangkou divided 40% of merits.

And this is the benefits of gathering geniors, and apprentices can collect merits to Master.

"Yes, Master."

Siyangze did not have any unhappy, but very happy.

Of course, what is his heart thinks, no one knows.

After a while, the auction began.

Everyone also entered the moon.

Zhang Bin is naturally the same.

The moon is also a big garden, which planted too many gods, and a clamant tree, which seems to be a kind of laurel. Now it is flowering, exudes a rich osmanthus.

It is simply a heart spleen.

At the center of the garden, there is a small building, exceptional exquisite luxury.

A half-transparent white curtain is hung in the room.

The situation inside can be seen in vain.

A beautiful veil is a big robe, just playing an ankle, playing gently.

The wonderful piano poured like a flow of water, accompanied by moonlight, flowing in this world.

Many monks are sitting and sitting, and the face floats and the color of the drunk.

It seems that they are all lost.

Zhang Bin also found that the monks entering the moon palace have never been unprecedented.

Among them, there are a lot of powerful monks.

Even Zhang Hang Kui and Zhou Tianyu have also appeared here.

The two of them are sitting on a stone table, drinking a beautiful wine, a face of a face.

No one dares to disturb them.

They are far away from them, from time to time to look at them with a hot eye.

After all, Yuan Ying period is too rare, and the country is the same as the nuclear weapon.

Their strength is naturally better than any SSS level gene enhancement.

Even if they are intensive in the face of more than a dozen SSS grade genes, they can also retreat.

After all, their combat experience is too rich, and the road to understand is numerous.

After a song is playing, the beauty host appears on a high platform, issued a charming shout: "If you have, please, Han Chun, ..."

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