The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 412, killing, cloth

" ..."

The gun of the moon gun with a swelling murder, just like lightning, stabbed to the heart of Marion.

The war knife in Marion in the hands of Marion is out, so he does not have a good treasure to resist at all.

His face floated the color of the horror, and the two eyes were suddenly smashed.

I bombarded on the gun.


Like thunder, like a landscape.

The wind is screaming, it seems to be crushed this space.

The flame is also rapidly burning.

The rays are also taken, as shown in the sun.

Of course, such a blow cannot hit the fire.

Marion's purpose is just to make a thorns of light, so Zhou Tianyu can't see it, then he can avoid it.

Otherwise, he will die today, and he is so many companions, they can't help him.

So, almost at the same time, he hurriedly rolled away.

However, let him be horrified, and Zhou Tianyu seems to have not been influenced at all. It seems that he can still see clearly, the gun is pressed, the gun is slightly changed, with a destruction of everything The murder is stabbed on the chest of Marion.


The armor is broken, as fragile with paper paste.

After all, his armor is just a magic weapon, and it is the worst of the following magic weapon. How can I resist the hit of the Chinese product magic weapon?

The armor is broken, only listening to the sound, the gun is deeply piercing into the chest of Marion, and the blood taps taken from his back.


Marien made a scream of screaming, this voice was a hundred times more than killing pigs. Anyone heard it, he had to be fashionable, and it was shocked.

Marien ... "

Almost at the same time, the remaining fourteen masters have made a bad shout.

They have issued their most powerful attacks.

Or Thunder, or ice, or flame, or magic weapon ...

I hope that Marion can be rescued.

After all, for their gene enhancements, it is not a very easy thing to get a SSS-level gene enhancement person.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhou Tianyu is a laughter of the earth, and the gun lightning is closed.

And his people also quickly retired dozens of meters away, and a door suddenly dropped, and blocked in front of him.

Numerous attacks naturally fall on the door, although the door is broken.

But there is no harm to Zhou Tianyu.

"Waiting for one by one by one."

Zhou Tianyu said, I won't see the movie.

He has absolute grasp, Marion has died, absolutely impossible to live.

"Marion, Marion ..."

Harrod swayed with Marian lying on the ground, shouting loudly.

However, Marion still does not respond, a big hole in the chest, the heart has disappeared, the whole body has nothing.

I have a rich and dead, and there is no vitality.

Marion, super powerful SSS grade gene enhanced people, falling!

Survey by Zhou Tianyu, it is a living to kill.


All gene enhancements have become incapable of angry and crazy, they sent a horrible shout like the devil. Their body is also blasted in the same turmoil like the sea.

"Chasing, you must kill him, revenge to Marion."

Harold was crazy, and a horse chased it first.

However, a channel appeared in another door and blocked their chasing.

What makes them anger is that Zhou Tianyu will send them three times from time to time.

They didn't have a way to catch up quickly.

"Hurry up……"

Zhang Bin's nervous voice sounded in the ear of Zhang Hangkui and Tianlong master.

Zhang Hang Kui is again improved, like meteor, like lightning, flushing in the channel of the curved curvature.

The people behind were driven by him.

Soon, he went to a wide hall.

"Fast cloth ..."

Zhang Bin's voice sounded again in Zhang Hangkui's headset.

Yes, he has long known that Zhang Hangkui is not only horrible, but also the master of the bury.

There is no ready-made trap to deal with SSS-level gene enhancers. It is necessary to rely on him a Yuan Yumei master and many Jin Dan realm masters, killing Jack, Eva and Sandora three super powerful gene enhancements, almost It is something that is not possible. So, I can only quit.


A blade of a diameter of about one meter suddenly flew out from Zhang Hangkui's space rings, and squatted on the ground.

" ..."

The 9 arrays are also rapidly flying, but of course, there is no way to insert this than the steel to be rigid and plus.

Therefore, Zhang Hangkui pulled out his long sword in his waist, and he took out the nine swords in an instant.

" ..."

Sword is like electricity, murderous ice, and space is broken.

In the blink of an eye, nine deep caves appeared in the edge of the hall.

It can be seen that his sword is also a Chinese magic weapon. It is equipped with the repair of his Yuan Yue period to easily break the ground.

The nine-pole flaks inserted into the nine cave.

Suddenly, a small amount of breath is filled.

People's knowledge is also induced.

He just fell in the array, Tianlong master arrived.

"Three people and a group, the flag ..." The rest of the person came to this place ... "

Zhang Hangkui tensely commanded.

"Ha ha ha ... you escape, you continue to escape, see where you can escape?"

Jack's voice is almost at the same time. After he chasing in Zhang Bin like a meteor, one of his right hand with a cold murderous, Zhang Bin's head.

It seems that Zhang Bin is absolutely no living.

But at this time, Zhang Bin took into a thick white fog, and Jack's knowledge was not induced.

However, how can he let Zhang Bin escape?

Therefore, his hand suddenly accelerated, and he grabbed into the white fog.

However, nothing caught, it seems that Zhang Bin suddenly does not exist.

"What is going on?"

Jack's face has a strong surprised color, and vigilant stops before the white fog area.

Eva and Sandora are also blinking on both sides of Jack.

They also looked at the white fog with a vigilant gaze.

"This seems to be a mailing. This is the alpha." "

Jack finally saw some mystery and sent a surprised voice.

"Is this base not only gene strengthening technology, but also the practice of practicing civilization and treasures?" Eva's face revealed ecstasy, and the eyes were shot.

"Let's go in and see."

Sandora is even excited and excited, and it is necessary to go in.

They are gene enhancers, although they can also practice, but ordinary skills are not suitable for them, they become very slow.

However, if it is the practice of this base, it may be suitable for their gene enhanced people cultivation.

Then they can become more powerful, overthrowing human political power, killing countless humans, and establishing a new world easier.

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