The next day, the global newspapers were all reported to Zhang Bin, the world's gambling competition, captured the first, and took the lead in entering the top ten news.

The title is also a five flowers.

"Hua Guoguo kid took the lead in entering the world's gambling king."

"The miracle caused by a leaf."

"Amazing reversal!"

"Why is Chinese kid so magical?"

"Chinese boy, a big black horse."

"Why do all players mistaken?"

"Eating, eat Xiang ..."

On this day, Zhang Bin became the world's largest news, and countless people were talking about him.

Three days later, the finals of the World Gambling King Competition is coming.

There are ten players, they are the rice gambling and San Edward, the rice gambling king Buck, Hua Guo gambling Wang Bin, Black Malaks Zhang Bin, the island gambling Wang Longdao Sheng, the island, black horse bamboo, Dakui, Bai Swan Guo Wang Australi, United Kingdom The gambling king MacArthur, France Black Machibo, Getting Guas Wang Hanna.

Among them, the island country black horse bamboo is more than a female gambling Wang Hanna is a woman.

The island country gambling Wang Longdao is really powerful. He seized the first place in the second group, promoted, and one bowl he prepared, he still didn't eat it.

Let many audience disappointed.

However, today, more spectators are looking forward to, looking forward to Zhang Bin and Long Island, who wins who lost?

Which one is eating?

At this moment, ten super masters have entered the field, they stand in the center of the venue, which triggered the warm cheers of countless audiences.

However, occasionally mixed with unhamined sounds.

"Long Island, eat."

"Long Island wins, are you ready to eat?"

This is of course Ma Rufei and Chen Chao Yue two guys shout out.

Some Hua Guo's audience also followed.

Those island countries are naturally unsweound, and they are also shouting.

A mess on the scene.

Long Island is still in front of Zhang Bin, and the evil look at Zhang Bin, and said, "Kid, your good luck is inevitable today, today you eat!"

"Long Island Sheng, you are two goods, wait for you to know what is tasteful."

Zhang Bin's face is also revealing the color of evil. It seems that he has seen the beautiful scene of Long Island to eat.

"Audience, they have already begun to pick up, let us look forward to it, and they are eaten to have a flower.

All the audience is naturally exciting and exciting, and you can't wait to start immediately.

This is the final, it is naturally not that simple.

There are several items to match, and the amount will be ranked according to the amount you win.

First, try the test.

One million chips per person, two cards, gambling.

Gambling time is two hours, discharging the number according to the amount of money wins.

However, this is not a final, there is another gamble, which is also a million chips.

After all, the world's gambling king must be proficient in various gambling skills, not only cards.

Ten players were divided into two groups, five people, and the group was sitting on a circular countertop.

Each group has two monks, one responsible for shuffling, and another responsible for the hand.

Cut the card is far away from a card, insert it into the card.

However, the housekeeping manager cannot be seen, so that someone is stronger.

The shuffle is washed in the player. This monted official is a very tall rice. His hand is very big, the skill is also very good, only listening to the sound of the sound.

The card is completely shaped neatly, and several patterns are changed.

It's dazzling, it's too skilled, with a special beauty.

These ten players are super masters in the gambling, they have magical powers.

And it is multi-line.

Gambling cards, players with perspective energy are cheap.

However, because it is a shuttle, it is time, even if there is a perspective, it is difficult to calculate the good card you will get to see.

Because someone may give up, it is not.

Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with super powerful gambling skills.

In addition, the players who have super powerful memory are also very exciting, because when the monolry is shipped, they can remember the order of the card, and may even remember any card, gambling naturally like a fish, is not on perspective Ability.

Of course, there is a more mysterious abilities, more than perspective and memory.

Zhang Bin has superior memory.

However, if he is not exercised in the virtual world for a month, it is no way to remember the order of the card.

This requires special skills and requires a lot of exercises.

In fact, even now, he can only record all the order of a card, even a little bit of effort. Because the speed of the monogram is too fast, it is dazzling.

He also has a knowledge, of course, can be assisted.

It is a pity that because the god is too bull, it is not allowed here to use the knowledge, and there is special restrictions on the knowledge.

The card is special, you can see the number and color with your eyes, but you can't use your knowledge.

In fact, a special material is covered in the surface of the card, which can be shielded.

Therefore, those who cultivated to the liquefily players have no use of martial arts.

Soon, under the concerns of countless audiences, the gamble started.

Zhang Bin this time is in the second group, the rest of the four people are Long Island, the country gambling Wang Hanna, the King of the King Buck, France, France.

The two groups were carried out at the same time.

The first card will soon send it.

The first card of Schoha is a dark card, not letting others see.

Then, the second book was sent.

Zhang Bin's book is not big, just a red peach.

The biggest brand is the French Black Mother, is a black peach K, so he took the lead in betting, and he was directly betting 10,000 meters, not much, it seems to be a test.

The other four people are naturally followed.

Until the third card, some people began to give up.

Even Zhang Bin also gave up, because the card is really too bad, France Black Maxibe has got a pair of K, the card is too big.

Plus they may all know that the dark cards in French Black Machibo are also a K, so they gave up to brush.

Each output to 10,000 meters.

The strange things appeared, and next consecutive time, it was French Black Martibo to win.

The rest of the people are full.

Losing their face is green.

"How can this be?"

All the players look at French Black Maxibe like a monster, and I can't believe my eyes.

You must know that they all have special abilities, but they don't win once.

Do you have this guy?

Even Zhang Bin was also suspicious, and asked in his heart: "What is the rabbit, what is going on?"

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