The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 377 is a stupid, or is it lower?

All viewers' eyes are projected on the face of Long Island.

Only, the Louis Sheng also works well, and the high-level broth is lifted, whispered and said: "I am prepared is a big bowl, preparing to Zhang Bin. On his technology, it is necessary to be eliminated. , And I have 100% of the grasp. So, this morning, you can see that Zhang Bin eats the beautiful scene. "

The island country's viewer suddenly excited and shouted crazy.

"Zhang Bin eats ..."

"Zhang Bin eats ... eat full ..."


The Chinese audience is naturally airtight, and the anger is extremely refuted.

"Long Island will eat Xiang, eat Xiang, eat Xiang ..."

"Long Island wins to give him a big bowl, waiting for him to eat ..."


The audience of the rest of the country is so excited, and the number of people watching TV will soar.

Especially the ratings of the rice country, soon soon soon soon soon.

I'm almost epilepsy.

Zhang Bin's face floated with anger, he looked coldly under the Taiwan Landscape.

Long Island will naturally feel the eyes of Zhang Bin, he is also a sick and stunned Zhang Bin.

The two are like a bucket.

As early as the licking shoes, they have become enemies. After the licking shoes, they became super enemies. Now hatred once again rising again, and has arrived in a point where they can't coexist.

However, this group is continuing.

Soon, the first round is over, the seven players Zhang Bin and the 8th player did not shake out the leopard, just shake five six points, one five points. The rest of them shakes the leopard.

Therefore, the results of Zhang Bin and the 8th players are now ranked in the end.

The eight player is a person in the print country. He regards Zhang Bin's anger, his mouth is embarrassed, "Today, I am unlucky, follow the people who want to eat in you, even tired, I didn't shake out the leopard. Why don't you go? Dead? It's just to die, then don't eat Xiang. "

He is talking about the language of the printing country.

He thought Zhang Bin did not understand.

So there is no scruple.

However, Zhang Bin can feel that the other party is in his, immediately let the rabbit have translated it, and he suddenly became anger, and the murderous, and the murderous gambling king said: "Second goods, don't we gamble If you gambling, can I advance? If I advance, you will eat Xiang? "

He said is of course English.

The print gambling king naturally listened, his two eye beads have elapsed, and the face has become blood and red, and said, "I don't have any interest. Not as good, what kind of treasure we come to gambling Use a space ring to make a bet? Do you dare? "

This guy's finger is also wearing a space ring.

So he saw the ring on Zhang Bin's finger is a space ring.

The value of the space ring is naturally exceptional, and it is worth tens of millions of meters.

It is too great to say that it is too big, because from the current situation, Zhang Bin has not wished the first.

It can be seen that this guy is crafting and poisonous.

It is worthy of printing.

"Very good, I will gamble with you."

Zhang Bin's face floated with a strong ridiculous color, and the eyes were also shot.

Now Zhang Bin has three space rings, two are too late relics, and the other is that moral door compensation for him.

However, for him, the three space rings are still not enough, because the space in the space ring is not large, can have a small room so big, even a very good space ring. I can't install too much.

This time, he came to the rice, and it will certainly detect a lot of precious medicinal materials.

Urgently need space rings.

So, such a good thing is to send the door, how can he refuse?

"All, have you heard? Please give us a testimony."

The Indonesian gambling King Ali shoutedly shouted, and his face was full.

At this moment, he had seen Zhang Bin's space rings as his own treasure.

When the rest of the players, I looked at Zhang Bin like a fool.

Brazilian gambling hipsterly even with mercy, look at Zhang Bin, muttered: "Eating is enough, now I have to lose a space ring, this guy will wait until it will commit suicide ... "

"Women, etc. may be you."

Zhang Bin put his gaze on Silva's face and said coldly.

"You ..." Sherva is very straightforward, "Kid, I will wait for you to eat, sit and wait for your votion ring."

"If we are gambled once, I can gamble I can advance. The bet is using the neck on your neck, but I use a night pearl? How?" Zhang Bin said coldly.

The necklace wearing the Silva is undoubtedly, that is made of a lot of colorful gems, one of which gems, that is the pendant, emitting the characteristics of the magic weapon, is a treasure with defense, evil spirits.

Zhang Bin liked it, giving it to Liu Rulan or Xiao Fang very good.

After saying, his hands appeared on the night Ming beads, which looks crystal clear, extraordinarily beautiful.

Night Pearl For women, attractive is very large.

Therefore, the two eyes of Silva immediately shot a hot light, she nodded without hesitation: "Okay, I will gamble with you ..."

She has absolute grasp, she can shake out the leopard five times, even if there is another player, she also shakes five leopards, but Zhang Bin has been eliminated, then she will win, this beautiful Night Mingshu It belongs to her.

The nephew naturally noted the situation here, and he excitedly told Zhang Bin and Silva and the bet's bet.

All audiences are extremely excited, and the ratings have once again set a new high.

The audience of the scene is excited, and they all discuss.

"Zhang Bin will not be crazy? How can he advance?"

"He may be broken and broken ..."

"To the right, he is afraid to eat Xiang, I am going to commit suicide, so I will send the treasure first ..."


Ma Rufei Chen Chao Yue plus three beautiful women are also confused, Zhang Bin is stupid, still in the next set?

And in Sanchahe Village, Zhangmu once again bragging, "Tell you, my son is absolutely grasping, so he will gamble with them, you have a big eyes, look at how my son is crushing them. "

As for Zhang Bin's Hong Kong, Liu Rulan Liu Ruoymei Xiaofang, I wish Dan smoke, Saman, and Liu Xin, but there is no Zhangmu as optimistic, I have a confusion, I don't understand what Zhang Bin has any way. Can you reverse the situation?

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