The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 364 Peripheral bet

Las Vegas, this city with two million residents, because it is now holding a world gambling king contest, and there are too many tourists from the world, so that this city has become more and more lively. The streets and alleys are full of tourists and talk about the words of the north of the north of the north.

The place to hold the World Gambling King Competition is not in a hotel, nor in a building, but in a wide sports field.

This makes it easy for the audience to watch.

Tickets are naturally a huge income.

Of course, you will also live a whole world.

At this moment, Zhang Bin who six people walked into this sports ground, first to register, and then they went to the gaming place to bet.

There are too many gaming companies, and any casino in Las Vegas accepts gambling.

"Betty, we go to the largest gaming company."

Zhang Bin said.

"Which gaming company can be ah."

Betty said.

"Yeah, yeah, no relationship between any gaming company."

"The gaming company is very rich."


Elsa, Marian, Ma Ru Fei and Chen Chaoyue are also attached.

Now they are eager to go to the room, and there is not much interest in gambling.

"Small gaming company is not enough, I am worried that they can't lose our huge wealth."

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

Everyone is crying, even if Ma Ru Fei and Chen Chaoyue do not believe that Zhang Bin will win, because it is too embarrassing.

"I also know that the probability of winning is not big, but if we win? So, it is ready to be prepared." Zhang Bin said straight.

"Ok, let's go to the happy paradise."

Betty was convinced by Zhang Bin, and said.

Obviously, that happiness paradise is the world's largest gaming company.

Behind the company also has a foreign organization, the wealth is thick and the reputation has been very good.

Soon, they went to happiness paradise.

It is the first floor of a building, that is really a full, it is to bet.

The wall is all electronic screens, densely written the name, number of the participants, and there is also a simple introduction, of course, there is also an odds.

There are many masters of participating in the World Gambling King Competition, there are 3,000 people.

Therefore, these three thousand people can bet.

You can bet someone to enter the previous one, the top ten, the top three, and even the world gambling king.

Of course, the odds are different, and there is of course a compelling entrants that are not famous.

The odds of the popular candidates are naturally low.

The people in the hall are full of people.

"It must be that our rice gambling Wang Bac will seize the world gambling king. I bet him, I will put him 10,000 meters."

"However, the island country gambling Wang Longdao is also very poor, he once won Buck in a game ..."

"Huazhi gambling king Li Yifuo's gambling skills are also very good, he is one of the top ten popular candidates ..."

"The Brazilian gambling daughter is also very magical, it is said that she has never encountered opponents since she was on the way ..."

"Bai Swan's Owei's Macao gambling king is also very strong, once sailed world gambling, this time, it will certainly capture the world gambling king ..."


Zhang Bin finally found his name and number from the screen, and then he was so angry, because the other names were inherently bet, the amount of bet is not even more than a million or even hundreds of billion meters, and he Nothing, no one, or a big zero egg.

What is more gas is, but the introduction to him is even more funny, there is only three words, the Chinese people. No other else.

There is no one in a compliment.

In fact, any player who participates in the World Gambling Competition is a famous gambling master, has a brilliant record.

Zhang Bin has never revealed his face in the casino, the only one, or is still in the island, he didn't even shot, all the wildflords replaced him.

Naturally, it will not be paid by anyone, and it will not be betted.

"Walk, let's go to the VIP room."

Zhang Bin said with anger.

In the lobby, you will be small amount, if you bet hundreds of thousands or higher, you can naturally go to the VIP room.

Zhang Bin can not only want to get a good name in the casino, win the bonus, and wanted to win in this way.

Otherwise, this time he is difficult to earn 3 billion meters, and give two brothers.

Soon, they went to the VIP room.

The VIP room is broader and luxurious, but there are many people.

Five windows are full of people.

However, there is still a lot of beauty reception customers, explained to them, explaining.

A beauty of Zhang Bin six people, please sit down on the sofa in front of a table, started to introduce them to the popular betting candidates.

"I want to take Zhang Bin, the third thousand, may I enter the previous one, the top ten, what is the odds of the world's gambling king?"

Zhang Bin also didn't have a ruthlessness.

The beauty stunned, after a while, she woke up, said: "The odds of this player will be high. The odds given by our company are 1: 200, 1: 500, 1: 1000 "

"Fortune, this time I really make a fortune." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, although he did not grasp itself to capture the world gambling throne, but there was a first hundred, that is, if he You can win the prior to one hundred million meters before you enter yourself. Later, if you have a capture, you can continue to bet.

"Then I bet one million meters." Zhang Bin did not hesitate to say, "Note Zhang Bin entered the previous 100."

In fact, he still wants to bet more, but he didn't have a lot of money this time, only one million meters of gold.

In fact, such a thing is also inevitable, so a million meters is also a lot.

After all, too many masters.

"What? You bet No. 3000 Zhang Bin 1 million meters?"

The beauty of the gaming company even has seen a lot of rare quirky gamblers, but they have never seen such a fool. So, she shouted.

The people of the VIP room heard that they all took the eyes.

"The fool has a year, there is nothing this year."

"There are many people who are stupid, saying that these two goods?"

"Note Zhang Bin, is equal to the betting sun from the west."


Zhang Bin has naturally heard, one is almost vomiting blood.

Zhang Bin glanced at the beautiful woman, did not say goodness: "Is this strange?"

"Sorry, I am sorry." The quality of this beauty is not bad, I will apologize, then she said: "Do you are a contestant?"

"Not good, can not be betted?"

Zhang Bin's heart has pouring a bad premonition, but he is not worried, because you can let Ma Ru Fei bet.

So, he immediately said: "Yes, I am a contestant."

"Then you can't bet. You can only bet yourself."

That beautiful laughed.

"I am betting is myself."

Zhang Bin said.

The beauty is stunned, all the guests and casino people are also awkward, and then they will make a laughter ...

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