The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 290 Haoju Auction will begin

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Zhang Bin got up.

Although they slept very late last night, they were not ordinary people, and there was no tired color.

Instead, the spirit is high, and the red light is full.

They first made makeup, thoroughly became three other people.

Zhang Bin also worn on a long wig, put on a large ink, which is a hippie.

Ma Rufei Chen Yue wear a human skin mask, then put on a fake, set gloves, so that they have become Westerners.

Zhang Bin was speechless, and his two English said too ugly. This is easy to be seen in the merits.

However, if you think that these two guys don't have any enemies anyway, and their main purpose is not to shoot a demon, but to play, he has not reminded them.

So they did three ways to speak from the way, mixed some Chinese words, walked out of the room, first went to the hotel's restaurant to eat breakfast.

Then they went to the Kyoto Building, and the auction will be held here.

This is a worldwide auction, and it is the largest auction.

It is very uncommon.

This round is held in the island.

Therefore, the island is dispatched almost most of the master alert.

The building was arched by the 10,000 police group, and these policemen were a strong monk.

It is also the realm of the pulse, and some cultivated to the gay, and even the terrorist master of Liquefaction and Jin Dan.

More terrible is that there are also exudative of exuberant and percentage of abilities and gene enhancements.

The minimum is also the B grade, the A level, the S-class, and the SS level is also a lot.

This is equivalent to a country's most powerful force, usually difficult to see.

Of course, ordinary people have no way to feel that they are very powerful, they will only think that is ordinary soldiers.

These policemen are equipped with special weapons, including hot weapons, and cold weapons, and may even have magic weapons.

In the face of so many powerful masters, no monks dare to make trouble.

Zhang Bin, who came to the scene, was thoroughly speechless. If he was before, he came here, he saw so many island countries soldiers, he would not have any strange feelings, and may even in the heart, one by one. There is no spirit, it is estimated that there is no combat force.

However, now he has become a strong monk and the abilities, only to see the true strength of these soldiers.

I saw the power of the island country.

The island is very close to Hua Guo, and it has aggravated Hua Guo, and has got a lot of precious practice from Hua Guo.

Therefore, like the island and Hua Guo, it is also a powerful practice country, there are a lot of repair martial arts, and there are many ancient martial arts.

Their top monks are not less than Hua Guo, but it is not as good as it is.

Of course, the quantity of the island's foreign people is not as good as Hua Guo, after all, their population base is far from Hua Guo.

However, they have developed a powerful genes, which is difficult for Hua Guo.

Because Hua Guo's gene enhancement talent in the starting stage, there is no genetic intensive person or an unknown number.

Therefore, even Hua Guo, I don't dare to be small.

Even if it is a rice or white swan, it is also afraid to be ignorant.

Only at this time, Zhang Bin is as close as that the earth is really not as simple as you think.

Any country is not as simple as you think before, is not an ordinary person you can know.

At the same time, he also felt his weak and shortcomings. Although he got a big admed, cultivated to the Gas Haijing is full, but because the time of cultivation is too short, it is less than a year, so it is not a strong monk, Therefore, some people have been gotting him, even the cold ice clouds are playing his idea.

"Total one day, I will become the most powerful monk of the earth, there is always one day, I will stand in the world of the world." Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, "Only when I can stop the horror of genes critical."

At this moment, when I saw the gene enhanced people of many island countries, Zhang Bincai found that the disaster of gene ingencinous people was not far away. He felt that he had a big gorgeous life, and he had a responsibility to stop disaster.

Zhang Bin has gone to the door, only one program, that is, it is the capital, which will not ask which country you come from, will not ask your name, not to manage you is a good man or a bad person.

Therefore, Zhang Binnan naturally passed smoothly, entered the imperial building.

Going directly to the top floor and entered the auction site.

This is a very wide space, with a chairman, which places a lot of sofa.

You can also sit down less than 200,000 people.

Moreover, there are already many people in a seat.

One of them is extraordinary, revealing a rich richness.

However, look carefully, you can find that they are all horrible, and the rays that are not intentionally emitted are like a sword. The perpetual pressure that is not happy is also fearful.

However, all of them put a slap in a sheep, human animals are harmless, smile, smile.

So, I can't see the situation of the sword.

The most important thing is that they all changed the face, so even if they have a hatred, there is no way to recognize each other.

Naturally, it is also a group.

In addition, it is because there are too many beautiful women, and the tight atmosphere is adjusted.

Yes, there are some special red sofas every few row of sofa, sitting on some beautiful women.

They have a national color Tianxiang, one of them, attracting too many men's gaze.

They are a beautiful beauty from all over the world, and they are coming. They have to enter the Hero Auction Although they don't need to be subject. But it is a need for a complicated procedure, requiring a resume, requiring the most beautiful jade, and also takes a video. After passing, it is necessary to select, the way the selection is the temperament, instrument, talk, and dance.

In other words, this is a choice of beauty every year.

As long as you split, they can participate in the Haojie Auction Conference, but they can only sit on the red sofa, can't walk freely.

Only a certain rich requires them to serve, such as letting them fall to tea, when they can send tea and coffee.

If the rich looks at them, they will naturally ask their business cards. After the auction will end, they may climb high branches.

For them, this is a good opportunity to marry into the giants.

They are a beautiful scenery for these auction, and they can arbitrarily climb.

Therefore, the past Zhao Dafu talented and Zhang Bin said that you don't want it.

And Ma Rufei and Chen Chao Yue two come to participate in the Haojie auction, mainly in the beauty.

So, two of them enter, the eyes are light, and the eyes are glanced at the eyes and look for a beautiful woman.

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