The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 179 Walking into the Devil

That is the call of Liu Rulan, the voice is very horrified, "Xiao Bin, Jumei walked into the magic in the villa, vomiting blood coma, you will save her ..."

"Teacher, I have an urgent matter, walk ..."

Zhang Bin bounced from the legs of Tian Bing like a spring, stepped out of the balcony, and jumped directly from the balcony.


The ice is not scared.

This is in nine floors, very high, unless it is a master of Jin Dan, you can fly in the sword, otherwise it will certainly fall into the meat.

She jumped quickly and rushed to the balcony.

Then she saw a picture that made her eternal life also.

Zhang Bin's body seems to have no weight, falling in a light, and his black hair flying, his clothes floated, he is like a bird, crossing a long distance, landing in a high On the high banyan tree, gently, he unloaded huge power, and bounced down again and continued to fall.

Finally, he stepped on a willow tree, the willow trees, he pumped up, fell to another willow tree, so it quickly bounced, blinking, there is disappeared in the night.

"Heaven, what is the strength?

In fact, Zhang Bin just used the abilities of the air-bed, and he booked the power to himself, so that his weight was alleviated, he fully applied it, you can take a hundred pounds of weight, but of course you can't support it. long time. So, he almost didn't weigh any weight. Otherwise, he jumps like this, which will certainly be injured.

Soon, Zhang Bin fell on the ground and began to play.


He is like a shard arrow, which is very unbelievable, which is much faster than the car.

It is often a flower, I heard a surprise, but I can't see his figure.

After all, Zhang Bin's speed now reaches a terrible for 70 meters per second, exceeding 250 kilometers per hour.

It is much faster than the car.

This is also the reason why he did not drive.

Just ten minutes, Zhang Bin went to the villa of Liu Rulan, rushed into the room of Liu Rumei.

What makes him surprised is that Liu Rulan has not been in the room, and she didn't even be in the villa. I didn't know how she didn't know that Liu Ruo was in the past.

Liu Ruoyme did fire into the demon.

Now she is lying in bed, there is no blood in his mouth, and the bed is a blood red.

Terrible is that she is not only coma, but the breath is very weak.

If no one knows, then as long as you have been in that time, the Liu Ruo Mei will become a body.

Zhang Bin has been in his heart, the first discovery, is it so dangerous?

He rushed over, and there was a pine needle in his hand, and it was quickly tied into the lower abdomen of Liu Rumei.

He is lifted to check the long and exhaustive.

Then his face became very serious.

Because Liu Ruomi walks into the magic, she is in the seventh meridians, nor I don't know what is going on, out of the problem, this meridians will explode.

Many acupuncture points have been cracked, and blood flows in stopping.

This meridians always extend to the head, so that it is extremely dangerous.

As long as you will slow down, some of her important parts will accumulate a lot of blood, causing huge pressure, which is really dangerous.

Such injuries are Zhang Bin's god doctor and a little tricky.

Fortunately, he is now cultivating to the middle of the gas seam, and it is true, and the control of the gas has also reached the point of the fire.

Otherwise, he is not careful, it will destroy the brain nerve of Liu Ruomei, and it is not impossible to become an idiot.

He carefully transported long and angry, only one wire, repaired the broken meridians and acupuncture points, while hemostasis.

This is just the first step, it has already made him tired.

The second step is more difficult, that is, put all the congestion slowly, can't stay in the meridians, and you can't stay in your head.

Otherwise, Liu Ruo is impossible to wake up.

When he bite his teeth, took off Liu Ruomei's clothes and exposed a beautiful body of the world.

When he made a move, he took out the sword from the space ring. He took out the flying sword. He used the right hand to pinch and gently scratched a knife in Liu Rumei's waist.

Liu Rulan raised back, now stands nervously at the door, and her hand is tightly covered in her own lips, and I am afraid to send a sound of sound to Zhang Bin.

Just now, she made a surprised voice, because she saw Zhang Bin's hands in the magic and a sword, it simply made her difficult to understand.

It is also until this time, she understands that Zhang Bin is mysterious than she understands.

He still has a lot of magical things, that is she and Xiao Fang do not know.

A knife passed, the skin separated.

A blood arrow came out.

This is of course blood left in the meridians.

At the same time, Zhang Bin delivered a long angry, and slowed the congestion in her meridians.

Blood and arrow continue to shoot, splashing on the bed, like countless plum blossoms.

Finally, Liu Ruoymei said, wake up, the eyes are also open.

She saw Zhang Bin who was treating her, and her face flew out of the laughter.

However, when she found her clothes were taken off, even the underwear was not worn, and the spring is all leak, and her face flew out the gorgeous red cloud.

Finally, Zhang Bin took all the congestion in her body, and then transported long angry to let her waist wound healed.

He pulled out the pine needles, and he couldn't move it in Liu Ruomei.

He is not to take advantage of her cheap, but is really exhausted.

Running from Donghu, running over, and jumping building, using it, and then horses don't stop the horses, I really take him.

Of course, he can fall back, but the beauty under the body is too tempting, there is a huge attraction, so, let him fall it directly.

"It's so big, so soft." Zhang Bin sighed in his heart.

"Ah ..." Liu Ruomei is a flash of screaming, two hands are pushed, directly slammed Zhang Bin to the bed, almost did not fall into the brain.

She also ignored Zhang Bin, wearing clothes in hand.

"You are too nasty people? I am so good to save you, do you think I will throw me down?"

Zhang Bin had a vomiting blood, but I wanted to get up, but I can't do it. I just lying in the bed, waiting for mental recovery.

"Sister, how can you?"

Liu Rulan can't see it, and rushed to the way.

"Sister, you can rest assured, once his throat is cut, you can live it, so gentle, how can you hurt him? He is in the dead." Liu Ruo Mei did not say.

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