“Hey! You guy…”

Ankugang wanted to open his mouth to ask who made this drive.

And Goto’s identity, what exactly is it.


Above, a huge roar sounded!

This was followed by a large number of gravel falls.

Such a movement made Oz and Birth, including Anku, raise their heads and look, only to see that the weevil had eaten the entire roof.

Destroyed most of the half.

As a result, that building has collapsed in part!

Seeing this, Goto immediately got on the vending machine motorcycle.

Then twist the grip!

Rush out quickly!

As he overtook Oz, his voice echoed in his ears.

“Oz! I blame this devouring head for solving it alone! ”

“So don’t get in the way!”

Birth, on his motorcycle, was about to rush to the bottom of the building.

With the help of a large number of octopus mechanical cans.

Rush to the roof.

Yingji was slightly stunned, but also quickly came back to his senses: “Although I don’t know, why don’t you let me interfere, but let me just watch and stand by like this, I can’t do it!” ”

While speaking, Eiji also twisted the handle of the motorcycle.

At the same time, he shouted to Anku sideways.

“That’s right, Anku!”

“Hurry up and repossess Mr. Prosecutor, it will be bad in case of an accident!”

The words fell, and the motorcycle galloped out.

Hurry up to Goto!

In Anku’s line of sight.

Just like that, the two Kamen Riders, one after the other, rushed towards the top of the building with the help of those octopus mechanical cans.

“Hey, after this battle, you must start collecting information immediately!”

In place, Anku’s palm gripped tightly.

It is enough to see the uncalm in his heart.

The eyes are deadly.

Birth above.

He had even begun to plan to use the cell coin transformation drive when the battle was over and the guy disarmed his transformation.

Give it a straight grab!

Perhaps, before finding the rest of his core coins, he will be able to transform with the help of that drive.

And thus fight!

In addition to Oz.

Together, the efficiency of collecting coins will inevitably be greatly improved, even if the rest of the Greeed are watching from the sidelines.

There are also means to deal with it.

As for whether it can be used.

is not, Anku’s consideration, in short, grab it first!

But now, you have to go back to that body first.

Otherwise if dead.

Eiji fights with himself.

Now, seeing that the situation is slightly better, it is going to get worse again.

Thinking of this, Anku quickly walked towards himself.

Out of Shingo Izumi’s place.

Fly fast.

And the upper position of the building, with the help of octopus mechanical cans, Birth and Oz, one after the other, have come to the middle position.

Looking in the rearview mirror, Oz chased.

Goto inside the Birth armor.

Brows furrowed slightly.

This guy actually kept up.

The next moment, he ignored it.

Directly pick up the Birth Destruction Gun in your hand, which is filled with cell coins in advance, and pull the trigger on the weevil Eater that is constantly enlarging in sight!

Orange-yellow energy projectiles flew out.

In an instant, it slammed on the body of the weevil devourer.

Exploded a large spark!

At this moment, the action of destroying the building is directly interrupted, the powerful destructive force, and even the cell coins accumulated in its body.

All knocked down a lot.

Scattered scattered down.


Attacked, the intense pain that came.

Let the weevil eat the monster.

There was a roar.

His body quickly turned around, and then locked onto the location where the attack hit, Birth and Oz.

It was followed by two forefeet.

Instantly lift up and smash towards Birth and Oz!


With a dull crash sounded.

The mechanical cans of octopuses that formed a ladder were directly smashed and scattered.

Fall downwards.

Birth and Oz, on the other hand, had already driven their motorcycle to the top of the building, and each of them used the Birth sabotage gun.

One wielded a holy emblem and slashed a sword.

Fall from above and attack the weevil Devourer!

Large expanses of energy bombs.

Constantly falling on its body.

Explode a lot of sparks.

The damage caused is also very strong, and in the weevil Eater’s painful roar, one of its forefeet is direct.

It was blown apart by energy bombs.

And the holy emblem in Oz’s hand slashed the sword.

It was also cut out of a wound, from which a large number of cellular coins were spilled.

Fell on the roof.

Goto directly abandoned the motorcycle.

Remove the exhausted magazine.

The cell coin that had lost its energy instantly fell to the ground, and then turned into a little light and dissipated, and then Goto stretched out his hand.

From the weevil devouring body.

Spilled cell coins.

Fell directly into the magazine, and quickly filled it.

Subsequently, Goto was loaded into the magazine.

Pull the trigger again!

Facing the weevil devourer, the other insect foot launched an attack, as long as the opponent’s legs were all shattered.

Then, there will be no obstacles.

Wipe it out!

Energy bombs are constantly venting.

The huge destructive power, not at all as weak as against Greeed Game, instantly put Goto on this side.

The weevil’s devouring insect feet were all shattered.

His entire body lost support.

Directly tilted down.

On the other side, Oz, who saw this scene, also understood Birth’s thoughts.

He glanced at the holy emblem sword in his hand.

Thinking of how Goto told him how to use it.

From the left side of the belt, in the storage compartment where the coins were stored, three cell coins were taken out and placed in the Holy Emblem Sword.

He then twisted the grip of the motorcycle.

While rushing out, he ate at the weevil, and the insect foot on his side cut through.

Green blood.

Along with this, a large number of cellular coins are spilled.

Where the sword of the holy emblem passed.

Worm feet one by one.

Directly cut off.

Until, even the insect feet on this side were cut off, and the huge body of the weevil worm fell directly to the ground.

Lost the ability to move.

And at this moment, it is time to wrap up!

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