Chapter 340

In the old madman’s tent, Yu Xiaoyan removed her communication equipment.

Just now Missi has returned to the yard with the two big dogs, and they can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

“Everyone, take a rest,” she said to her five team members. “Although the division is safer in that house, we still have to take charge of the outer guard mission.”

She thought for a while and added: “Don’t get so close tonight, and retreat to 500 meters away.”

The other five people have become accustomed to this kind of life, and besides having spent the night here last night, it’s no big deal.

As the night got deeper and deeper, the gloomy sky began to rain lightly.

Yu Xiaoyan and the others got out of the dilapidated tent without making a sound, and then separated and lurked in the dense woods.

The damp pine forest and the chill that penetrates the bone made Yu Xiaoyan’s old wounds a little bit painful, which made her miss the dry and cold wind in the north and the taste of her hometown.

The climate in my hometown is similar to that in Shu, and it is so humid throughout the year, so when my parents get older, all kinds of old problems that lurked in the body when they were young gradually began to show up.

In the cold weather, the joints all over the body will be swollen and painful. In severe cases, walking can be a problem. There is no good way for this kind of trouble doctors, and they can only rely on drugs to maintain it.

She really wants to take her parents to the capital to live, but the money she saves every year is not even enough for the increase in a house.

And Missi is going to London soon, and it is very likely to live there for a long time.

She still doesn’t know how the boss will arrange her to stay. It is very likely that this job will be over in more than ten days.

After losing this job, her desire to buy a house in the capital will be even thinner.

“Sister Yu!” At this time, a player’s voice came from the headset, “There is a situation.”

Yu Xiaoyan immediately waved away the distracting thoughts in her mind: “What’s the situation?”

“I just saw a few old acquaintances.”

Yu Xiaoyan frowned, and the acquaintances who could still meet here must be from Beijing.

Does anyone in the family already know the whereabouts of Missi?


“It’s Mi Yan’s bodyguards, who just came down from the mountain.” The team members’ voices didn’t have the slightest tension, even with a little schadenfreude. “They were deployed on our line yesterday, and they seem to be monitoring the yard. .”

Yu Xiaoyan remembered Jia Cheng’s rough face and prayed for him in her heart at the same time.

Jia Chengcheng is Mi Yan’s personal bodyguard and also the head of the bodyguard team, with a similar position to her.

But this thick northern man has a lot easier work than her.

Mi Yan is not valued by Mi Chongqi, everyone in the circle knows this, so basically no one is going to fight Mi Yan’s idea.

But what is their plan to come here at this time?

Now they have grasped the commanding heights preconceivedly, and the other party basically left them with their undefended backs. Therefore, at this time, they are not in a hurry to cause conflicts, and the best way is to wait and see the changes.

And she was faintly looking forward to it. She felt that tonight, they should be able to reveal the truth about their coma last night.

So she called the team together and re-divided them into two groups, then put on infrared glasses and quietly watched the three figures move in the woods.

Jia Cheng was very annoyed at this time.

I couldn’t live in a good hotel, Mi Yan’s “big-eyed monster” had to watch them in the middle of the night.

Is there anything to watch? Missi lives in this yard. Can she grow wings and fly?

He has made sufficient psychological preparations. If Mi Yan asks him to “kidnap” or “assassinate” Missi, he will definitely call Mi Chongchu immediately to report his inferior behavior to such a beast, and then he will relax. Get a big bonus.

As a result, this big-eyed strange, actually only let him watch.

He has become more and more incomprehensible to this increasingly mature little boss, and he doesn’t know what he is going to do.

But surveillance is also money to get, although not much, but it is better than nothing.

So for the sake of the money, he still came, and he was just going to experience camping.

He randomly found a small mound, and then took out a simple tent and sleeping bag from his backpack.

As a bodyguard, living on the edge of a knife, born to death all day long, he has long learned to treat himself well at all times.

“You two take turns watching.”

He said something to the two team members under his opponent, tearing apart a few warm babies and sticking them to the sleeping bags, and then got in.

The warm baby quickly exuded hot temperature, which made him feel very comfortable, but at the same time he thought of Yu Xiaoyan’s girl.

The dead girl relied on Missi to be favored, and she was cold-faced with him at any time.

Why is this?

Everyone is a bodyguard, who is more noble than whom?

This time she is embarrassed. Missi slipped under her eyelids. It is estimated that she is looking for someone in China at this time.

Oh, deserve it.

But although the girl’s personality is a little colder, but the figure is really punctual.

When Jia Cheng was thinking about getting into trouble, a team member came over and said softly: “Boss, it seems something is wrong.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I saw someone just now, so I turned to give us a look.”

If it weren’t for both hands in the sleeping bag, Jia Cheng would really like to slap this guy on the forehead.

“You TM are the eldest daughter of Huang Hua, have never been seen by anyone, have you?”

“No, I feel like he found us.”

Jia Cheng was so angry that he wanted to laugh.

This is more than a hundred meters away, in the dark woods, even if there are infrared telescopes, it is not so easy to find them hiding behind the mound and the big tree.

Now it was discovered by someone “turning his head and looking at it”?

What kind of eyes does this man have, corns?

“Watch it well, it’s okay don’t…don’t…”

Before he finished speaking, Jia Cheng felt trembling all over, as if he had been hit by an electric current. He watched the two team members fall to the ground head-on, and then convulsed all over.

Is this really evil?

This was Jia’s last thought, and then he lost consciousness with a black eye.

After solving the three surveillance people, Wu Jun wiped the sugarcane juice from his hands.

No matter what the origin of these three people is, it is impossible to use telescopes to monitor him in the middle of the night.

As for the six people farther away, when Missi went out in the morning, he already knew that this was her bodyguard.

He just said, how could her father not arrange bodyguards for people like Missi going out.

But even the bodyguard of Missi couldn’t monitor him.

But he didn’t need to do it himself, Da Hei was already on his way.

And he also heard Su Haoran say that Da Hei pretended to be a beggar on the street for a day, and it only cost three yuan.

He had been holding back this matter without a smile, fearing that it would hit Da Hei’s self-confidence.

But presumably it should be very depressed, let it find something to solve it, or it will get sick.

He returned to the hall and frowned slightly.

The little girl Misi was really generous in her action. She bought a lot of snacks and clothes for Da Hei and Jasmine. At this time, she was playing a dress-up game with Jasmine.

It seems that the money she earned today is probably spent.

It is a child of a wealthy family, who knows nothing about saving.

But seeing Jasmine also looked very cooperative and elated, just let them go.

In the dark woods, Yu Xiaoyan and her teammates can no longer describe their own mood in words.

Through the infrared glasses, they clearly saw the three of Jia Cheng, who passed out in a coma after a convulsion as if they had a sudden stroke.

But dozens of meters around them, no creatures were found.

This made them feel an inexplicable chill. Could it be that there is something unclean in this wood?

“Sister Yu,” one of the team members said fearfully, “what the hell is going on? This is too scary, right?”

Yu Xiaoyan shook her head. When she was in the army, she went to many jungles around the world to perform missions. She saw ferocious cheetahs, ferocious jackals, deadly poisonous snakes, and golden poison dart frogs that would die if touched.

Although these things are terrible, they are all tangible, and restraint can always be thought of.

Even last night, they were sprayed with a powerful anesthetic, and if they were wearing a gas mask, they would not be hit.

But this kind of silent and invisible means can make people coma, she wants to guard, but she also needs to know where to guard.

Just when she was unpredictable in her heart, a voice suddenly came from behind: “Don’t move, raise your hand!”

Several people suddenly stiffened.

After the things Jia set up just now, they have raised their alertness to the highest level. They scanned the surrounding tens of meters with infrared glasses and found no creatures at all.

But even so, he was still touched behind him silently?

Who on earth is so good? Could it be that the instructor is here?

Yu Xiaoyan nodded slightly and signaled the players not to act rashly.

According to her judgment, the master behind them should have no ill will, otherwise they would have died yesterday.

Under her leadership, several people raised their hands and turned around at a very slow speed. They thought they could see this “master”, but there was nothing in the woods behind them.

Several people looked at each other, and a strange feeling rose from everyone’s heart. Is this really a ghost?

Then the voice came from the darkness again: “Do you think I’m handsome?”

Yu Xiaoyan’s eyes are about to fall out, what the hell is this? Narcissistic ghost?

I can’t even see you, who knows if you are handsome or not?

“Do you think I’m handsome?” the voice asked again.

Yu Xiaoyan really didn’t know what to do, so she tried to reply: “Look handsome.”

After speaking, she watched the darkness in front of her vigilantly, waiting for the other party’s response.

As a result, the other party did not react, as if they had suddenly disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, they smelled a familiar smell.

In the count!

Yu Xiaoyan reacted instantly, the sound in front just attracted their attention, and the real enemy was behind her!

She quickly held her breath and turned her head back in horror.

But it’s too late. The smell of this gas is enough to make people comatose, and even a well-trained person can’t avoid it.

A second before losing consciousness, Yu Xiaoyan thought unwillingly, if there is a tomorrow, I will definitely not do it again tomorrow.

Watching all six people fall to the ground, Da Hei walked out from behind a big tree.

These people actually know how to get together today, and they didn’t give it a chance to break it individually, which added a lot of difficulty to it.

But this is just right, the higher the difficulty, it will help to exercise its brain power.

Dragging a few people into the old madman’s tent, Da Hei walked towards the house leisurely.

Fighting with people is really fun.

I hope they can continue tomorrow and bring more surprises and greater challenges to it.

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