The days at sea were very calm, after all, such a large naval fleet was not something that ordinary pirates dared to provoke, and when they saw it from afar, they accelerated and fled. And Principal Lance’s task this time was mainly to escort Jack and the three of them, and naturally he didn’t want to make trouble, so he didn’t chase those pirates.

As for those capable pirates, they are all rushing to the New World, how can they stay here.

Moreover, the East China Sea is the weakest sea area in the four seas, and there have always been few sea thieves.

Therefore, this voyage came without encountering any pirate ships at all, which made Jack a little disappointed.

A month later, they arrived at the Tokai base.

The Tokai base is built on a huge island inhabited by the navy and its families, and the island is full of houses and facilities, just like a small country.

Principal Lance took Jack and the three of them, and after getting off the naval warship, he went directly to the naval school at the East Sea base.

After some admission procedures, the Jack trio became a first-year student at the naval school at the Tokai base.

The naval school at the Tokai base is also divided into three grades.

Among them, first-order warriors and second-order warriors belong to the first grade, and only those who become third-order warriors can be promoted to the second grade, and as for the fourth-order warriors, they are the third grade.

If you reach the fifth rank, then according to your talent, good talent, you have the opportunity to go to Marin Fandor in the headquarters of the Navy and enter the highest school of the Navy.

If the talent is not too good, then you can graduate directly and follow the naval warship to fight.


A year and a half later.

The naval school at the Tokai base has many courses, in addition to cultural classes, there are shooting classes and fighting classes, and you have to learn the six styles of the navy.

Of course, just learning the Navy Six Style, if you want to exert the power of these Six Styles, you also need to see your own talent.

Even Headmaster Lance, he has learned all the six naval styles, but he still can’t exert these six styles to the strongest power, he can only be said to be barely proficient.

As a generation of martial gods, Jack has a very high talent in martial arts, and he learns these six styles very quickly.

If it weren’t for the weak battle qi, his Six Styles would be even more powerful than Principal Lance’s Six Styles.

The Navy Six can only exert greater power if it is combined with a powerful battle qi.

Just like Dusty’s swordsmanship, she has now become a second-order warrior, and can impart battle qi on the sword, splitting sword qi, and the attack power is very powerful enough to break gold and crack stones.

However, she is still not as good as Smogg, after a year and a half of cultivation, Smog has become a third-order Devil Fruit ability, and his battle qi has also reached the first order, and he is the strongest student in the second grade.

Now, Smog can elementalize all his arms and head, only his legs and body cannot be elementalized.

Even so, Smogg’s current strength is very amazing, and ordinary fourth-order warriors cannot defeat him.

Except, of course, Jack.

Jack had become a fourth-order warrior half a year ago, and his naval six-style learning was very good, and when used together, he could easily defeat Smogg.

After several lessons, Smogg is now obedient to Jay and no longer dares to challenge Jack.

“Finally reached the fifth order!”

On this day, Jack slowly opened his eyes, his face full of excitement and excitement.

Since reaching the fourth order, he has cultivated even harder in the past half a year.

With the help of the God of War Codex, Jack finally reached the fifth order today and became a fifth-order warrior.

“As long as you reach the fifth order, you can start cultivating armed color domineering.” Jack thought excitedly.

His current overlord color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering have reached the fourth order, but presumably in the near future, they will be able to reach the fifth order.

As for the armed color domineering, only those who reach the fifth order can they cultivate.

“As long as I cultivate the armed color domineering, even if it is only a first order, I can easily deal with those who are capable of the Devil Fruit.” Jack’s face was full of excitement.

Although he can easily defeat Smog now, it is because Smogg’s fighting talent is not as good as him, and if he is replaced by those battle-hardened sea thieves, Jack will consider himself invincible.

After all, without armed color domineering, it is difficult for those who want to hurt the ability of the Devil Fruit.

Therefore, Jack will cultivate so hard, just so that he can cultivate armed color domineering one day earlier.

Cultivating the knowledge of armed color domineering, Jack already knew, and at this time, when he reached the fifth order, he immediately began to cultivate armed color domineering.

With the qualifications of a king, Jack comprehended the armed color domineering very quickly, and after about three days, he comprehended the armed color domineering.

It was a colorless mass of energy, yes, armed color domineering without color, but real, a very special force.

And it is precisely because of this special power that it can hurt the elemental body of the Devil Fruit ability.

“With armed color domineering, even if I encounter a sixth-order or even seventh-order powerhouse, I am not afraid.” Jack said with a confident face.

His combat talent is very strong, and he is proficient in the Navy Six Style, and now he has a three-color domineering, which is enough to leapfrog the level of battle.

“It’s time to go for revenge!”

Jack stood up, and a pair of purple eyes burst out with an astonishing murderous aura.

He remembers a vow he once made to avenge the name of the coastal village.

Over the years, while cultivating, Jack also asked some navies he knew to inquire about the whereabouts of the tank pirate group.

Not long ago, he had already learned the whereabouts of the tank pirate group, and now, he can finally take revenge.

“Brother Jack!”


Just as Jack was heading to the dock and preparing to step on an ordinary sea boat, two familiar voices suddenly came from behind him.

Jack didn’t have to look back, and he knew that it was Dusty Smog who was coming.

“Why are you here?” Jack couldn’t help frowning, although the tank pirate group is not a big pirate group, but its strength is not weak, he doesn’t want to take Smog and Dusty on an adventure.

“Boss, you asked someone to inquire about the tank pirate group, do you think we don’t know? I’ve heard Dusty say that the tank pirates destroyed your village back then, and this time you must go for revenge, you must take me. Smogg said that now he didn’t have the riffraff’s anger he used to have, and he really regarded Jack as the boss.

“Yes, Brother Jack, you take us with you, we will fight with you.” Dusty looked deeply at Jack, and the love in her eyes was unmistakable.

After such a long time together, Dusty has long been in love with Jack.

“You guys… Well, you guys come up! Jack wanted to refuse, but seeing Dusty’s loving eyes, he couldn’t say no.

“Forget it, sooner or later you have to take them to fight anyway.” Jack thought secretly.

Soon after, an ordinary sea ship, carrying Jack and the three, left the East Sea base.

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