The Supreme Sword

Chapter 794: 】What is your spirit body

【Chapter 794】How many grades of your spirit body (1 more)

Dragon veins are different at every stage!

The Huanglong Veins and the Xuanlong Veins are just the gathering points of aura. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

The earth dragon vein and the heaven dragon vein have turned into a dragon shape.

As for the Wanglong Vein and Huanglong Vein, they can change their size and fly into the earth.

As for the legendary emperor dragon vein, it can be transformed into a human being, a peerless powerhouse below the **** level.

The dragon vein that Xuantian entered right now was just a king dragon vein. It didn't look like a dragon but turned into a cloud of spiritual energy essence. A king dragon vein can transform into 30 or 40 spiritual energy essences at most.

A great master basically needs three to four spirit energy essences for his cultivation to break through.

Xuantian is the cultivation base of the Xiaocheng Extreme King, and it only needs three groups of spiritual energy essence to break through the Dacheng King!

The scope of this dragon vein, I don't know how big it is, clusters of spiritual essence are scattered everywhere!

Although dragon veins are inanimate, they have a little consciousness. When a dragon vein is almost exhausted, it will respond. For example, when Xuantian absorbs the dragon veins and earth dragon veins, when the dragon veins are almost exhausted, it will Take the initiative to spit out Xuantian.

The same is true for Wang Longmai. When this mass of aura essence is absorbed too much, it will react, move, fly into the sky, and it is extremely difficult to capture.

Therefore, to absorb the essence of the aura, you have to be as early as possible. If the essence of the aura is absorbed and only the last few groups are left, this king dragon vein will definitely fly away. Under the earth, the quasi-emperor will never want to catch up with the king dragon vein.

After absorbing the aura essence, Xuantian continued to search for the dragon veins.

He walked through the cave halls, most of the cave halls did not have the essence of spiritual energy, and there were traces of the essence of spiritual energy in a very few cave halls, but they were absorbed.

Xuantian is not the only one who gains benefits from the dragon veins.

Xuantian continued to move forward, suddenly feeling a hint of coolness, and saw a faint white air floating in front of him.

This is extremely cold air.

Someone is fighting! And the profound meaning used is either the profound meaning of water or the profound meaning of yin.

Xuantian speeded up immediately, rushed forward, and suddenly a voice came over.

"Girl Bing'er, you are not my opponent, this group of spiritual energy essence, let me, hahaha...!" A deep laughter sounded.

A figure flashed out of Xuantian's mind---Cao Qingteng!

Fan Bing'er and Cao Qingteng are fighting!

Fan Bing'er is the Dacheng King, while Cao Qingteng is the Dacheng Peak King. Although Cao Qingteng lost to Jian Renhao in the competition, he cannot deny that his combat power is very strong. The ordinary Dacheng Ultimate King is not his opponent at all.

Any king with an ordinary realm refers to a king whose spirit cultivation is equal to that of spiritual body.

And the genius king refers to the king whose spirit cultivation base exceeds that of spiritual body. The more it exceeds, the more enchanting it becomes.

Wuhun cultivation is a realm higher than spiritual body cultivation. It is an incredible genius. It is easy to defeat kings of the same realm and can compete with kings one realm higher. However, because spiritual body cultivation is not comparable to kings one realm higher, Theoretically speaking, such a genius can't beat a king at a higher level.

Wuhun cultivation is more than two realms of spiritual body cultivation. It is a genius of evildoer level. It is easy to defeat kings one realm higher and can compete with kings two realms higher. For the same reason, because spiritual body cultivation is not comparable, it is difficult. A king who has beaten two realms.

Wuhun cultivation is more than three realms of spiritual body cultivation, and he is a genius of abnormal level. It is easy to defeat kings of two realms and can compete with kings of three realms.

Jian Renhao is such a genius, the cultivation base of the Dacheng peak king, the martial arts realm has reached the third-order peak, and even the top king is not his opponent.

Cao Qingteng is of the evildoer level, the cultivation base of the Dacheng peak king, the martial arts realm has reached the early stage of the third stage.

Fan Bing'er is also a monster, but his cultivation is one level lower than that of Cao Qingteng, and the realm of Wuhun is the second-order limit, which is definitely weaker than Cao Qingteng's strength.

Xuantian was as fast as electricity, and quickly rushed to a cave hall.

There is a group of spiritual energy essence in the center of the cave hall, but it has been absorbed nearly half. Not far from the spiritual energy essence, Cao Qingteng is fighting Fan Bing'er.

Fan Bing'er's profound meaning of water is profound, and what he refined is the profound meaning of ice in the profound meaning of water. When it was displayed, the entire cave hall was covered by ice, the air was flying with snow and ice, and the temperature dropped to a very low level.

Even the Great King, in the area covered by the ice, will feel cold and rigid.

But Fan Bing'er's swordsmanship is very delicate, turning ice and snow into sword gangs, and he is inexhaustible.

Even the King of Dacheng Limit, she can contend!

However, Cao Qingteng has the power to defeat the ultimate king of Dacheng, and his major is the profound meaning of the earth, not only has high defense power, but also has very strong offensive power.

Among the Five Elements, Turk water, Cao Qingteng was able to restrain Fan Bing'er's attack.

Therefore, under Cao Qingteng's "Overlord Splitting Mountain Fist", Fan Bing'er retreated steadily and blasted out with a punch. All the ice and snow swords, ice and frost, were all shaken away.

The battle took place not long, otherwise Fan Bing'er would have been blasted out of the cave hall by Cao Qingteng.

Xuan Tian looked at the aura essence in the center of the cave hall that had been absorbed about half, and immediately understood what was going on. Fan Bing'er was not as strong as Cao Qingteng, and he would definitely not take the initiative to grab Cao Qingteng's aura essence.

Fan Bing'er should have absorbed refining next to this spirit essence, but only half of it had been absorbed, and Cao Qingteng also found it here.

Although Fan Bing'er is a peerless beauty, the essence of aura has affected Cao Qingteng's cultivation level. The two are in different camps. At this time, Cao Qingteng doesn't care about his pity.

call out----!

A sword gang, like the light of the scorching sun, arrived in the blink of an eye.

The first style of the Rising Sun Instant Killing Sword-the rising sun!

Xuantian made a move, and once he made a move, it was a special skill in the Emperor Swordsmanship.

Yin Wanzhong was defeated by Xuantian's sword!

However, Cao Qingteng is not Yin Wanzhong!

Although he looks strong and a big man, he has a very quick reaction ability. He had already discovered that Xuantian had just arrived in the cave hall.

Xuantian's sword stabbed, although it didn't arrive for half an instant, Cao Qingteng still reacted, and he hit the tip of the sword with a punch.


There was a shock!

Cao Qingteng wore a glove on his hand, a top-notch king-level treasure. The king-level sword in Xuantian's hand failed to pierce a single minute, but was bent by the powerful counter-shock force.


Xuantian was instantly shocked by the force of the counter-shock and took ten steps back!

At the same moment, Cao Qingteng was also shaken back by six or seven steps.

The two men's martial arts cultivation bases are similar, but the spirit body cultivation base Cao Qingteng has reached the second-order peak, while Xuantian's first-order limit is two grades.

However, Xuantian's spirit body is eighth rank, and Cao Qingteng's spirit body is sixth rank. If it is the same realm, Xuantian will defeat Cao Qingteng, even if it is two grades different, Xuantian's spirit body strength is not much worse than Cao Qingteng.

Cao Qingteng showed a hint of surprise, and said: "Tianchen! Your martial arts cultivation base is not weaker than mine, and the strength of your spiritual body has reached such a level. What kind of spiritual body are you?"

"Eight-Rank only!" Xuantiandao.

Cao Qingteng took a breath, and Fan Bing'er looked surprised!

The descendants of Tianzhou's evildoers are basically sixth-rank spiritual bodies. I heard that only Jian Renhao has reached the seventh-rank. As long as there is no accident, he will almost become a king in the future.

Heavenly Continent's King Spirit Grass is very scarce, far less than Zhongzhou, and it is quite good to be able to reach the sixth-grade spirit body.

And Zhongzhou's geniuses are at least fifth- and sixth-rank spiritual bodies, and some super-first-class geniuses are all seventh-rank or higher, and must become emperors, while the five perverted evildoers are even eighth-rank and ninth-rank spiritual bodies.

Because of the limitations of heaven and earth, Tianzhou's martial arts practice is far less than Zhongzhou, just as Shenzhou is far less than Tianzhou.

Xuantian glanced at Fan Bing'er next to him, and said, "Go and continue to absorb the essence of spiritual energy, and he will let me deal with it!"

"His defense is very strong, we join hands!" Fan Bing'er said.

Xuantian shook his head, and said, "There is only this big in total here, and it's useless if we join forces. It's enough for me to deal with it alone. Go and absorb the essence of the spiritual energy. If there is another evil king coming, you have to I'm fighting with you."

"Okay! Be careful!" Fan Bing'er's expression was still cold, but his tone was slightly warm.

After speaking, Fan Bing'er walked to the spiritual essence essence and sat down to absorb it.

Cao Qingteng frowned and looked at Xuantian, "Do you think you really can stop me?"

Although Xuantian's strength shocked Cao Qingteng, he didn't believe that Xuantian's strength was really comparable to him.

The fight just now proved that Xuantian's spiritual body is not as powerful as Cao Qingteng.

Cao Qingteng has the power to defeat the ultimate king of Dacheng, and the cultivation base of Xuantian only Xiaocheng the ultimate king. If Xuantian can defeat him, wouldn't Xuantian have the power to overcome the three realms and defeat the enemy?

This is too abnormal, even more abnormal than Jian Renhao, and the ability to leapfrog challenges is a step higher.

This - Cao Qingteng would never believe it!

Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "How can I know if I don't try it!"

"You will pay a price to try, huh!" Cao Qingteng snorted coldly, then shot out instantly, and shouted, "Sandslides!"


Void blasted The space in front of Xuantian suddenly turned into a dark vacuum, which was blasted to pieces by Cao Qingteng.

It didn't take much time for Fan Bing'er to absorb that half of the spiritual energy essence. If it was delayed for a second, the spiritual energy essence would be lost by one point. Cao Qingteng stopped talking nonsense.

The collapse of the mountain and the ground is the ultimate skill of the Overlord's cracking mountain fist. With a punch, not only the mountain collapses, but the ground is torn apart.

However, this dragon vein is very stable, far from being comparable to ordinary mountains. Cao Qingteng only exploded the void, and some stones fell from the cave hall.

If it was just an ordinary cave hall, he would be ruined with this punch.

Just now, Cao Qingteng's sword against Shangxuantian was just an ordinary punch, and now he used the trick in the Overlord Split Mountain Fist, his vigorous power burst out completely, and his attack power was shocking. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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