The Supreme Sword

Chapter 615: 】The world has changed

【Chapter 615】The world has changed (the second one is for a recommendation ticket)

The first layer of the immortal body is self-healing!

Under normal circumstances, even if it is injured, it will heal itself instantly, and it is impossible to shed blood. ()

Therefore, Xuantian used Tiangang Di Sword Formation to penetrate thousands of holes in the first son, and the sword wounds on his body were countless, but he failed to cause the first son to bleed. All the damage was just a snap. All were restored to their original state, not even a scar.

however! At this moment, the first son, but Biao shot a string of blood!

The blood color is very red, shining in the air, different from others, all the warriors who watched the war felt a vast energy from the red blood.

That huge and terrifying thunder sword is composed of three hundred and sixty heaven-level high-grade spirit swords and the power of the earth-shade connected by the sword formation, and there are endless three-tier high-grade thunder and lightning like a sea of ​​thunder.

As soon as it hits the first son’s body, the huge sword gang splits into countless small sword gangs. Among them, the three hundred and sixty spirit sword sword gangs have the most powerful attack power. In an instant, they smashed out of the first son’s body. There were countless scars.

However, although the body of the first son is not as strong as Xuantian, it is extremely sticky, and it cuts scars. It is easy, and it breaks in half directly, it is difficult!

If Xuantian’s body is like steel, then the body of the first son is like plastic. There are countless sword formations and three hundred and sixty spirit sword swords. They have split countless ways of damage, varying in depth, but just Failed to completely split the first son's body in half.

How strong is the heavenly high-grade spirit sword? Even a half-step king wouldn’t dare to carry it with his body, but with three hundred and sixty heavenly high-grade spirit swords, plus the power of the sword formation of heaven and earth, plus the power of endless thunder, The first son's body was completely split, and the stickiness of the first son's body reached a terrifying level.

It seems that the immortal body is indeed no trivial matter. It is not a solid and immortal line, but the effect is not weaker than solid and immortal.

If you cultivate the immortal body, you will be split in half at once, and you will be split to death. Even if the flesh and blood heals itself, it will not work. Therefore, behind the cultivation of the immortal body, the body is very sticky.

Thousands of years ago, the undead king was chased and killed by the genius sword formation master. After learning that he was immortal, he did not surpass the genius sword formation master in one fell swoop, but became undead. This can last until the end and become the supreme king. , Beheaded that genius sword formation master.

The blood shot by the first son biao came from the heart!

Countless small sword gangs, although they have cut countless wounds, none of them can hurt the first son. The key is that huge thunder sword gang, the infinite triple high-grade thunder and lightning, can kill the strongest of Tianshi The attack power is terrifying.

Even though the first young man's body was extremely sticky, a huge gap was split in his chest, splitting the first young man's heart.

That red and strong blood shot out from the heart of the first son.

And, more than just one... followed by the second... the third...

In the flick of his fingers, the blood shot out dozens of times like a fountain.

The body of the first son was smashed backwards by the huge power of Thunder Sword Gang, and the blood also drew a long blood line in the air.

Soon, the first son's body was split two to three kilometers away by Thunder Sword Gang, his face became extremely pale, and he let out another mouthful of blood with a wow.

However, even though the Thunder Sword Gang split the first young man's chest, even his heart, and other internal organs were cut in half, it still failed to completely split the first young man.

That immortal power was quickly healing his flesh and blood, and as soon as he left Jiangang's slashing and killing, he instantly healed. Soon, the terrifying scars were combined together, and all the scars on his body disappeared.

However, the pale face of the first son is proof that he has been hurt and his vitality has weakened a lot.

The eyes of the first son are full of horror. The immortal body is impossible to be harmed. However, Xuantian has such a terrible thunder and lightning, almost even the strongest of Tianshi can be killed, but it is The first son hit, the injury was not light.

The wounds outside the body healed instantly, but the internal organs, especially the heart, were the key points. I am afraid it would not be so easy to heal, otherwise the first son would not vomit blood just now.

The red blood was shining in the air incomparably, falling downwards. The strange thing is that the air in the land of China seems to have the effect of absorbing undead blood. The blood has all disappeared before it hits the ground...

At this moment, this world seemed to have changed a little, and a gust of wind suddenly blew in the void...

If it is windy, it is not surprising, but if the sky over a million miles in the entire Shenzhou area is windy...

There is also the boundless overseas, whether it is the eastern seas... or the southern seas... the western seas... the boundless and vast sky, while the wind is blowing, it is unusual.

It's just that it's windy, who will notice what is special? Although all the sky is blowing in the wind, no one will know that even the half-step king can only see the sky in front of his vision.

But... there was still someone who noticed the sudden changes in this world!

"The wind of luck is blowing, and this world has finally begun to change...!"

Chasing the sun on the continent, the endless mountains of southern Xinjiang, above the clouds and mist, Shenji Ridge, on the top of a mountain, Mr. Shenji with white beard and white hair looked at the void ahead, reaching out and touching...

Next to him, there is a worn-out bronze mirror. The picture in the mirror shows that the first young man was smashed into a burst, shooting red blood...

After a while, Mr. Shenji showed a look of disappointment, but with hope and joy in the disappointment: "It's a pity... the blood of immortality is not thick enough, the quantity is not enough, this world has changed too little, under the king The training of the martial artist is much smoother, but it is not enough for the king! However, it has only been a few years, and he can do this step very well. I have the secret of heaven and earth, steal the luck of heaven and earth, and achieve it. Several generations of ancestors are clear in their hearts, but they can’t escape their fate and are trapped to death in this world. The old man has lived for 180 years. As he approaches his old age and is about to enter the woods, he has ushered in this age of great prosperity. In the rest of my life, maybe I can borrow his light to see the world outside...!"


The picture returns to the land of Shenzhou, south of Tianxing City!

The first son was injured, his face was pale, and his vitality was severely injured.

All spectators were shocked and dumbfounded.

Those warriors who supported the first son were completely shattered at this moment!

Especially the powerhouse of Tianxing Pavilion, his eyes were full of incredible, the first son was repeatedly repelled by Xuantian, and every time he repelled, the situation became more serious. It really made them feel Incredible.

The first son was repelled by Xuantian for the first time, only to be knocked into the air; the second time he was repelled by Xuantian, there were countless wounds on his body, and his body was shot out of thousands of holes. Xuantian repelled it, and it was even more miserable. He almost split his body in half, and the undead blood sprayed out dozens of times...

At this moment, the powerhouse of the Tianxing Pavilion, whether it is an elder or a disciple, or an elder too, is extremely shocked when looking at Xuantian. It seems that the sky has collapsed, and the sky outside has not collapsed, but the sky in their hearts has fallen. Up.

Yue Hanxi looked at Xuantian's figure and was stunned. She couldn't help but feel a little lucky, because the first son seemed to be broad-minded, but in fact he was very jealous and had a very good female appearance, but he did not respect women. There are countless beauties in the harem, all of which are just tools for him to vent. Therefore, she has been dragging her not to marry the first son, keeping her perfect body.

In the middle of her heart, she hopes that there will be someone who can surpass the first son, so that she can be rescued. Otherwise, marrying the first son is a foregone conclusion. Even though she is a righteous wife in name, she is a righteous wife with the first son’s heart. What is the difference with the concubine, it will only become a tool for venting...

Now, seeing Xuantian defeating the first son, she looked at Xuantian's gaze, showing hope.

Although it was the same shock, there was one person whose look in her eyes was extremely opposite to Yue Hanxi. That was Luo Yufeng on the sedan chair. She gave up everything, her relatives, dignity... everything, just to be able to be in the first place. Beside Yi Gongzi, the strongest person in the future, even if the first Gongzi's interest in her only existed for a short period of time, then she became a tool to vent her desires, and she did not feel that her choice was wrong!

However, it was the first son who was defeated today, and Xuantian defeated him. Even if he cultivated the immortal body, it was almost impossible to get injured, but he was still injured in Xuantian's hand.

Ironically, Luo Xiaoye wanted to marry her to Xuantian a few years ago, but she refused with disdain...

It has always been Luo Yufeng's dream to find the strongest man. When the first son was defeated, she felt that her world had collapsed...her dream was broken...


The first son is Xuantian will naturally not let go of this great opportunity. If you fight with injuries, minor injuries will become major injuries, and major injuries may become serious injuries. The final result may be death!

With an immortal metamorphosis, it won't take long for the first son to recover, and it would be too difficult to kill him again.

The thunder and lightning released by Xuantian just now was enough to kill a Tianshi strong, but he failed to kill the first son.

But now Xuantian has used up all the lightning stored in his body, waiting for the first son to recover, not to mention killing, it is difficult to hurt him.

With a golden fist shining like a scorching sun, Xuantian killed the first son again.

"Enough...!" Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the extremely high sky, and an old man over 60 appeared: "The victory is divided, Xuantian, you should stop! "

"Pavilion Master...!" The elders and disciples of the Tianxing Pavilion were all in shock and shouted. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian). Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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