The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 96 of the Three Kingdoms

Lin Chonglun looked in Liu Wei, directly saw the dark dark cloud chasing the wind, the leopard is bright, revealing the look of joy.

"Lord, this horse is really too expensive, can't receive it!"

Lin Chong likes to like it, but I still have to endure.

He is clear in his heart.

"Let you receive it, I also hope that you can sit with black clouds, replace the sand field for me!"

Liu Wei took the back of the way, smiled and said: "I have already given a god, this black cloud is the wind, and the red dragon is a light rain, no one can grab ..."

"My brother is best!"

Zhao Yu is feet, and I got a bite on Liu Hao's cheeks, faint fresh aroma.

Liu Wei looked at the rain and riding, hey, he smiled and said:

"Rong Rong, Cai Wei, Liaohua ... You go to the rest of the stables, everyone is!"

In the part of your loyal, Liu Hao has never been a humble person.

I got my gods, as well as the benefits, of course, I can't forget to sell it under the hand of the river!

"Thank you for the main public!"

Cook is that it doesn't matter, and I am randomly picking a yellow horse, and it is also a gaming rating.

Rong Rong, Liaohua, Zhou Cang and others cheered, it is more careful ...

Picking up, a few degrees of entanglement, finally selected a lot of good.

Several leaders will take the collected horses, although they have to be part of the dragonflies, but they are not much BMW.

Strong of Mobi on the market, more than a half.

"Hey, congratulations, Huarong's loyalty has reached 100, rewarding worship 800."

"Hey, congratulations, Liaohua's loyalty has reached 99, rewarding worships 362."

"Hey, congratulations, Lin Chong's loyalty has reached 100, the reward worship value 1000, the current worship is 6362!"

Buy a heart, really want to vote!

Crazy harvesting worship value, Liu Yumei looked at Lin Chong, Huayong will not wait to turn over the horse.

Outside the horse, it is a wilderness, is suitable for longitudinal horses.

The heroes, Liu Wei pulled Xu Wei and asked: "Two military divisions, new horses, I plan to build a cavalry, I don't know what you have?"

Xu Wei smiled and said: "The plains of the Kawa-gun is the plain.

also agreed 4.0: "Lord, if you go to buy horses, forcrate the establishment of cavalry, it is definitely not worth it, now, it is big to prepare!"

Buy Ma set up the cost of cavalry, at least the ten times the steps!

Liu Wei, more than a thousand horses, all of which were funded by Suhuang and Zhang Shiping, and did not spend a penny.

"There is another thing, you have to trade with two military divisions."

Zhongxiang's eyes, the light flashed, said: "After convinced the Ministry of Liao Chemical, the Zhou Cang's Fu Ni Mountain group, plus the three hundred stemmented scholars at home, now there is almost four hundred three hundred More young. "

"For these people, how do you think with the geotem?"

If you think about this: "The Lord, there is a sentence, I don't know if I am not talking."

Chapter 92 Chapter Iron Team, the strength of re-growth! (2)

Liu Wei moves in his heart, saying: "If there is anything, but you don't want!"

"Lord, these more than 4,000 thieves, although she owned the main public, but said people, but there is no main public to be available in more than three hundred departments!"

: "Those who think that the current tops urgent, it is necessary to disperse this original thief, all scattered, allothely

Xu Wei also nodded: "If the text is good, if these people are definitely arranged in accordance with the original rules, these people are definitely old, and the discipline is loose, the army, and they are not bad, they are not bad!"

Liu Wei also realized that these thieves may have hidden dangers, and Lin Chong will rearrange them.

It seems that it is not enough!

"It seems that the Yuan fell to the same thing, and the whole team is imminent, it is imminent. In this case, I will immediately go to the government, discuss this matter ..."

When a group of villages returned to the government, they sat down, Liu Hao took a breath and said: "Lin Chong, Huayong, Zhou Cang, Liao Xi is!?"

"At the end of!"

I heard Liu Wei greeting, these generals, the feelings, no half-point hesitation, directly to Liu Wei.

"I am going to put the newly dropped four thousand, and I will be divided into four, all of them."

Liu Hao Lun.

"But listen to the main public command!"

Lin Chong, Hua Rong, the road, Zhou Cang and Liaohua, also loudly, no one is hesitating!

"From 4,000 people, I chose a thousand people to ride the heroism, forming a thousand people's large-scale cavalry team, this part, by Lin Chong, Yanyu is a deputy!"

"The end will be willing to disgrace the mission!"

Lin Chong and Yan Yuan Shao were overnutrically.

"Hirong, you are responsible for the four thousand people, the more than 400 people are selected, and there are more than 400 people who have taken toning."

"Zhou Cang, one thousand more people left, unified as the knife shield, by you!"

"Liaohua, there are more than 1,300 people, unify the spear, Park Knife, by you!"

A series of orders, Liu Wei's hand has been divided into future duties.

"I didn't expect that the Lord also had such a deep accomplishment!"

The Xu Yingyu fan gently shakes, and it can see the shock in the eyes of each other.

They have a number of people: Such a division, the Liu Hao army has changed, and the tactics have changed much more than the miscellaneous army.

I have been fighting, and I have a knife shield hand to fight in front, the long spear is knotted, and the layer is advanced!

The bow is rapid, then the cavalry is directly killed, and the enemy is harassed from the left and right wings, and dispel the enemy.

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