The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 522 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei is excited to mutter himself, but the beauty of sleeping around | Jiao | Mu Guiying scared ...

"Zi Xuan ... what do you do?"

Mu Meimei is slightly smashed, whispered.

Last night, two people were tossing, and there were still some sleep.

"Haha! Guiying, you continue to sleep, I have something!"

The show can be a meal, Liu Wei is very good, I can't help but attach the body, on the cheeks of Mu Guiying, like jade, kiss a bite!

Beauty is delicate, the scenery is infinite.

Liu Wei smiled faintly, put on clothes, got up and walked towards the door.

I am walking to the door, my ear is a series of system programs come:


"Because the bite gold turned away Xiahou light clothes, Cao Cao's good feeling - 10!"

"Because the encyclop-bite gold, Xiahou light clothes, Xia Houyuan's good feeling - 10!"

"Due to the bite gold, the Xiahou light is abducted, Xia Hou Yu's good feeling - 10!"

Oh damn!

When Liu Yizheng went out, he heard this series of system prompts, almost stumbled by the threshold ...

This kind of junction, the special attributes, it seems to have something to do, what day, ambiguous! ?

"Xiahou light clothes?"

Liu Yizhen is in the mouth of this name, very nice, seems to have heard in a movie work in the past.

In his brain, thinking about things, but the body hit the positive side of the water, from the small zhao from outside the door.

Liu Wei reflects the speed of the gods, so that it makes it a soft, and the water basin is gently sent it.

In addition, one hand took directly to Xiao Zhao's weak waist, and the warmth of the jade is pregnant!

"Gong ..."

Xiao Zhao, a red face, snuggling in the arms of Liu Wei.

"Don't see Xiao Zhao, this girl is thin and weak. In the end, it is the blood of the Western region, and it is quite a material!"

Liu Wei held a small shoulder of Xiao Zhao, pity: "How do you sleep for a while, this morning?"

Xiao Zhao blinked clearly, said: "The son is to wash ... Xiao Zhao is serviced ..."

Xiao Zhao was turned here to be here, and it was a time.

At this time, Zhou Ruo, is already outside the intelligence department, the second executtee of the intelligence department.

A no-folded woman.

Relatively speaking, Xiao Zhao is more gentle.

She only likes to stay in Liu Hao, take care of Liu Hao's life, and is the supervisor of the service.

"Waiting for Jiangdong, you have to give Xiao Zhao with a name ..."

Liu Wei was washed in Xiao Zhao's warm service, and he wanted.

After washing, the sky is slightly flour.

Liu Hao laughed, recruiting, said: "Come!"

"Please ask the main public!"

Jinyiwei has a figure from the shadow.

"Immediately send people to everyone, call everyone, quickly go to the hall, discuss military affairs!"

Liu Hao, Jin Mang, muttered, muttered: "The rear is stable ... take Yangzhou, the time is coming!"

The fourth hundred and fifty-one chapter of the counseling, Liu Wei Tu Miki Yangdong!


Jinyiwei hugged his life, flying quickly.

Not long, Liu Hao's civil war, already gathered in the front hall.

Among the civil servants, there is a Taishan Legion, which is in the town Xuzhou, the general situation, Xu Wei, and in the Raiders, the Taishan Legion, who is headed by Liu Bowen, Guo Jia, Jia Wei and others are listed after ......

The military, Zhao Yun, Qin Qiong, Zhang Liao, Cheng bite gold and other people, with Yu Wen Chengdu, then there is Lin Chong, Yang Ren, Gao Shun, Gan Ning and other generals, and the majestic straight back.

Everyone's eyes are falling on Liu Wei.

Liu Wei took the masterpiece, and smiled and smiled: "Last night, I saw the north. I saw Zhu Zi's gas, I saw it empty, I can't help it, it seems that there is a good thing to happen!"

Through the system prompt, Liu Hao has clearly knows what happened in the battlefield of Xuzhou.

However, he doesn't want to say it directly.

"The main point of dream, Zhu Zi's air is empty, is the image of the big guild! Mo, the war of Xuzhou in the north, has already progressed !?"

The next cases promised.

Some of the counseling, the discussion.

At this time, Zheng He, who served outside the door, listened to a brocade and vectors, and the face was happy, flying into the inside, said: "Congratulations, Xuzhou Dajie!"

"Xuzhou Dajie?"

, ....

Zheng He Lang said: "Lord, Xuzhou Frontline Jinyi Guowei Barbi Star Night Pun Our Taishan Legion, has all clearly sought, and the Dongjun, the Dongjun, who is waiting to be seen in Taishan County, is too late!"

"Sure enough, it is a big givery ... Congratulations," "

"The main public, there is tens of thousands of people who can use Taishan, the strength is increased!"

"Xuzhou established, the next step in the next step should be the thunder, Raiders Yangzhou ..."

After listening to the staff, I spend the words, Zheng He is to say, Liu Wei presses the hands and says: "Sambo, what else do you have to say?"

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