The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2853 of the Three Kingdoms

The land of the ice has completely lost the signs of life, and only the darkness of the destruction of the breath is full. Early desperate. Near the Yeung City, the martyrdom riding the soil, the cold ice Yangtze River network is headed by the front, and the countless corpse army starts Di. The Desperate Great Wall stands on the glacier from the top to the top.

The unclear corpse is like a tide. From the darkness of madness to prevent all the crushing in front of all


Qiong En: Xuelino is sucking Z to inherity, the blood, the scalp is numb "the alien is dispatched L"

"It's not good, this group of monsters want to use the sea offens to attack the desperate Great Wall !!"

As the smallest son of the wolf home, the hot battle blood flows in Xuelino body. Looking at the ghost like a tide from the dark as a worm. I pulled out the long sword.

The desperate alarm bells that have never been sounded in the Years of the Great Wall began to grow up. The high-rise sound shocked the long night, the Nightsman, wakes up, and the Great Wall City will start to join this black night battle.

boom! boom! boom!

I have already prepared a rolling stone fleet and broken, and countless fierce ghosts were smashed.

However, the opposite ghosts have a ghost, the Ghost Taijun, has become almost endless corpthrics without any extra feeling. The mind is only a crazy thought. Twelve two two must be blocked in front of the red crushing LL "this damn! The corpse of the five dodes is coming! It's more

Nidthake's heart is sinking. He as the highest commander of the Northern Jing, almost the first time I have invested in the battlefield. Judging the experience of Wei Fu, quickly judged the number of county people of this group of monsters.

"How can there be so many bodies? The wild people in the whole army have not been covered (Li's)?"

The dishwandering wisdom is extraordinary, and it is also known to take the troops.

It is the purpose of having some body weakness of the ghosts that have been sent to hitting the ghosts.

Strong stuns seem to hide the darkness in the darkness of discipline.

The fierce desperate battle lasted too half an hour. Under the desperate governor, a corpse has been stacked.

Strong humorite is simply disgraced to videody, and there is a cold blue and blue, and the commandments of the attack are sent to the Great Wall.

A row of rows like the giant of the majestic mountains, starting the gods.

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A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

Chapter 17 Horror Night Kings! Bone Dragon!

? Boom! Mountain bomb! ! boom! !! The majestic giant is released and started to rank, and the whole piece is too trembling.

After being transformed into a giant devil by the opposite ghost, the giants have lost their consciousness. There is only one thought in the mind:


All all the things in front of all, all kill the mountain

When the giant family, the giant is still in the battlefield, the giant is the existence of the killing machine in the battlefield. Bang!

Hundreds of giant magic waved the jack of the giant hammer, and smashed in the desperate governor. The violent power is a strong talence begins to vibrate.

Ground movement

The long market is moving, and there are many nights and soldiers who stand in the heights, and they will fall down, and the powder is broken. The giant magic gangli made the nights and the arms of the gods.

Under the desperate Great Wall, under the crazy attack of this monster, the faint vibration seems to have the signs of the two-wire collapse! The tragic war is still in the middle. The Ghost Knight is indifferent to the battlefield in the distance, and suddenly turned over to the Tuceda, he sounded a deafening and screaming behind him.


A bleak magic dragon is with a long time, and the wings of the shaking of the sky are swept away from the dark as a worm and is hging in the air.

Bone Magic Dragon Back. Sitting a high majestic figure

He is covered with ancient distinguished in the eyes of the face to flee the cryo. The opposite gods have stopped the movements in their hands. I started to give this chapism of this magic dragon. It is like a court that I have encountered the monarch.

Five-five and ghostous Taijun. It has also been sensed. They said that they said that they were embarrassed. This scene shocked all the people above the desperate city.

"Hey! This is the king of the mid-ghost this is the night king!" Nadd Tak's face is lighter, and then slowly sighing: "For more than a hundred years, the Tagley family and the height war There was a dragon fallen king's dark war. I didn't expect Night Wang Junran to find the ability of the goddess of the dragon in Yongqing. After being killed, the body can be transformed into the three ghosts to fill the undead military group.

The king of the night is the king of the ghost, and the white bone dragon will be a heart gain.

The battle of the B-shaped binding is the danger of the Desperate Great Wall. The ghostous Taijun has always been difficult to move this.


The Great Wall has hosted a corpse

Has sea!

l Night Wang Bingling Azur is blooming out of unlimited chill. Extending his hand and smashing the head and neck of the Bone Dragon, the bone dragon seems to understand the vibration of the opposite of the opposite, the eyelids of the empty, and the worms have a blazing red. Homewhere

In the cool dragon, the white bones rushed to the top of the hundred-inch to launch an offensive at the desperate Great Wall.

The cold magic is sprayed from the Julongkou, and the glacier, the glacier, the glacier, and the two pieces are all trembled.

The power of the dragon. Even the dragon that has been died. They have been super flat to human imagination.

The arrows such as Longdong Blizzard Tianchang Dynasty Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon is falling in the air, which is the last effort to make the final effort to spit!

The night king of the dragon has a layer of blue crystal shroud air wall. The vulnerability of the brittle golden iron suddenly has the ear, and the arrows fall in the shield as if embedded on the ice wall, and solidified in the gaps.

The five arrows have been brought about half of damage to the night king.

Instead, the white bone dragon whose ruty is high, began to vomit horror towards the longstore.



II for the dragon's strength of the dragon played on the battlefield. It is really a horrible to even collapse even the generals of the sky!

The two-faced city wall finally abuses in the blue magic flame. It is a hundred years of heroes in the North Beijing to collapse!

The giant devil began to cut the stone ice and snow, and there were countless ghosts. The battlefield situation immediately reversed the nights of the Legion to fall into the dead.

Fresh qq

: Finish

Naddhak pupils were contracted. He has never experienced such a war.

The unstrehensible Japanese ghost left army is coming, so that you will sweep the whole dimloida, put all everything. Liang Liang is coming over the distant oriental.

The night king lifted his head, and the eyes of the ice gaze the sources of the source of the sources of escaping. Full of unlimited killing. The two heads and majestic Drake are free from the east.

Shenjun's majestic dragon body has a deep metal texture of purple gold.

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