The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 243 of the Three Kingdoms

Out of the people's instinct, he is always in this way, and the heart is frightened.

If he knows that Liu Hao has already grabbed the front, it has not only destroyed the entire Mu Kezhai, but also starts the treasure, it may be asger to vomit blood ...

It is a place where you look at the place where you are.

This feeling seems to let Zhao Yun return to the grassland, returning to the chance of Bai Mayi from the Wushu people and the Huns War.

"News ~~~"

The front army of the police, hurriedly came to the letter: "Report ... Zhao Yun, the direction of Nanyang, there is a horse, is moving toward the Mukuzhai, the mean!"

"Yuan Shu !?"

Zhao Yun Jian's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and he was sigh: "The main man is really a god machine, Yuan Shu really has a move!"

[Ask a wave automatic subscription ~~].

The twentieth chapter of the power of silver lion riding!

"It is estimated that it is not at 230,000 people. When you can't see it at night, they will kill them directly towards the Pingdingshan Mukuzhai. It is not enough to 50 miles away. It is estimated that before dawn, you can go to Pingdingshan!"

"What to do, Zhao big brother, or send people to inform the main public, and make a decision?"

Silver lion light ride, the depth, Zhao Black cow, asked.

When the silver lion light cavalry is a military, Zhao Huaiu is directly designated by Liu Wei as a deputy will of Zhao Yun, and this time is also the same.

Zhao Yun gripped the Bailong's gun in his hand, said: "You sent a brother, hurry to Pingdingshan to report, the rest of the brothers, follow me to intercept this horse."

Zhao Black Niu hurriedly recruited a spark in a silver lion ride and arranged him to send a letter.

Another deputy head, Yan Yau, frowned, asked: "Zi Dong Big Brother, according to the probes, the Yuan Shu army killed in Pingdingshan is not less than 30,000, and the silver lion is only 3,000, this can play ?"

"I am afraid of an egg !?"

Zhao's black cow is full, not careful: "Yuan Shao brothers, you don't know the power of this light cavalry, and you will give you some knowledge."

After all, Yan Yuan Shao is born in the yellow towel, the bold pattern is limited.

Zhao Yun smiled slightly and said: "Yuan Shao brothers, heavy rides, don't move like mountains, invading, rushing forward, and invincible.

But the light ride, but the mobility of the light cavalry is much stronger than the cavalry, the battlefield, come to the wind, can wear inserted to kill, disturb the enemy, the two wings, even if it doesn't play, It can be retired by means of mobile, and the enemy can't help us ... "

Zhao Yun gave a lesson to the literacy, Yuan Shao, and heard that Yuan Shao took the head and unknown.

He hurriedly said: "The main bureau is the leader of the silver lion light cavalry, and everything listens to Zhao Yun's big brother!"

Huayuan also laughed: "The main department is a soldier, all of which are exquisite and selection, all of the brave people, the silver lion is deeply valued, the elite is elite, and finally consists of these three thousand rides! The general is a silver lion light ride, and there is more than Wanfu's brave, breaking this Yuan Shujun, is never impossible. "


Zhao Yun put the silver lion light riding a few departments, turned over the horse, said: "The soldiers are expensive, now the Lord is on Pingdingshan, I will wait until the death, and it is absolutely unable to let this Yuan Yun army The main public, the next listening, speed to convene this cavalry collection! "


Rong Rong, Zhao Chiu and other will have to give this three thousand silver lion light cavalry to the convened.

Zhao Yun rides the white horse, proud, put the white dragon, long | gun, sorrowful: "Tens of thousands of enemy forces, the silver lion ride, can have a man who is not afraid of death, margin with me !? "

"Why not dare!?"

"Why not dare!?"

Three thousand silver lion iron ride, raised the unique cold Tie Lion shield in his hand, crazy shockped his chest, bursting out hysterical.

"Army attack!"

Zhao Yun and Ji Ling both in this madness | The urgent army is on the wild, and I have encountered together.

Yuan Shujun's fast-horse scout, hurriedly passed the latest information back to the Chinese army:

"Report, General Ji Ling! A light cavalry is discovered, about more than 3,000 people, everyone dressed in white, playing Liu Yujun's banner!"

Ji Ling took a surprise, frown: "Sure enough, there is no main public. This Liu Hao will send troops to enter. The soldiers are already overlooking the whole army who is playing by Liu Wei? "

Thinking of this, Ji Ling is a little uneasy - Mu Kezhai is different from the general thief. The king of the knife is a martial art, the man is all, and the people are all horses, in Liu Wei. In front of it, is it so unbearable?

This Liu Yunjun, what is the realm of power?

"General Ji Ling, don't think too much, maybe Liu Wei sent the soldiers hidden in the squadron!"

Another deputy head of the Ji Lingjun said.

"Yes, we are rushing opposite, you can directly eat this horse!"

Yuan Shujun said Chen Lan.

Ji Lingnou nodded, there is already a decision, said: "The fighter is not missing, he is listed, and it is coming!"

"Chen Lan, the general, the speed rate of this soldier, will take the Liu Yunjun in front!"


30,000 Yuan Shujun, broke out the whistling sound, showing a fan-shaped military array, and killing the silver lion of Zhao Yun!

However, he is not someone else today.

It is Liu Wei's number one general, Changshan Zhao Zilong!

Zhao Yun Jian's eyebrows, decisively, put the silver lion light cavalry inverted three | collar arvers, under his lead, ready to use mobile, repeatedly involved the Yuan Shujun.

The tapered cavalry array raid, the most important ring is to watch the master's ability.

This is just a little meaning for Zhao Yun, who has experienced the bloody battle of 200,000 wolf rides.


Zhao Yun shot Bai Long, directly from the left-wing of Yuan Shujun.

Long wind, the horse's mad.

Zhao Yun, a horse in white robe, one horse, the hand, the white dragon, the gun gun, the gun, will block the death of the gourd in front of the gourd, the gourd is a dozen!

Huayuan, Zhao Bull and other generals, and also served as a rain, arrow, such as rain, long knife!

Yuan Shujun fell a large piece directly!

The scream is endless!

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