The sun is high

Chapter 7 Discovery

After walking around in this dreamland, Xiuge was able to determine that most of the third category were incredible parts from various creatures.

Blood, limbs, teeth, or eyeballs and ears, etc...

There is nothing they can't think of, nothing they can't bring up.

Some of these conditions are far more disgusting than inherently dangerous, and may even be darkly humorous.

It looks like it's being deliberately disgusting.

Shuge was very doubtful that there were really people in this world who could endure the stench emanating from the swamp witches. He suppressed his nausea and collected a whole basket of "fresh hairs" from their bodies.

Because as far as he knew, a disgusting and obscene monster like the Swamp Witch only had hair in a few places on its body.

To achieve this condition, I am afraid that not only strong strength is needed, but also strong enough psychological endurance.


Shuge made a silent retching motion to show his disdain for such unpleasant conditions, and then continued down the corridor.

"In fact, these three types of conditions can all be referred to by specific substances, and there are no restrictions on the methods of obtaining them... If I want to obtain a lake-level mage's identity badge, I can follow the steps You can pass the assessment of the Legal Committee and become a lake-level mage step by step. You can also use other methods to 'obtain' it from other mages."

"However, just like the magic I paid twenty silver coins for the first time, I won't know what I am getting in exchange for it until I actually pay the price... I can only evaluate the risk, but But it is impossible to estimate the benefits and value corresponding to this risk.”

Xiuge sighed and cursed secretly in his mind: "We used to do card drawings with guarantees and pseudo-randomization, but here it's better. You just have to do it at your own risk."

His eyes swept across the row of workstations next to him, and as expected, there were a lot of goals that could not be easily achieved.

Gradually, Xiuge has arrived at the edge of the office area he is familiar with.

In fact, the company where Xiuge used to work rented out an entire building as an office area. Project teams like his usually only occupied part of a floor, with other workstations scattered on the same floor. For other game projects that belong to the same studio or center, due to busy work and laziness, Xiuge rarely goes to other people's sites. This leads to the fact that although he has worked for many years, he actually does not understand anything except somewhere other than your own studio.

As he moved away from the familiar work area, the black fog and shadows began to become heavier and richer. In some corners that Xiuge had never seen before, there were even patches of complete darkness. Regardless of Xiuge, No matter how hard I try, I can't see clearly what's inside.

These darknesses formed an oppressive and terrifying wall in the darkness. Xiuge could not know what existed in this darkness, and he did not dare to touch it at will.

"Assuming that this place is indeed formed based on my cognition and memory, then the world outside the window should not be pitch black..."

Xiuge once again stopped in front of the darkness blocking the road. He was full of curiosity about this unknown territory, but he did not dare to take risks easily. He looked around and finally found an unmarked " Price", a mug that can be taken at will.

He picked up the mug and stopped a few steps away from the darkness. Then he bent down, put the mug on the ground and pushed it forward.

After a rubbing sound, the mug disappeared into the darkness.

Xiuge could see very clearly that the cup seemed to be swallowed by a huge mouth. The moment it was completely submerged into the darkness, all the sounds completely disappeared. He could not even judge that it was the darkness that blocked the sounds. , or this mug fell into the bottomless abyss, or...

Is it integrated with the darkness?

Xiuge had no intention of gambling with his body, so he decisively stayed away from the darkness and instead came to the elevator hall near his office area.

What surprised him was that there were no depressing colors that could block the road. On the contrary, in front of the elevators that could lead to other floors and allow him to leave the building, there were also floating signs that represented " Conditions" text.

Xiuge stepped forward curiously, but this time, those obscure words composed of strange lines were not "translated" in his mind, but turned into an extremely violent impact, acting in the form of pain. in his thinking.

This severe pain made Xiuge's body tremble. He couldn't help but hug his head, and his body naturally crouched down.

He couldn't understand the words floating in front of the elevator door.

The dull pain in his head began to slowly dissipate, and Xiuge suddenly realized that what he had just seen was probably something more terrifying and elusive than the darkness.

So he didn't care to continue resting and decisively left the elevator hall, never daring to look at those words again.

Shuge, who had recovered from the pain, quickly regained consciousness. What had just happened allowed him to once again take a serious look at this strange world that was consistent with his past, but obviously different.

Xiuge walked back to his work station and sat tiredly on the familiar chair.

Now, only this inconspicuous corner near the window can bring him a sense of security.

"Sure enough, the so-called easy-to-use and considerate 'Golden Finger' is just my fantasy."

Xiuge looked at the elevator hall that was looming in the dim light, and at the "exchange" conditions that were constantly appearing around him because of his sight, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Now I can confirm that this place is not safe for me at all... Whether it is tonight's encounter or the process of obtaining magic after paying twenty silver coins, it is full of pain and risk."

He pulled out a piece of white paper from the side, found a pen, and began to draw carefully.

Soon, a somewhat rough floor plan and structure diagram appeared under Xiuge's pen.

"Currently, the scope of my activities in this world is restricted by a black circle of fog. It is mainly my past studio, and extending to both sides includes several commonly used conference rooms, Where the game builds and testers are located, and part of the two studio groups next door..."

"In terms of the overall area, the space here is not very large, but all the passages that can leave here, such as elevators, corridors and stairs, have been completely blocked. Judging from the current situation, I can't find it anyway. To find a way out of here.”

Xiuge boldly outlined the areas connected to the fog on the structural diagram, and put a big question mark on the elevator room that had just caused serious mental damage to him.

He knew that another round of his exploration of this dream world might have come to an end.

This time, he still couldn't find the strange figure he saw when he just died. It was as if the other person just wanted to show his face in front of him and pushed him into the door leading to Van En.

"It's not without gain."

Xiuge carefully recalled the conditions he had just seen, and soon he wrote down the ones he felt were not so harsh on this piece of paper.

"Fifty general gold coins... maybe we can get them together if we use some special methods."

"A set of accessories for the orthodox female nobles of the Kingdom of Walter. In the same way, if I am willing to use a special method, I should be able to obtain it."

"Then there are some relatively low-priced materials that can be purchased in ordinary stores. If the quality of the materials is not required, you should be able to get a lot of them, but whether they can be used as exchange conditions needs to be verified. "

A moment later, Xiuge once again came to the corner with two strange doors. One of them was still closed, and there was always the "Crown of the Black Sun" suspended above it, which was an extremely outrageous condition at first glance.

The other door, depicting a giant wheel being dismantled, pieced together and reassembled, was easily pushed open by Xiuge.

Just like before, he took a deep breath and then jumped into the abyss behind the door.

There are still seven days left before the tragedy in Salem City occurs.

Amidst the pursuit and pressure of the countdown, Xiuge hurriedly got up, just like a real office worker, he solved his personal cleanliness problem at an extremely fast speed, and followed the hoarse sound of the magic clock. The manuscript left his home.

It was just after eight o'clock in the morning, and many shops had already opened. The shop assistants were actively preparing for business. Some young-looking boys and girls had already taken the latest newspapers from the newspaper office and began to shout and sell them on the street. .

"Would you like a newspaper, Mr. Writer?"

A girl with pigtails recognized Shuge, so she jumped over and held up a newspaper that smelled strongly of ink with a smile. She was so positive and proactive that she almost The newspaper was stuffed into Shuge's mouth.

The original owner of this body didn't pay much attention to current affairs and news. The behavior of buying newspapers only started after Shuge came here.

The little girl is very business-savvy. She thinks that if Xiuge buys something the first time, he will definitely buy it a second time, so every time she sees him passing by, she will definitely call him out.

Shuge took the newspaper with a smile and popped out a coin. The girl happily reached out to catch it. Then she forgot about her stable customer and hurriedly turned to the other side to start looking for her new goal. .

"Peace Newspaper" is the only newspaper in Salem City. It is not only a newspaper, but also undertakes the responsibilities and work of a magazine and a publishing house.

Just like its name, the newspapers, magazines and even some messy text products created by Heping Newspaper Company all have a very strong "Salem style", that is, they are inseparable from the word "peace". It seems that as long as it is called this name, the city of Salem You can avoid the flames of war forever.

Today's "Peace Daily" features a giant magical photo on the front page.

This kind of photos taken directly by the mage reporters of the Legal Committee using special equipment and magic can preserve the dynamics at the time of shooting. In the photos, Xiuge saw a long string of railway tracks and a car that was breathing steam with its teeth and claws. , a steel behemoth with magic lines carved all over its body and inlaid with various strange weapons and high-standard magic crystals.

The caption above the photo is very conspicuous: "The latest breakthrough in the Kingdom of Votel! The full combination of magic and steam!"

Under the photo, there are two lines of small words that are not very eye-catching.

"According to the former military minister of the Kingdom of Votel, it was revealed in public that the military funding of the Kingdom of Votel has been tilted towards a 'new field' on a large scale in the past two years. And some people familiar with the matter revealed that this decision has won the legal support. The committee’s attention and support…”

Shuge continued to read the newspaper as he walked.

Perhaps because he knew the next trend of the world, he read a strong atmosphere of war between the lines of this newspaper, whether it was the appearance of the magic war train that occupied the front page, or those that were easily regarded as talking points. Local conflicts and contradictions that are jokes, or "gossips" about riots in certain crystal mines that have been squeezed into the corners of newspapers...

In Shuge's eyes, these words and pictures are like water flowing into a huge pool called "Unstable". Perhaps it won't be long before this special pool can breed terrifying monsters beyond people's expectations. .

Shuge's reading speed was very fast, so it didn't take long for him to turn to the two pages dedicated to reporting local news in Salem City.

Salem City is not big, so there is very little news that can be reported. In the past, this place was always occupied by all kinds of tidbits and weird and inferior advertisements, and only occasionally two announcements from high-level officials were issued.

As expected by Xiuge, there was no mention of the loud noise and vibration that occurred last night in these two pages.

So Xiuge put down the newspaper in his hand, squinted his eyes in the sunlight that was falling, and his eyes drifted to the street on the right - he was walking on the road that was blocked last night, and now people are coming here People were coming and going, everything was business as usual, and there was no noticeable smell in the air.

Shuge scanned the buildings on both sides. He hoped to be able to use the appearance of the building to determine where the accident occurred. However, the ability and level of the police officers and spell casters in handling matters completely exceeded Shuge's expectations.

Just when he was about to give up, the magic disk in his spiritual world suddenly trembled slightly, and the meager magic power accumulated in his body became more active as if it had been stimulated.

Relying on that vague intuition, Xiuge lowered his head and looked at the exceptionally new street bricks under his feet.


He suddenly realized something.

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