"Don't you have a big turtle?

"So far. Air Manta keeps coming from the sea."

Copy that.

"Where's Mr. Keith?

"I have something to worry about. Call me if there seems to be a big turtle raid."

"I understand."

Cut the telepath with Irina.

Now it doesn't seem to be an oppressive situation.

Good, then.

I really care about this one.

Kim, is that Quigaard Slave?

Kim, are you Qui Guardian Slave?

What about demons?

I want you to stay.

So, what about the example demon god?

I don't know.

Whether you can win even with [English Spirit Summoning].

I'm not sure.

[English Spirit Summons] should still be unavailable in the evening.

Rather, there is no stray.

I just have to try to follow him.

If he's disappearing and moving, it won't be that far.

We should chase him right away.

Eliminate status anomalies with soma liquor.

Okay, let's change the formation.

Let Ninetail and Aoi return.

I summon Wolfe and Panar.

Pantanal is looking around.

I guess I'm looking for Ninetail.

Absolutely, you're lonely!


Wolf was low, and barked briefly.

I lean my neck in front of Pantanal to show it.

Oh, that's good.

Have you lost some of your loneliness?

Pantanal tilts his neck but his gaze is nailed to Wolfe.

Wolf waves his tail.

Pantanal also started waving his tail.

That tail's next to each other. It's about to hit the Isotope and the Mesians!

Well, okay.

It won't be a big deal if you hit it somewhat.



Looks like the median hit his tail.

You haven't taken enough care of your surroundings.

Well, it was light and there was no damage.

Neither is Mezian so terribly angry.

It's all right.

Pantanal is showing frightened, but don't worry.

Because the Mezians aren't that angry!

Please, just hang out with the chase a little bit longer, okay?

Any footprints?

Definitely, there is.

Sometimes, I almost lose sight of it.

Wolf's tracking it, too, and I can't go wrong.

More than half, I'm in charge of Wolfe's tracking.

Now I want to earn travel speed.

That means buying time.

I see some parties in the distance, but I don't care.

I'm interrupting.

Plus, I use Carm Monsters.

Because we're not going to embezzle the prey!

So don't look at me with weird eyes!


Wolf barks.

What does that mean?

It would be a warning.

And a demon was appearing in front of me.

A bunch of demons.

Every time you get used to it, it's garm in the Trihorn Lizard.

Griffon with air power.

Fewer guys with demons on them?


I'm not satisfied with this.

Demand a redo!

"The hell with humans!" "Enchanted Breaker!

But let's get some experience delicious.

There, die.

(((Meatier Stream!

(((Pyroclastic flow!

((((Lightning Blast!


(((Acid Rain!

Let them eat the whole attack assortment.

There are multiple effects overlapping and I don't know what to do anymore.

Well, okay.

It's the main team that's after us.

Why don't you show me that?

Because you're not angry?

Kimqui, I forgive Guardian Slave.

Kim, I'd be mad if I were Quigaard Slave.

Let's do that.

I'm going to jail, so the action itself is with me, though.

(Dispel Magic!

Come on, which one?

But I haven't seen the results due to the Pyroclastic Flow.

I don't know if Dispel Magic works either.

No, wait.

Only the legs are visible.

A turtle.

Its thickness, I saw it as Kim Qui Guardian Slave!

Wolf rushes through between Beryl Beasts.

The dragon group will be on top of the methyl.

Fair enough.

I don't think it's that easy to take a lot of damage.

Unless there's a Newt Dragon.


Let's just put it in place.

Roll it anyway.

And apparently, this turtle has no boundaries.

Apparently, demons are understaffed too.


The tortoise belly, which looked like a ceiling, was imminent.

I'm leaning.

I set up an assault on my leg with a little scare.

Naturally, but it doesn't penetrate.

Instead, it temporarily lightens the tortoise.

Never a diet.

(((Energy Drain!

(((Dimension Sword!

(((Pulse laser burst!


((((DiClay Heat!

Then a pack of contact spells.

Check the position of the thick leg and the inclination of the turtle.


Finish it.


Then you should roll.

A tortoise rolling slowly is fine.

I can't grasp the war.

It's not good to be surrounded by Beryl Beasts either.

Get out of the way!


He storms Beryl Beast as he scatters his attack spells all around him.

I couldn't penetrate it.

Instead, Beryl Beast blew it up more on his own!

I wish I was a little heavier.

For blown up, I feel the damage is getting smaller.

Come on.

Let's make sure.

Newt Dragon, are you there?

Mithrill Golem of Dragon????


It was off.

But in a way, it's more troublesome than the Newt Dragon!

There's no point in defeating this guy himself.

Guaranteed resurrection.

Two people like that, huh?

You have no other means of defeating the Dark Summoner of the Summoner!

Where do you want it?

It must still be alive.

Besides, the only opponent is Mithril Golem of Dragons.

There was also a stag dragon on the beetle dragon.

Isotope and Mesian have already challenged the battle from the front.

The Beetle Dragon is still good, but the Stag Dragon is strong.

You should have some support.

Besides, there were Beryl Beasts, and as far as I could see, there were many Garms and Trihorn Lizards.

Looks like there's some power inside.

Though I am concerned about the small number of demons.

Where's Dark Summoner?

If it's possible, it's on a griffon or on a turtle's head.

There was a Big Horn Lizard.

The Demon Man was riding, but apparently Dark Summoner.

Is that the one?

Drive through Panar and approach it all at once.

Wolfe also followed me as he released his body around him.

Beryl beast trying to be a wall and inhibit, but slow!

Shake it off at once.

What's looming?

Garm and Trihorn Lizard, but they're all heavily damaged.

Then here's the thing!


Explosive flames all around.

And I think I overdid it.

I had planned to slaughter the demon man with my own hands, but it sank!

What a mistake.

Still need confirmation.

Are there fewer Mithril Golems of Dragons?

It seems to be decreasing.

One left.

But could the flame attack have been a failure?

There must be another Dark Summoner for the Devil.

It also seems difficult to find the surroundings at the extreme of confusion.

The smell of meat burning is also terrible.


I can't help what I've done.

What's the problem?

Mithril, how do you stop the Golem of Dragons from moving?

How do you find Dark Summoners if you can stop the movement?

That's where the battle wins and loses.

(Offense Fall!)

(Defense Fall!)




(Gravity Prison!)

(Holly Prison!)

(Black belt wrapping!)





(Cards Worm!)


(Iron Maiden!)

I understand there are spells that don't work.

Still, I want one of them to come through.

Although it is a combination of [spell fusion] that releases while I hope so.


Can I have this, too?

(Ice Coffin!)

A shaped Mithril Golem of Dragon split in a steel coffin.

Ice Coffin on this?


Just in case.

How could I not have thought of that before?

I was thinking about that.

Whoa, I don't think so.

Now there are priorities.

Dark Summoner.

Where? Where?

Come out because I'm not angry!

Because I'll at least take you to the afterlife with ease!

"[Sealing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Fire Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Equestrian] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Panar has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

The fact that I had already hunted it off when I realized it.

The Mithril Golem of Dragons had also disappeared along the way.

How could you?

Probably, but I think it was when I finished the Big Horn Lizard where there was another one.

I guess the Dark Summoner had been tailored as well.

Fire Magic Attack Spell, Fire Explosion is not bad.

Because of the union of [spell fusion] I used before that.

Melting Magic Spell, Pyroclastic Flow.

In essence, it will become a crushing stream, but the harshness of Sakurajima's doka ashes is beyond its reach.

Getting closer to dark.

Besides, neither Noctvision nor Holly Wright make sense.

It's very effective for use for mixed purposes, though.

I wasn't fit to do what I was looking for.

Wind magic attack spells all just wind up the ashes.

In the end, it was the Air Current Control spell that was valid.

Pyroclastic flow seems tough when overlaid with [spell fusion].

Reflections, right?

It was vitality that was already rising with Panal status values.

Let's specify an intellect value for the other stat up.

Panal Slapenil Lv22 Lv23 ( 1)

Dexterity value 48

Agility 67

Intelligence value 25 ( 1)

Muscle Strength 67

Vitality 69 ( 1)

Mental Strength 25


Disease avoidance per biting stepper

Night's Eye Endurance Running Horse Leap Ravage Kick Up Heavy Duty

Rider Recovery [Small] Self Recovery [Medium] Physical Resistance [Medium]

Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Micro] Space-Time Attribute Light Attribute

Dark attributes, wind attributes, charm, immediacy.


It's a stripping operation.

Kim Qui Guardian Slave cannot be missed.

I still want the diamond's primary stone.

The subtle one is Beryl Beast.

There's a chance that the jewels will peel, but what about this number?

All of it, I'm not sure I can peel it off within half an hour.

[Material Item] Diamond Quality A + Rarity 9 Weight 0 +

A gemstone raw stone, also known as gold diamond, with the hardest substance.

Many of them are colorless. Quality varies according to various criteria, such as transparency.

It is not uncommon to trade at a higher price than its rare value.

There was only one peel.

But the quality is the best without machining, and the rarity is also increased?

Can I expect this?


Wolfe takes an alert stance.

Are you there yet?

Blanc Race Lv.52 Human Male

Assassin/Sting Fighter Lv.19

Permitted Stun Counter Combat Position: Ground

There was this.


I guess he's one of the PK jobs in the example.

Anyway, I recognize him.

I know it's disguised, but it's uncomfortable.

Obviously in thick shape.

His face is also round.

Would you like to take a little diet?

Well, now it's a priority to tie it up.

Grapenil is fine, though.

What about Su Fangxiao?

'Cause I've never used it properly.

The effect is simple, just eat in.

I think it's good!

I have no taste in taking off what a man is wearing.

And it's a waste of time.

I tied it up as it was.

But the back hand, the front seat position.

Makes me want to hold a thick tablet on my lap.

Plus we need to make him sit on a stone slab with a bump of gizzards!

No, he said he didn't.

What I'm trying to do now is not torture.

I'm tired of listening.



I'm sure it is.

So, is it time for you to wake up?

Still, what would a state of stunning abnormality look like in real life?

I don't care.



I can see the rope is tighter because all of a sudden it tried to get violent.

There was a noise from Su Fangxiao.

Plus, the HP bar is diminishing.


But it's okay.

There are plenty of MP bars.

You can always use dark heels, right?

"It's okay. I just need to ask you something."

"Hey, what!

"How could you have been with the demon gods?

Bran as he shuts his mouth and thinks of something.

My eyes are swimming.

You don't seem to want to gaze at me.

You're not being polite.

This is where we're discussing it.

Let's look at their faces and talk.

I can eagle my forehead and put my strength into it.

But just a little bit.

Just point your face this way.

I feel like I've put too much effort into it, but I'm sure it's my fault.

"Answer what I've heard. Why were you with the demon gods?

"I was caught by a demon!


You must be mistaken.

What Blanc is saying must be about demons.

It's the demon gods I want to hear.

"Different. You would have been in the harbor town of Salinas, wouldn't you? You were behind the demon gods."


"It's that beauty, Bran. I saw your name there."

Bran suddenly shuts up.

I had frightened emotions in my eyes for only a moment.

I don't know.

If you keep your mouth shut, we're not gonna have this conversation, okay?

Let's just make it a little easier to convince.

Just a little bit, I strengthened my forehead grip.

There is also a murmuring sound coming from Su Fangxiao.

I don't know.

We're not gonna keep talking like this, are we?

(Dark heels!

It's dangerous.

I almost died!

"There was also a mica dragon, the Scarab Dragon, in the place. Looks like you had company."

"Mi, you were seeing it!

"[Nursing] hasn't worked out that well, though. Better keep your disguise in mind, huh?

Bran's expression disappeared.

The next moment.

Bran's body gradually disappears.

No way, this.

Force Logout?

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Ropework]!

When Bran disappeared completely, Su Fangxue fell to the ground.


Su Fangxiao was not the only one left.

Various items were left behind.

Demon crystal on Demon Stone, mana potion on potion.

A sachet containing dine coins.

And here it is.

[Decorative Item: Ring] Ring Quality C + Rarity of Constraint 6

M · AP +???? Weight 0 + Endurance value????

An item of oath and curse that the demon god gives to others. The material is unknown.

When the oath is fulfilled, a new demon is supposedly born.

Those who have equipped say that as long as they keep their oaths, they have all kinds of favors.

Sounds like a curse item.

And it's the design that leads to the devil's ring that doesn't fit in the jewels.

Low rarity, too.

I don't think I'll ever use it.

But for once, shall I keep it?

It seems like a dangerous substitute, but there it is.

You can extract the magic vegetables and break them.

Besides, could I dedicate myself to the obelisk of the arena?

In any case, you're on hold now.

Corpses remain scattered all around.

What about it?

Will there be time to extend the stripping operation?

No, I don't.

It is possible that there are other Kim Qui Guardian Slaves.

Looks like he's attacking Lemt in hiding.

It's worth exploring.

Kim Qui Guardian Slave, delicious.

Exactly a treat!

I saw players around me.

It's becoming quite a number.

Wild horses?

Hi. Is it hard to get close because we have a dragon team?

That's right.

You can leave the handling of demon bodies to them.

Gemstones may be peeled from the Beryl Beast.

The demon stone must have peeled from the garm.

There will be nothing to waste.

Ride Panar.

He rushed over to the players when he made the dragon set stop on the spot.

Most importantly, should we speak to the hunter-like player who was nearby?

"Do you guys have a minute?

"What? Well"

"I left the item stripping from the demonic corpse to you. If we don't hurry, the body will disappear.

"Um, okay?

"I'll hurry up."

Yes, I want to hurry ahead now.

The possibility that there is still an army of demons cannot be discarded.

Let's explore the north side a bit.

Am I missing something?

There is no doubt that he would be on his way to Remt.

Then it seems easy to explore.

What time is it?

It's only 11: 20 a.m.

I have a feeling it's going to be a long day.

Looks like you should fill your belly with portable food as you travel.

Finish your meal while you can.

Now is the time.

"[Melting Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Nursing] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Tracking] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The summoning monster Isotope has been leveled in the current battle victory!

Please add 2 points to any status value

What time is it?

1: 20pm?

That's just Kim Qui Guardian Slave!

Its travel speed is slow.

It's crushing two more armies.

What do we have in common?

It's the usual army, centered around Kim Qui Guardian Slave.

But there must be two Mithrill Golems of Dragons.

Dark Summoner, naturally, was there.

There are only a few different stag dragons on the beetle dragon, but there are.

Garm, Trihorn Lizard and Beryl Beast are totally unwilling to count.

I can't solve it.

If I had a curse instructor, I think I could generate a bond.

Is it understaffed?

I didn't know what was going on with the devil's side, though.

As for me, it's easy and helpful to get rid of it.

That's for sure, too.

It was the agility value that was already rising with the status value of the isotope.

Specify your muscle strength and vitality for the other 2 stats up.

Isotope Uranos Dragon Lv4 Lv5 ( 1)

Dexterity value 35

Agility value 70 ( 1)

Intelligence value 35

Muscle strength value 55 ( 1)

Vitality 55 ( 1)

Mental Strength 35


biting tearing head poking flying avoidance leap disease drive

Nocturnal Aquatic Aerial Manoeuvre Underwater Manoeuvre Self-Recovery [Medium]

Physical Resistance [Small] Magic Resistance [Medium] MP Recovery Increase [Small]

predatory absorption brace space-time attribute light attribute dark attribute

Fire Attributes Wind Attributes Water Attributes Dust Attributes Toxic Resistance Immediate Death

Oh, yeah, yeah.

We have other things in common.

There is an example PK position that was accompanied by an example demon god.

One at a time, though.

Blanc was the first to be in the crushed herd.

Next up is Tsukimei.

And the guy who was in this herd is Eugene.

The Eugene was packed with Su Fangxiao.

Moreover, he is unable to move in the form of being trampled by Panar's hooves.

Will this guy respond to persuasion?

I didn't even have a conversation the other day, but I was forced to log out quickly.

What about this Eugene?

"Ma, wait! The demons were grabbing me! Believe me!

"Because I've already found out the story. You're the third, Eugene."


Not at all.

Was that a knockout?

The judgment of the players in the previous PK position was really quick.

Compared to that, this guy has a bad round-the-clock.

I find out who I am, and I'm desperate to say it.

But Lu Ryu hasn't turned around and I can't hear him.

It's ugly and it's hard to hear.

(Phantom Payne!

I added a little shock therapy.

Does it hurt?

It must hurt.

Looks like he tried to get a little violent and Su Fangxiao Sou tightened up all at once.

The HP bar was considerably reduced.

"Be careful. Because when it breaks, the rope tightens."

"Yes, it hurts! It hurts!"

"Look, I don't have to move"


I didn't seem to know you were eating Phantom Payne's spell.

It's convenient not to be noticed.

It would be the effect of [silent chanting].

I'm usually not aware of it at all.

(Dark heels!

Let me make you recover.

You don't have to thank me.

The MP bar you consume is yours!

Although this player named Eugene.

You seem afraid of something.

It is unclear what that is.

Is that you?

The ring.

Is there a behavioral constraint to the fact that you're setting me up?

It's just a prediction, though.

Let's try it.

And above my palm is a constraint ring.

That's the guy Eugene was putting in his left index finger.

It was quite a hassle to take it off because it was tied to the back of your hand, wasn't it?

"You took this from the demon god, didn't you?

"How far do you know!


I knew it.

Looks like my mouth slipped better after the ring came off.

How about that?

The grin comes naturally to mind.

"In the harbour town of Salinas, you were with that woman's demon god, right?

"I didn't think so, but you were [nursing]"

"It's a coincidence. Besides, I'm guessing all the other faces are doing the same thing as you, right?

Now shut your mouth.

Oh, I wish I'd thrown it all up already.

I don't plan on spending more time on this one until I wait for the mandatory logout.

Do you throw up all of it?

Or do you force me to log out?

I want you to make a quick choice.

Oh, yeah.

It's a little tricky, but let's tweak the [spell fusion] combination.

"Will you decide whether to talk or force me to log out?

No response.

I see.

Then that's a third option.

(Phantom Payne!

(Mental Enchant Wright!)

(Dark heels!

(Hells Flame!)

(Dark heels!


(Dark heels!


(Dark heels!


(Dark heels!

(Cards Worm!)

(Dark heels!

(Iron Maiden!)

(Dark heels!

I thought about it and put it together.

In front of me is an iron coffin.

What about the HP bar?

Oh, he seems to be enduring me before I go back to death somehow.

Was it a good idea to use Mental Enchant Light?

Because it reduces damage from spell attacks.

I'm glad you didn't die!

"So, which one?

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."


Don't cry.

I'm not the only one who's annoyed by this.

If someone sees you, they'll misunderstand you!

That's right.

There's a good spell for a time like this!

Use the Instant Portal.

Can we talk slowly?

You noticed, Eugene talked to me a lot.

Well, there wasn't much information.

I was just able to confirm what you predicted.

Still makes sense, though.

But his story lacks clumping, and it takes me a while to understand.

In summary?

It was quite a while ago that I began acting in favour of the demon god.

That he was first invited to the event when the tortoise army attacked him from the west.

During the Lemt raid, follow the instructions of the Demon God to carry out sabotage activities in Lemt.

At that point, there were six players who were acting on the Devil's side.

I also infiltrated the ancient dragon's nest, but I couldn't destroy the border.

The failure of that mission punishes the demon god, and the proof of that is the ring of example constraints.

This ring will raise all stats by about 10%.

Since then, I have been following the instructions of that woman's demon god to infiltrate and gather information.

I could hear a lot of other things, but here's the main thing.

What if I were to put it more simply?

As a result of my actions on the part of the demon gods, I seem to have tasted it both experientially and itemically.

And to this day.

Today, six PK position players are each entrusted with the command of the demonic army.


Kimqui, you've started Guardian Slave and you've been entrusted with a lot of combat power.

You're born!

"Well. What are you going to do?

"If you're marked, you're too scared to play! I'll recreate the characters!

"I hope so."

And I said, "You can't go back!

Eugene's expression is bright blue.

You're scared of me, more of a demon god than you are.

It's not my fault.

I'm sure it is.

"So, do you want to force me to log out?

"I will!

How's Eugene?

It gradually disappears.

This is what I'm saying, but it would have been easier to force you to log out right away.

The penalties are severe, I hear.

Wouldn't the lost things be bigger?

Well, fine.

I've got my next goal.

At least three demonic flocks still exist.

Kim Qui Guardian Slave is definitely here.

There's nothing to miss.

Well, we'll review the formation before we resume.

Let the isotope return.

I summoned a lion roar.

Let's also try to raise the bottom of the battle force.

That's it.

Where are we headed?

South of here.

E1 map, three swarms of demons landed off the sandy beach on the Salt Rock side.

I have already wiped them out.

And three herds of demons landed off the sandy beach on the Regia side, apparently.

It seemed to be a calculation for crossing the river to the town of Lemt.

It will take time.

Looks like a far-fetched manoeuvre.


They also have the functionality of a relay portal in the Kim Qui Guardian Slave standalone.

Sounds like a land version of Aspidokelon.

The demon gods are temperamental, too, like going for Remut while you take a few days to infiltrate.

I felt that way at a previous event.

Something behind this?

Perhaps it's convenient for the game to progress.

You mean, the only one?

No way.

No way, huh?

It seems like we've been wasting our time.

It's a game, so you can reason that, but something hooks you up.

Fair enough.

Now I have a goal in front of me.

Let's say we go to jail.

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