You are logged in.

The time is 5: 30 am.

It was late last night, but you're back in the game early this morning, yes.

What's your topic for the day?

Only with Scorch's workout.

I changed my mind a little bit.

Kinmatsu may be full-time, but Obsidian and Scorch want to operate alternately.


Is it okay to take Kinmatsu to earn experience, too?

It would be nice to work out until the next class change before leaving the Summon Forest to you.

Well, that's still ahead of us.

Breakfast is first now.

I summon literary music.

And the scouts summon with certainty.

What about the other frames?

Summon the Rigid Turtle.

And summon Nara.

Are these two Fuse Monsters opponents?

I wanted to make sure.

It wasn't.

What are the two of them?

Somehow, but I don't want it to seem suspicious.

Still, the mystery only deepens.

What do you want me to do with the rest of the frame, trying to get you to be your opponent with Nara?

Summon Tigris.

Regardless, I didn't summon you senselessly.


I want you to work with Nara and deal with me. [M]

I don't get anything.

You must struggle like a good man.

Otherwise, the match doesn't make sense either.

"The summoning monster Tigris has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

Rigid turtles have also been added since the middle of the day to be 3-on-1 though.

I didn't know you lost 4 in a row!

I was happy to level Tigris, but somehow regretted it.

It is vitality that is already rising with Tigris status values.

The other stat up specifies the agility value.

Tigris White Emperor Tiger Lv2 Lv3 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 13

Agility value 32 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 13

Muscle strength value 29

Vitality 29 ( 1)

Mental Strength 13


biting avoidance tearing psychic hazard prediction night

Signal Blocking Wind Attribute

What was the problem?

It's a Rigid Turtle.

I didn't know you would use change in that way!

In the case of Rigid Turtles, it seems to be something that changes their size.

The smallest one goes to my palm size, and it gets smaller.

The special abilities associated with an attribute can then be used.


Instead, the smaller one seemed more fortified.

I can't believe we're going to find out through this fight.

I didn't even think about it!

I feel like they took it backwards to get smaller in the match.

I would use the Rigid Turtle as a wall to avoid simultaneous attacks by Tigris and Naruto.

Suddenly, that wall disappeared and Tigris had eaten the hit of his body.

Using Sense Magic doesn't show any signs of change.

This is troublesome.

What's the matter with you?

Well, let's just say.

The smaller tortoise is adorable.

A gentle stroke on his head will keep his eyes closed to make him feel good.

It was like a pet or something.

Have a breakfast made by literary music.

What's on the menu fried?

Croquet, right?

However, the surface is rice.

Rice croquette.

The contents are cheese, fried vegetables and beef fighting.

Vanilla was a good accent.


Maybe, but wasn't supli a dish?

Where does literary music source recipes?

The mystery just deepens.

Okay, then.

Let Bunraku and Nara return.

I will continue to summon Strand last night.

And summon Ignis.

Tigris, Tortoise, Strand, Ignis and Scorch.

It's a choice made in association with something.

Tigris is a white imperial tiger.

Gang Turtle is a spirit turtle.

Strand is a dragon.

Ignis is Firebird.

That's how it lines up.

It is the Four Holy Beasts who are conscious.

You'll be White Tiger, Xuanbu, Blue Dragon, and Peacock.

That's a good balance when you look at it this way.

There's me and Scorch, though.

Okay, here we go last night.

Let's hunt.

The direction we're heading is west.

Go for the N2W6 map.

Looked at on a wide-area map, it's not that far.

I wonder what kind of map it is.

Maybe I won't be able to get in again.

That's something you won't know until you try it.

What am I supposed to do with the money?

This place will be dominated by a treasured secret knife thoughtfully.

Let's swing it around a bit and push it with force.

Be prepared to take the damage.

Either way, it's a little cumbersome to deal with the details, but what about this?

"The [machete] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Dagger] You've earned a martial arts helmet split!

How about a foetus knife?

I don't have any sensory problems.

Suitable for sex as well.

But I'm still not used to making it.

I can't get used to being nostalgic.

For example, mother-in-law.

The irrationality of one being the opponent but attacking with 8 arms.

Even swordsmanship assumes more than one opponent, but not one with many arms.

I'm confused.

But you know what?

Shoulder to flank, slashed diagonally.

The torso is the same in one.

I can do this.

Not when you're aware of the number of arms, yes.

Still, it's not in any other person's favor.

Flying heaven.

Spell Vibrate cannot be used without the Feizo Secret Knife.

The opponent attacking us at a distance from the air is just too much trouble.

You're overburdened with Ignis and Scorch, too.

The Temporary Four Holy Beasts of Tigris, Rigid Turtle, Strand and Ignis look good and balanced.

I hope it stays that way.

Should I review it?

The N2W6 map was imminent.

It is located slightly east of the boundary between the N2W6 map and the N2W5 map in the wide area map.


According to the Magnetic Compass, it faces true west.


Will we move on?

If it seems to proceed, let's change the formation.

Continue to view and compare the wide-area map and orientation at all times.



Any change in direction?

Not yet.


Moving on.

Any change?

I didn't.

Already here is the N2W6 map.

It was 8 squares away.

Use the Instant Portal.

Okay, let's change the formation.

What appears, it is not known.

What do we do with the formation?


What shall we do with Scorch?

It's also in the air position, and I'm not using sleep today.

The MP bar is slightly reduced when using Dark Heels, but that's all.

Let's take him.

Okay, then.

Tigris, Rigor, Strand and Ignis will return.

What are you worried about wearing out the MP bar in the battle so far?

Summon Wolf, Guardian, Warrior, Heather.

Come on.

What can I get you?

How's the terrain on the N2W6 map?

Wilderness, right?

Sometimes, there are things like towers loaded with stones.


But it would be a good place to hide your body.

And I'll check the perimeter with Cole Monster.

Nothing, I'm not hooked.

I thought so!


What will strike you first?

Real kings????

Ming Wang Crusade Target Active

Eki Boy/Heavenly General????

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Ukrainian Girl/Heavenly General???

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Virtuous Boy/Heavenly Admiral???

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Arida Boy/Heavenly General?

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Keiko Boy/Heavenly General???

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Pure Bichiu Boy/Heavenly Admiral???

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Capricorn Boy Heavenly General

Protection Law Crusade Target Active

Making Doga Boys/Heavenly Generals

Protection Law Crusade Target Active


What is it, how high is this magic?

Is the Buddha the Buddha, but the Ming King is the opponent?

It is the children who follow.

You guys weren't hooked on Cole Monster, were you?

Were the Heavenly General classes the only area portal fights?

I don't remember anymore.


Heavenly generals are all powerful magicians approaching the Goddess of the Son.

I can't be alarmed.

And there's more.

Solo perception.

It emerges from the ground.

I don't care what you think, over 20 bodies, don't be there.

And when I couldn't see the level.

What, this.

What is this?

I'd love to run, but I don't have the vibe to let you get away with it, though?

"True fighting law!" "Brace!" "Meditate!" "Intelligence Attack!

Use martial arts.

But is this enough?

No way.

Especially since I don't have the ambience to beat the Ming King while sitting in the center.


I knew this would happen, right?

"Swordsmen descend!

If you're about to get lost, use it.

He said he didn't want to go back to death!

"Boosted Power!

Whatever, I'll use this too.

Fast forward, out of tune.

He said he didn't think he could handle it where he took the time!

English Spirit????

English Spirit????

English Spirit????

English Spirit????

Four swordsmen emerged.

It is unclear why it is increasing.

I am approaching the king of immortality with a child to be killed in front of me. [M]

Observe carefully?

There's no way I can do this!

Attack with a triple pestle while overtaking the attack with a ton of fur.

That repeat.

I knew there was always a Tengu surface examiner there.

And the English spirit fighting next to my left looks good.

Monk shaped and in headscarf.

What a knife!

I'm sinking in a single blow like a lone sensation or something.

Now he was on offense against the Capricorn Boy/Heavenly Admiral.


In my right neighborhood, fighting ghosts are fighting, but it's like a raging, unwieldy color.

No, you're more amazing when you think about your physique.

Approaching the Unknown King.

As the name suggests, it hasn't moved this far.

On your right hand is a sword.

On the left hand side, a rope.

The face is exactly the shape of a ghost.

Her upper body is naked and her whole body skin is bright red.

His eyes opened wide.

Finally get up.


Much more than the other children.

Bigger than a ghost guard, but smaller than a warrior?

I'm pretty sure it's bigger than me.

What's your first aim?


Terrible for the Buddha?


That's terrible.

But that was nice.

But you know what?

I didn't think you'd take it!

But it wasn't in vain.

It's the English spirit.

And two.

A few shots, I could see him getting shot in.

The figure of the English spirit is like a vegetarian wanderer.

But there is no unclean atmosphere.

There is no such thing as starvation in the movement of a sword.

The knife is changing its track so that it can poke and jump.

Oh, my God.

It's a move I still can't use.

You can do something similar, but you can't be powerful enough to kill.

It's a simple, yet profound reason.

What about the other English spirit?

I'm in my overalls.

What's in your hand?

Iron fan?

That's not all.

I even have a rope.

Are you a businessman with a bondage?

The move is really tricky.

It seems difficult to work with the other English spirit, but it is a good support.

The Unknown King wields a rope.

When I took that arm, on the contrary, I was trying to hook the rope and turn behind it.

It's amazing!

What a move on a far higher opponent in stature!

The sword of the Unknown King approaches the English Spirit with an iron fan.

The flames were blowing up from the sword in magnificence.

It even looks like the length of the blade has doubled.

Extraordinarily, it's spoiled.

Hot air passed over his head as he succumbed to the ground sleigh.

Hot, even though it's not an attack on me!

The English spirit on the face of Tengu approaches the feet of the Unknown King.

I followed.

The blazing sword strikes.

Still forward.

The blade of the triple pestle is hitting me directly, but my response feels as if I'm slashing a rock.

I struck my elbow in the direction of extremes with a tongue fur.

The English spirits also attack there.

But it's me.

This is a counterattack while eating a series of attacks from me and three English spirits.

Terrible opponent.


The Real King's HP bar is still 80%, making it extra.

Is this gonna happen in time?

What are you setting on a triple pestle?

Burning magic.

Switch to ice magic.

I'm the king of immortality, but the movement looks slow and not so.

There is no waste at all.

It looks like it's moving slightly, and it's got some power on it.

Not usual.

But just as many times as I've been shooting in, there's been a state anomaly in the Unknown King as well.

Agility inhibition, right?

But that's a small one.

But that's enough.

It's slightly like the battle trend has been inclined.

It's big for me.

It was much bigger for the English Spirit.

My arm with the rope fell.

As a result of the English spirit shooting a sword in my elbow.

Are you cowardly?

It's nice to be cowardly.

Then there was a gap, so I kicked up my groin, but it didn't work.

And the pain is transcendent?

The English spirit on the Tengu side is shooting in a short knife with tremendous momentum from behind.

The Real King's consciousness turned to the English Spirit?

This is your chance!

I punch a tonfer into the elbow of my left hand and get nostalgic.

Put a kick in the flank.

It doesn't work.

I poked him with a blade of sanchong pestle on his side.

Penetrate, or not?

Release your hands from the triple pestle and take charge of your arms with your elbows in the extreme.

And throw.

I would have thrown it with the momentum to fold, but it's not broken.


That's terrible stubbornness!

An English spirit with an iron fan was hanging a rope on the head of the Unknown King.

I started strangling it up as it was.

Inserting an iron fan into the gap in the rope and turning it.


This is a tight strangle.

The remaining arm waves the sword.


Before that, a flash of the English Spirit.

My arm blew up.

Finally, have you been powerless?

Maybe, yeah.


We have to finish the paperwork.

When I pick up the triple pestle, it hits my eyes.

Expand the ice blade.


Critical for sure.

There are still a few children, it seems, surviving.

Literally, I left the immortal king on the spot who stopped moving and tried to walk away.

The Real King's HP bar, for sure, doesn't.

And yet the magic is growing?

It looked like it was going up everywhere, without knowing the ceiling.

Is that it?

Not dead?


Looks like the Unknown King just lays there as a corpse.

There is no change.

It was the children who made the change.

A child who should have slaughtered moves.

The HP bar is fully fast.

Full MP bar too.

And the loners.

It seems to be accompanied by effects that are in all of them.

The flames are burning your whole body?


I know that one.

Heat body, right?

Could this be it?

Round two, is it?

Round two is a big deal.

Boy, there was another change that was happening to me in my loneliness.

The look on your face.

They're all in the face of the Unknown King.

In short, anger phase.

It's a ghost shape.

Boosted power is still marginally effective.

That was acting in a good direction and a bad direction.

I'm definitely a stronger opponent than a child I fought before, but I can definitely defeat what it takes.

On the other hand, I can't use a spell.

Heather is helping me recover, but that means fewer attack notes.

Scorch seemed to have already used sleep, and the MP bar was on the verge of depletion.

Wolf seems to continue to struggle using his high level of mobility, with about half the HP bar.

With Heather's support, he still continues to hold back on the front lines.

Ghosts and warriors are alive and well.

Mixed with the English Spirit, he is on offense against a child and a sense of solitude.

Whatever the damage, it's not like you can't fight it.

Good thing I was updating my gear.

Really, good.

How's the war going?


It's quite a disadvantage in numbers, but I'm pushing it.

I also have anxiety.

I don't have another minute to expect the support of the English Spirit.

If we don't reduce the numbers early, it's dangerous.

Even the monologue opponent is afraid of a number of violence.

The effect of Boosted Power disappeared before the English Spirit disappeared.

The spell works.

But in front of me, I have two monologues.

If the effect stays, I can do something with the force push.

A few times, I can tell just by the slashing knot.

I'm not the one who can do this right away!

I still have the effects of the Physical Enchant Fire and Gravity Mail I hung before the battle.

Still got a sense of solitude with power?

It's hot!

Each item also has a flame.

I'm pretty sure there's also an Enchanted Fire.

Plus, the HP bar is healing jittery.

The Unknown King is dead and seems to have been a mighty enemy.

"Resist Fire!

This is still the first spell I used.

And in no time, the English spirit disappears.

How's the war going?

One child left.

There are three monologues.

Somehow, we should be able to fight it.

Thank you, Englishman.

Thanks for leaving the baby.

Throw your gaze at the Wolves.

All right?

The baby is my prey.

Don't flaunt me, okay?


Hang a spell on the Summoning Monsters.

Okay, then.

Why don't we just take a little more of the baby and get it over with?

What was the last child left?

It's Keiko and Heavenly Admiral.

Now it's a ghost shape, but it was originally a mild face.

I was thinking about that.


The boy had Heat Body effects and was definitely burning my body.

Fighting with Resist Fire, but not zero damage.

Even with [heat resistance], hot things are hot.

Speaking of what you're doing.


What about the three pestles I used until the last minute?

It's broken and it's not anymore.

What about Tonfer?

I've been bounced off and I don't have it on hand.

It is arranged in right four by Keiko Kids/Heavenly Admirals and is grabbed by the waist belt.

He's dressed as a left-handed kid and his right is drawn to his forehead.

I'm just desperate to counter it so I don't stand a bar, already!

Match your chest, come.

And throw well.

That power is definitely better than mine.


I don't have that option.

We just have to use it.

If it's a sumo, you lose where you roll to the ground.

But this is not a sumo wrestling battle.

There are no rules.

Try to roll yourself to the ground and aim at your ankles.

I hold my ankle under my armpit, and I go to the Achilles tendon to the extreme.

Did your body float?


I was pulled off just kicking it.

And the kick is released in a row.

Oh, shit!

What power!

You're eating it!

Drop your hips in the shape of a ghost, partition boy.


A little, no.

Either that or the American Football defensive line?

He doesn't want to take it, he seems to be willing to come in.

Are we ready for interception?


No, I'm not willing to make a decent interception.

It's with the last minute.

Foot, let me aim, will you?

Um, come on!

What's going on with me stepping on four strands while I'm tangled up in my leg?

Not only that, but you think you're gonna drop your knee in your belly?

Didn't you eat it properly!

Does it hurt?

That hurts, in many ways.

The tensioner also flies.

And it's not just the palm bottom.

I also come to stretch my fingertips and poke my eyes.

I tried to get out of the side and the elbow shot also rolled out.


If it's a sumo, it's against the rules.

That's right.

You're a nice guy.

I use the anomaly well, too.

Good, do more!

I didn't hesitate to use the anomaly.

I somehow turn around behind me and reach for the child's head.

I grabbed my hair.


And pull him to shake his head as he kicks behind his knees.

It makes sense to shave and mow your hair in a job where fighting is your business.

Long hair, that's the only disadvantage.

If I get pulled, I'm put at a disadvantage all at once.

It's practical.

By the way, Keiko Kids and Heavenly Admirals.

It's not a rash, is it?

Looks like ground hair.

I've had some though.

I'm sorry, but you can't handle a claim for the snail bill, can you?

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Ice Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Collaboration] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Heat Resistance] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"The Summoning Monster Wolf has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"


Was this delicious?

I use [English Spirit Summoning] and yet this is the only way up?

Above all.

What's already up in Wolf's status value is the agility value.


Trouble here.

Does the line of numbers collapse wherever you bottom it up?

I can't help it all.

Dare to specify a muscle strength value for the other stat up.

Wolf Silver Wolf Lv8 Lv9 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 16

Agility value 42 ( 1)

Intelligence Value 16

Muscle strength value 28 ( 1)

Vitality 27

Mental Strength 16


biting disease-driven rip-off psychic cover-up tracking

Night Signs Block Self Healing [micro] Magic Resistance [micro]

How's Info?

Is there a continuation?

There seems to be.

"The Summoning Monster 'Ghost of War' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"


You'll have trouble if you don't come up, that.

It's like being here for that.

It is the Intelligence value that has already risen with the status value of the Warrior Ghost.

Yeah, that's right.

It's intellect.

What's the matter?

The other stat up should be mental strength.

War Ghost Auga Lv5 Lv6 ( 1)

Dexterity value 17

Agility value 28

Intelligence value 7 ( 1)

Muscle strength value 40

Vitality 40

Mental Strength 7 ( 1)


Strike, kick, throw, dodge, climb, throw.

Arthroplasty self-healing [Small]

I can't help it.

Something like this will happen.

And the info goes on.

Coming, huh?

"The Summoning Monster 'Scorch' has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

I knew it.

Class change season, right?

It was the agility value that had already risen with the status value of the Scorch.

The other stat up specifies mental strength.

Scorch Off Owl Lv11 Lv12 ( 1)

Dexterity Value 13

Agility value 36 ( 1)

Intelligence value 21

Muscle strength value 18

Vitality 18

Mental Strength 18 ( 1)


Mouth Shooting Silent Flying Farsighted Night Eye Breaking Assault Hazard Detection

Heavenly Ear Sleep

"Summoning Monster 'Scorch' has completed the class change condition!

"Class changes must be made separately from the Monster Status screen"


Naturally, I change classes.

I want to do it in an environment where I can relax and feel safe.

Let's go back to the Summoning Forest at Return Home and change classes, shall we?

Before that.

Is there anything left?

[Weapon Item: Two-Handed Sword] Clarigaro Sword Quality B Rarity 8

AP? Destructive? Weight 5 + Endurance value?

Magic Grant Fire Attributes

The weapon used by the Ming King. Get the power of the user to manifest the flame.

The material is unknown. The blade features a dragon sculpture.

The blade body is dull and glowing gray in the shape of a thick two-handed sword.

There is no blade when not in use. Many of the Ming Kings can be handled with one hand.

It can be a powerful weapon, but it is impossible to recover the endurance value.

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Appraisal]!

Oh, my God!

The Unknown King left an item, didn't he?

Good luck this morning?

No. [Dismantling] It's the result of the Great Teacher.

Okay, then.

Let's get out of here.

"Return Home!

You could come to this map any minute.

No, you're coming, aren't you?

I picked up the item. It's definite.

Arrive in the Forest of Summoners.

Feeling a little easier?

Class change is going to calm him down.


Real kings, a herd of uninspired in eight children who follow them?

I relied on [English Spirit Summoning] this time, but can I not rely on it next time?


Hey, no, I'm not quite sure.

Do we have to work out some more?

If they defeat the Real King, they'll all be powered over the resurrection, and there's no trouble!

Well, if you have a smaller number of monologues, you can try.

Okay, then.

If we get inside the fence, it's a quick change of class for Scorch!

Gear up?

Let's take it off.

Use fusion identification.

"Not a Summoning Monster Eligible for Fusion"

End of confirmation.

How's the candidate?

Class Change Candidate

Forest Oul


Is there one option?

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Scorch sitting on my right shoulder.

Something came down my left shoulder.

I know.

It's a white owl, or obsidian.

Could it be of interest?

Jericho was able to confirm it from a distance.

It's the fence's turn, right?

And the lion roars are gathering around.

Raptors seem interested in beasts.

Jericho and Kinmatsu don't seem to.

Scorch Off Owl Lv12 Forest Oul Lv1 (NEW!

Dexterity value 15 ( 2)

Agility value 36

Intelligence value 21

Muscle strength value 20 ( 2)

Vitality 20 ( 2)

Mental strength 18


Mouth Shooting Silent Flying Farsighted Wide Area Exploration (NEW!) Night Nursing Assault

Cover-up (NEW!) Hazard Prediction (NEW!) Heavenly Ear Sleep

[Forest Oul] Summon Monster Combat Position: Aerial

Large. The main means of attack are mouth, leg nails, etc.

The object of fear, along with the use of the immortals of the forest.

The properties of the owl have not been compromised even when it is being larged.

"Not a Summoning Monster Eligible for Fusion"


Is it going to enhance your exploratory abilities in terms of skills?


It's plain, but this is fine.

But you know what?

Fine, I'm older, but are you okay?

His name is Forest Oul.

Can we make it bigger in the woods?

Scorch flies.

Obsidian also chased after him.

Like dancing in the woods, it's a chase.




There's nothing wrong with that, is there, yes?

I have some gear, so come back!

Scorch and Obsidian to stop shoulder and tree again.

The collar should have part fittings.

It seems to fit in with the adjustment, but I can't afford it.

So how has it changed?

I'd like to go make sure.

What's the current formation?

Wolf, the Ghost, the Warrior, Heather, the Scorch.

Change the formation, check on the hunt as you travel through the air?

I'd prefer to be a stronger opponent in the Guardian Valley.

Let's change this place to a formation that travels through the air.

Finally, you can talk to Mr. Saki about the equipment for speech congratulations and discounts.

What time is it?

Is it still 9: 10 am?

Let's move.

By the way, what do we do with the voicemail in the Summon Forest?

Obsidian, Jericho, Lion Roar, Thunder Wen, Extreme Night, Kinmatsu.

Let's leave the demon behind and take the Polar Night.

Return Wolf, Guardian, Warrior, Heather.

I summon the demon.

And replace Polar Night and Evil with Portal Guard spells.

The polar night will bring me back.

Then you're moving through the air.

What about that formation?

It's Couturier, Ethereal Moon, Word Celebration, Folding, and Scorch.

My MP bar is considerably less influenced by [English Spirit Summoning].

You can move through the air, but you're gonna move slowly, right?

It's nice to have rider recovery in your pale moon skills.

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