If you look to the left, you can see the sea under the cliff.

I wonder what it is.

The feeling of stiffness in the legs is unique.

I manage to endure and move on.

There are no ghosts.

No other demons have emerged either.

Across the shore, there are the two concessions, and they go on in contact with each other at Whisper to confirm.

Looks like we can still talk to each other at a distance.

'I saw a statue this way. What about you?'

'Confirmed. Fengjin Statue, right?'

I was going through each route in a detailed conversation with Jean-Jin at Whisper.

I see the two of them across the cliff.

Well, I have an obsidian, so it was easy to confirm.

That's how I approached it carefully walking forward.

It looked like a circular square there.

But one side is a cliff.

Underneath it is the sea level.

The other side is the wall.

The ceiling is high.

Behind that hall is a statue of the wind god.

It's like guarding a door on the wall.

"Approach the gate to a distance of 5 meters. Ready? '

Copy that.

Five meters.

Sixteen feet and a little, right?

That's one car in a row.

"No Change in the Wind God"

"Roger. Thunder god no change either. That's as expected so far. Stop now. Finish strengthening the spell. '

'Okay. I'm gonna need some time over here. Ready?'

'Of course. Keith is the only one who chants spells. Call me when you're done.'

Copy that.

I started fortifying myself with a rush spell.

The Enchant system is the same and Gravity Mail is also used.

Aside from Ninetail, I also used Li Shui.

And Resist Wind to all.

My MP bar was flashly reduced, but I let it recover to some extent due to mana potion.


'Copy that. Let's touch the door first. Mikhailov, read me out of Count 20.'

Mikhailov's voice sounds.

10 seconds left.

Reach in front of the gate.

"Five, four, three, two, one, contact!

Touch the door.

Then the surroundings lit up all at once.

Flash Wright?

No, that's the soul of that man.

It's floating at sea between this cliff over here and the cliff over there.

And the info came through, didn't it?

Wind, blow!

Thunder, come on!

Don't be evil!

"The power of demonic surrender is here."

"What asks you about your qualifications?"

Looks like that's where the info is done.

The statue moves.

"The Thunder God moved out. What about you? '

"And the wind gods."

Wind God Ghost Lv.3

Heavenly General Crusade Target Passive

Combat Position: Ground, Airwind Attributes

[Identification] Confirm the results of the identification in the virtual window.

This should be shared with the two of us.

And their [identification] results are also displayed in a virtual window.

Thunder God Ghost Lv.3

Heavenly General Crusade Target Passive

Combat Position: Ground, Aerial Lightning Attributes

This is often not the only way to know.

What about the actual strength?

But these guys don't seem to be the only ones.

Evil ghost.

Five, there are.

"Five evil ghosts in the Omake of the Wind God, added"

'Neither do I. I don't like it.'


"Next contact will be after the battle."

"Whether you win, you win."

That's right.

That's where it matters.

"Qi practice!

Enhanced with martial arts.

A sudden storm just after that.

But there is no significant damage.

Because there is a Resist Wind.

Still, Obsidian had a huge breakdown.

Evil ghosts are in the way.

As I leave these guys to the ghosts.

I aim for the wind god.

It's up to you to do something about that.

The wind god has the appearance of a green ghost.

One horn, thick and fierce like a bull horn.

Lightweight, but distinctive is the bag-shaped luggage carried on both shoulders.

Both ends of it are closed with strings, and when you loosen it, the wind blows out of it.

Looks like that kind of magic equipment.

And this ghost, the escape leg is the problem.


Besides, it's a short time, but it flies like it runs through the sky.

But I have black rope.

I wish I could capture him.

This wasn't so easy.

On the edge of the black rope are overlaid obsidian stones.

It's also anti-cracking.

Rotate and release at the appropriate length to gain momentum.

It doesn't involve me.

"Gravity Barrett!"

The third time I failed and the fourth time I won an attack spell, I succeeded.

That's just one leg, too.

A violent wind strikes me again from the wind god.

Now it's just me, the wind's pounding on me.

I think he's resisting.

Still tight.

Damage is hard to move, not damage.

It's also sloppy to open your eyes.

Pull as hard as you want with your hands holding the rope.

I could only tell that the flames were blowing up from the feet of the wind gods.

The wind stops.

The wind god seems to be on the ground and trying to unravel the black rope tangled in his feet.

You're gonna miss this opportunity!

You're totally taking your gaze off me or something. That's a lame imitation, Oi!

The rope will loosen for a moment, but I don't mind.

Pack the distance at once.

I punched the wind god in the face with a rope.

Go on and kick your knees in the belly.

And elbow shooting.

Though the wind gods seem to try to cause wind from close range.

Cross the black rope, hook your legs and break down.

I threw it with my foot paid as it was.

Behind the wind god.

Hang the rope in both hands around your neck.

Double, rolled.

Squeeze the rope as you push your back behind your feet.

We've started blowing flames, haven't we?

"Enemy Byrne!"

And then an extra fire magic attack spell.

Fengjin's HP bar was down to about 60% at once.


That'll work!

Do you want another shot?

But it's also a waste of time to chant spells.

He also switched the rope in his right hand so that it could be wrapped up with his left hand.

Pull the sole pestle out of the waist belt.

He pushed his own pestle around the medulla oblongata.

The blade body was expanded.

It's melting magic that sets it up.

The blade is red and the color of the sunset.

It reminds me of something like a complete piercing of the wind god's throat.

What about the wind god's HP bar?

I already had 20% left.

Ooh, this seems to work well too.

Store the blade body and now press the proprietary pestle against the back of the head.


The wind god sank with that blow.

What about evil ghosts?

It was cleaned up.

The damage also seems to be just for the first wind attack by the wind gods.

Well, you're evil.

So, Jenks, how's the fishermen's team?

"We're clear! How's that?

"Absolutely struggling! But something's going to happen!


We'll be able to get Obsidian to support us.

But it's not good to interrupt, is it?

The corpses of wind gods and evil ghosts disappear.

Hasn't Info come yet?

Shall we wait and recover everyone in the potion?

Wait a few minutes.

You can see the sight of him poking something on the ground, right?

I don't want to think about it, but I think about the fate of the Thunder God tangled up in the netting.

Buddha for me.

The wind will stop soon.

Thunder's gonna stop again.

"Anything raw will sooner or later bear evil."

Don't be alarmed.

There's no escape for you.


The info's over, huh?

"[Strike] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Kick] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Articulation] has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Throw moves] have been leveled in the current battle victory!

"[Wind Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Melting Magic] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

You've gone up a lot, haven't you?

It was indeed a formidable enemy.

Would it have been more of a struggle if it weren't for the black rope?

Are you okay over there?

"Soohsiung and Mikhailov were pretty much hit. He's eating a big, damaging pena."

'Isn't it dangerous to keep going?

'No, I don't want to lose this opportunity. Let's move on.'

View the other shore.

Looks like Suzuran is waving.

Wave and respond this way too.

"Recovery is done. I want to move, okay?

Copy that.

'Maybe we still need two parties. Let's open the door at the same time.'


Timed to open the door with a tin run countdown in front of the gate.

Nothing in particular seems to happen.

Beyond it was a cave, and a climbing staircase.

The place where you have climbed is like a hall.

Looks like we've reached the hall at the same time as us.

There are overlapping markers showing state abnormalities on the green markers of Soohsiung and Mikhailov.

It seemed like a tough fight.

So, it's this hall, right?

There's a statue in the center somewhere like I saw it.

Stiffened to his armor, he holds a trident in his left hand and his left hand rests on his hips.

The expression is anger.

You look like a red ghost.

Though it seems to lead to the Twelve Divine Generals.

I've seen this guy stand before.

That's a famous statue.

Growth heaven.

What is Raw?

"Not for life."

Not a word.

"I'm just a chick."

Is that it?


Like you heard somewhere?

Besides, there doesn't seem to be a fight.

This place is just like Shishaman Heaven.

But there are differences.

The title never changed, as it did in the days of Shishaman Heaven.

Instead, what kind of ground rocked?

Are you out of your mind?

"Oh! I think I've changed my title."


"How is Mr. Keith?


It hasn't changed, though.

"You stay put. Because I met a similar statue before and the title has changed?

"This statue is a growing heaven."


Seems like Suzuran knew too.

"There was a statue of Shamantian on the west side, and there was a report on the bulletin board that the title had changed."

"Oh, Cheng Cheng"

"I'd like to confirm the rest. Do you mind if I put the tactical information here on the bulletin board?

"It's okay."

Though the cave here doesn't seem to have many players coming to attack.

I guess there will be more when the tactical information is posted.

Like the Golden Rigid and the Twelve Divine Generals.

"So is this the end of the joint front?

"Mm-hmm. We'll jump to the relay portal on the return home and log out. Good luck."

Shake hands and thank each other.

Well, that would have been a good exploration.

"I'll send you a map of this cave, as an extra thank you."

"Thank you. By the way, didn't the ground shake earlier?

"The ground?

"Did you shake it?


"Maybe I wasn't aware I was concentrating on the status screen"


Maybe it was my fault.

Save the map sent by Soo.

Exchange greetings again where the Union has been dissolved.

I guess we'll see each other again someplace.

"Fighting tournaments, maybe."

"Now if you'll excuse me here"

Mikhailov cast a return home spell and the party of the two of them disappeared from sight.


You look like this, don't you?

I've been thinking about that.

The time is 3: 10 PM.

It's still early to log out.

What are we gonna do?

Well, let's go around the cave.

Where do you get your hands from first?

It's a growing heaven in front of me.

I prayed and then touched it.


Nothing's going to happen!

Next, then.

Wind god.

Aren't you able to try?

Windy Ghost Lv.4

Goddess Crusade Target Passive

Combat Position: Ground Wind Attribute

I have a wind god in front of me.

Only he looks the same.

That's right.

Looks like you can still try a statue.

He doesn't look that different, but this guy isn't the same.

Obviously, it was weakening.

There are evil spirits for you, but they are not a great threat from the beginning.

I tied it up and finished it with black rope when I captured it before it caught the wind.

This is not worth the fight.

But let's just say it was a good idea to drop the Demon Stone as an item.

Now we pass through the hall with the growing heavens to the cliffs on the other side.

That's right.

If the wind god doesn't work, there's a thunder god!

Thunder Ghost Lv.3

Goddess Crusade Target Passive

Combat Position: Ground Thunder Attribute

You can't.

Well, the effect of the spell that was fortifying was still there enough, and I don't have any complaints.

I used Resist Thunder!

Is it worth that amount of revenue and expenditure?

Thunder God looks like a white ghost.

I hope he's a formidable enemy worthy of that horrible look.

Not at all, no!

Surely a lightning strike cannot be avoided, and it must be a terrible attack.

But it's like stopping moving before launching that attack.

The movement itself seemed faster than that of the Feng Tian Ghost, but if I caught it, it was more brittle than that of the Feng Tian Ghost.

I'd like you to let me even use the sole pestle.

I couldn't take the demon stone from this guy, but it looks like he left something else behind.


That said, it is not denatured rock salt (holy).

I was a degenerative rock salt (demon) person.


Is it slime-like?

I was just a little worried about whether we should try this place in a row.

But don't forget your original purpose.

On this eastern side, we're here to train [swimming] and [diving]!

There was a cave submerged in sea water along the way, wasn't there?

The water depth is considerably deeper than the shallow water.

Besides, I say the only demon is Seaster Mine.

Wouldn't you be a good opponent?

Taylor will be able to level up as well.

If that's the case, we'll move.

When I worshipped the Thunder God statue, I resigned from the scene.

I'm back in a submerged cave.

The formation is changing here.

Let's make it an adapted formation underwater.

Leave Nias alone.

Rigging tortoise, taylor, rig.

One more, there's a frame I can subpoena, but it doesn't make any sense to force me to subpoena it.

Summoning monsters in aerial positions will also have no occasion for Seaster Mine to play an active role in their opponents.

Okay, then.


My time in the water is naturally limited.

To be absolutely honest, it's easy to leave battle to summon monsters.

Still, I tried to use the spear.

Whatever you say, the number of Seaster Mines is high.

I have to go back to the surface with my breath to stick out the stripping knife.

Just in case it only peels off stone anyway.

"[Both Spears] have leveled up in the current battle victory!

"[Double Spear] I got a bunk thrust of martial arts!

"[Diving] has leveled up in the current battle victory!

I became obsessed and continued my human de hunt at the bottom of the water.

Near the center of the cave that is submerged is the tightest.

It's obvious because I have to go back with my breath.

Nevertheless, there are too many human deads!

They attack me at the counter, but that attack is pretty powerful.

But both Rigor and Taylor are tough.

With constant enhancement in Physical Enchant Earth, there's almost no damage.

I think it's critical you're taking damage occasionally.

The rig acts as my biological armor.

Sometimes I attach it to Hitode though.

"The summoning monster Taylor has been leveled in the current battle victory!

"Please add 1 point to any status value"

As per the prospect.

It was vitality that was already rising in the status value.

The other point specifies the agility value.

Taylor Big Club Lv1 Lv2 ( 1)

Dexterity value 10

Agility value 6 ( 1)

Intelligence value 6

Muscle strength value 25

Vitality 21 ( 1)

Mental Strength 6


Strike Aquatic Resistance Water Resistance

Exactly. You still have a long way to go.

Datsujaw spear broke again.

Maybe I should use a flagfish spear, but it's still light and easy to handle.

Twice between human hunting, I exchange them.

I'm surprised you got Info the second time, huh?

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Alchemy]!

Well, how long has this been going on?

But more than that, Nias has discovered the existence of concern.

We found a lateral hole in a deep place.

It was pretty big when I went to see it.

Though I think I can get through enough.

If it's the end of the line, I'm in trouble.

I asked Nias to scout.

Don't push it!

Just in case, have it stick to your biological armor rig.


The porn additions and subtractions look great.

But I also need this.

I'm doing it because I need it.

Beth, you don't have another purpose!

Nias came right back.

Hi. It doesn't seem like that long of a way out.

What shall we do?

It is decided.

Let's go.

My outlook seemed sweet.

It's critical to see if your breath lasts.

I manage to breathe on the surface while Nias pulls me along the way.

Oh, it was dangerous.

He drowned again and nearly died.

That's another room with a different vibe.

The walls, ceilings, and floors are evenly flat and polished to brilliance.

Is someone even cleaning?

It's big enough.

I mean, it's not a strange situation when a fight starts, like an event.

Is that a trap?

That's where I first worried.

Because whatever you say, there are beings on the walls of the room that just seem like traps.

8 statues in total.

And there's also one sculpture.

No horn, but a giant body like a blue ghost or a black ghost, with a sword in his right hand and a rope in his left.


Whenever there's a fight, it's not weird.

The current formation is supposed to be underwater.

I feel a war shortage.

Buddha would be here, not here.

Voices echo from side to side.

He is wearing a crown and stroking his fine moustache and jaw beard with one hand.

Loose outfit.

There's something about how majestic it is that leads to someone.

That's right.

That's the king of Tayama.

"It's not just like that. Similar to Ming Wang. Needless to say, his family."

So, who?

It would be event-related again though.

King Qin Guang????

Excuse me, excuse me.

Forgive me.

I knew it was superficial.

"I'm back again. It is the chicks and the faiths to manifest themselves in this land that we root for."


As always, the contents of the info are tough.

Can't you help it at the event?

"Sooner or later the Buddha will punish this immortal king, and those who defiled his family."


You were the Unknown King!

I thought so somehow.

"You must earn the right treasure to regain the power of faith. Providing the right jewels!

King Qin Guang stares at me when I say that.

Great eyesight!

Honestly, it freaks me out!

"Ghosts come out of hiding and become evil. The wicked are comfortable lurking in it."

Did you say everything you wanted to say, King Qin Guang gradually disappeared?

A jewel?

What is it about?

Because of the feeling, it was assumed that there would be no fighting.

It's the same place with the pharmacist statue.

But just in case, let's strengthen the formation.

Summon Jericho.

You want this to go up?

Well, I just hope it's not a fight.

Eight statues line up to circle the hall from both sides of the Real King.

He looks pretty different.

I don't know his name.

Neither [identification] nor [appraisal] will work.

Or dressed like a boy.

Some resemble Twelve Divine Generals.

Some straddle small dragons.

Who is it?

But there was something in common in such a statue.


My right eye is shining.

I hear something like a crystal is embedded.

Why don't you come by and observe?

Letters were floating on the surface of the crystal.

Theft, there is.

It's not the right letter for a statue involving the Buddha?

All eight statues had letters floating on the surface of the crystal in the right eye.

Theft, invasion, confusion, stupidity, misery, evil, lies, chaos.

It's just a bad image word.

Surely it doesn't seem to be the 'right jewel'.

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