"It's like you're saying what you want to say in the shadow minutes?



Though it is indeed a shadow

"Nothing's changed where I let you break it."

"For your uncleanness."

"No, impure is therefore foolish"

'You care, my lords. words of the unclean, etc.'

"You hear me, don't you? Then I'll just tell you what to do, okay?

Juna's face is a smile that can be seen from a distance.

The words coming out of your mouth seem poisonous.

I'm scared.

"Demon Man. Poor people who gave themselves up to the devil. Just fine."

Mr. Juna's words continue.

"I wonder what they did to the people on this continent? You want me to ask you something?

The voice was heard from next to me.



I can see Juna in the chicks.


It gradually disappears.

Until then, a demon who hasn't uttered a word opens his mouth.

Zanni is supposed to be the guy.

White clothes in bukabuka.

Its mask is long with eagle nose, silver in different shades from left to right.

He grows a white, long jawbeard.

Although the impression of the exposed mouth looks like an old man.

"Stop laughing. You will not feel any itching where you have exterminated the beast."

"Oh, I agree"

The tone is the same.

But the signs of standing up from Mr. Juna looking sideways are also horrible again.

I can't look directly at it.

"Well, what are we going to do?

"Once again, the tragedy for you will be repeated."

The appearance of the demons gradually goes to Summer.

The last thing left, mockery.

It remained in the back of my ear oddly long.

"Conmedia dellarte"



You know what, Shelvi?

I think I noticed my gaze.

"The characters from the improvisational comedy."


"Demon Man, huh. They fought once in the south, but now they can only [identify] their names."

"This one has also fought demons about twice in the West. Likewise, they could only [identify] their names now."

"What do you think?

"Proclamation of war, I guess."

That's right.

Probably some kind of event.

It's like Mr. Juna putting her hand on the ground, closing her eyes and exploring something.

A walking figure beside it.


And Lady Guerta.

The guild chief was here as well.

Demon Man, right?

"The problem is you've been out of town."

"Who put it together?

How did you react to Mr. Juna's inquiry?

The guild chief and Lady Guerta threw their gaze at the master.

"It's a washi. Master."

"How many names are the keys organized?

"There are only 3 people"

"There are two of them here!

I wonder why.

I feel like the Guild Chief's words had bitter emotions.

"Guerta, if you're going to put together a new one, you're going to be faster."

"Yes, sir."

"The keys are here for four. I'll do the unsealing."

You look youngest, Juna.

It's full of majesty now.

This one looks true, what is it?

The guild leader bows his head toward us.

I kept talking.

"I'm sorry. It's a place to honor your lords."

And send your gaze to the chicks.

There are no visitors from the continent.

"You don't have a confessor."

"Did you run away?"

The master also laughs bitterly.

"Is it going to be a hassle? Master."

"I'll take it now."

"Demon, I don't know. I don't think I've seen it in my own country."

Lady Guerta is whispering something in the ear of the guild leader.

What is it, sir?

"I have no choice. Let's say I reward you. [M] Hang on."

Leaving that to me and Shelvi and the others, the guild leader heads to the chick stand.

The declaration of the end of the tournament was made by the guild chief.

But the scenes in the venue remain chaotic.

In the end, the reward from the guild leader was in a separate room.

The Alliance Chief's new office was small enough for all of us and Shelvi to get in.

There are times when Jericho and the Warrior are big.

In the sense of better ventilation, non-Wolfe summoning monsters made him return.

"I'm sorry, but I want to be quick."

Yeah, if I preface it, I'll give something to each and every one of the Shelvis.

The crystal stone?

No, you look like a crystal.

Beautifully cut.

"So, it's a reward for winning."


"Not this one."

What the Alliance Commander has in his hand is a box.

And two.

Slightly larger box on left hand side.

Quite a small box on your right.

"Which one is it?


"The Lord chooses."

Are you here to make a choice?

A tongue-cutting sparrow?

"Uh, what's in it?

"Don't tell me."


"Either way, I can assure you it's a useful substitute for you."


Aren't we in a state of emergency?

That's a spare response, though.

"Any tips on what's inside?



Because I'm an asshole.

If it's a big cage and a small cage, the bigger one comes off?

No, it's a karma lesson, and I didn't do anything awful.

And you're not, are you?

I feel like the event that came to mind was the real deal.

I also have a little anxiety.

Let's keep it small.

I'm sure I'm a cautious person.

"Then the smaller one"


I checked inside as soon as I received it.

Even if the monsters come out, you can complain right away.

You got two stones in it?

[Material Item] Alexandrite Quality B Rarity 6 Weight 0 +

A variant of Chrysoberyl. It turns blue and green in the sun and bright red in the candlelight.

A rare gem, with even fewer large stones.

The fact that the hue change is a bright stone takes precedence over size for magic activation.

"Previous Behavioral Experience has Level Up [Appraisal]!


Rarity 6.

Quality B is also amazing during the primary stone phase.

Are the two primary stones of the same quality and the same size?

Though this guy doesn't seem to be such a big stone.

Plus, there's a part of it that I can't say is beautiful when it's a raw stone.

I need Rapidary to cut it.

[Appraisal] also level up because the item was more rare.

No, I've been using [Appraisal] quite a while, haven't I?

This place was full of [appraisals] of potions and mana potions.

Finally up, should I have said?

"Mm-hmm. I'm sorry, but I have some business to attend to. Now we shall be dissolved."

Me and Shelvi will give you a compliment.

I thought I'd leave the room, but I looked back at me as I noticed.

"Oh, it's Keith. Don't say hello to my master Orenu. Come with me."



Is there anything else?

My master is still fine, but what I don't like is Mrs. Guerta to Mr. Juna.

I can't read what the hell is going on.

There are too many women who don't like me!

Leave the room to thank Shelvi and the others.

I took only Wolfe after the guild leader.

There is not a single audience on the new practice field that was on the playing field.

Only my master and Juna were there.

Lady Guerta has gone somewhere.

"It's Orenew. How about a sealed kingdom?

I verified it, but there's no abnormality.

"Hmm. Nothing unusual about the appearance of the eagle."

"I mean, I broke this sealed bond without letting you feel it."

Mr. Juna's voice is different than usual.

Are you serious?

"Who has the key technique?

There's only three of us.

"I mean, the killer's the third, right?


My master yelled at me.

"It's Orenew. Otherwise, it would have slipped through the sealed junction without noticing me."

"Legrand, that's not it!

"Look directly, Olennew!

The scolding voice was harsh and sharp.

My posture is natural and upright.

Wolf can't even move.

Something emerges from Mr. Juna's shadow.

It's a vampire duke I've seen before.

My eyes seem to be closed.

"Even a phantom can't send you here from the outside."


"I called in from the inside, because it's a possible story. It'll be more powerful, but it'll still be easier."

"Humans brought in demons, whether they were phantoms or not?

"That's incredible!

"The procedure is perfect. People who are magically puppeted will also play."

"So you're cooperating with the devil of your own free will?


So you're saying that there are people who betray us?

"It's Olennew."


"I know your lord is after him. How's the footprint?

"I'll stay. But don't get confused. Tracking is not easy."


Speaking of which, my master used to go somewhere.

Don't use sealing to cover it up.

"Oh, you don't think I have to question his work?

I don't know.

Suddenly my master gets discouraged.

I don't know.


You're in trouble.

I don't have a voice.

"I really wanted to do it at Keith's winning party."

"Master, you won't have a choice"

"They're totally unpleasant."


Your tone's coming back to normal, huh?

"It's easier to get rid of a high-ranking demon if he moves directly."

"Well, as usual, Keith has an adventure to do."

"Do you have a hand in making potions and mana potions?

"Like helping you at Guerta's?

Then Keith is pitiful.

Well, either is fine.

Serious Atmosphere to PreviousThe Butch Breaking Conversation Continues, Conclusions?

Discharge, it happened.

"You can use what's in my house. You can't abuse me, can you?


For once, did the nail get stabbed?

Well, fine.

"Oh, and Keith."


No, not you.

The scratch was done only in the brain.

"I saw the game. You were brilliant in the first round. Do you always do that to girls?

"No, because that was an accident!

Damn right.

Will this, for a while, be said?

In Mr. Juna's case, I obviously have trouble enjoying it.

"Okay, now"

"Um, it's a breath disaster."

That's what I want to hope.

It's already way past lunch time.

I decided to quit in a hurry, courtesy of my masters.

Behind Rick's dewstore was occupied by a face I saw.

Production jobs, starting with Mr. Marguerite.

There are also masterpieces and hannes.

There's even Red Lotus!

I've already finished my meal and I think I'm interested in chatting.

Yuka's eyes in the stall catch me.

Just look at that laughing face and I'm in the mood.

The street attic seems to be buzzing with chatter.

I have no choice.

Do we have to go?

"Mr. Keith, is your meal here?

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

"Here you go."

"Thank you"

"Congratulations on your win. Sounds like you guys are waiting, right?

Your gaze is on me?

Get hot dogs and coleslaw like vegetable dishes to the stall.

It's even more exciting.

Let me eat, okay?

Congratulations on the victory, that's all.

Social Dictionary?

What was the winning product? That's okay.

It was a jewel, that's all.

That spell, what was it! That's a good question, too.

I said I wrote it on the bulletin board.

It was eye blessing, I wonder.

It was a treat, because I don't know what that means.

You guys.

I'm gonna tie you up with a black rope, okay?

Although I was somewhat worried about the reaction of the women.

Mr. Margrid seems to have a lot of fun with Kerakera.

Yuka and Helga don't seem particularly concerned.

"You know it's not malicious, right? But destined for the same opponent?

"Give me a break"

Regardless, the battle for the main election was untold.

I talked quite a bit with Yomizu, Hannes, Dongyun and Red Lotus.

"Was the battle against the high-mobility specialization impelled by the void?

"And you're stuck with Steam Mist."

"It was a little scary."

Again, the Yamato seemed to regret that defeat.

Or maybe both Yoshimoto and Dongyun burn incompletely, etc.

"If you're stuck, you're going to be able to do wood magic spells, and wall spells are going to be available, right?

That's especially true of the Red Lotus.

Well, I'm talking about Tarareva.

"Was it plain painful for Hannes to sink first?


"At first, the attack was obviously concentrated."

The reflection continued as we watched the same video from each other.

Regardless, there's that game, but I dare ignore it there.

And the final in question.

Aside from the results, the focus of the topic is on those demons.

"Demon, huh?"

"Events, right?

"Will there be another change in demonic behavior?


That said, Demon Man, are you going to fight the guys who showed up on the field as they are?

I don't see the level.

Anxiety is great.

Well, if it's the guys who fought when the area portal opened, it seems like they can handle it.

"Yes, I'd like to ask Mr. Malgrid to do so."

"Oh, what?

"I'd like to ask you to process this."

Two primary stones of Alexandrite were removed.

It's a prize for winning the tournament.

"Take this? On an example pedestal?


"It'll be an unprecedented substitute, this"


Is that Rarity 6?

"I may not be able to do this alone. I need guidance from my master in the workshop."


"You want to make it a different cut than before. It's a little empty."


"It depends on the master's plans, but I'll process it here. The handover is going to be here or the Wind Spirit Village, okay?

"I'll take care of it."

"Okay. I'll be there ASAP."

I left when I told Rick something.

It's not a rush request.

The chatter continues.

It was past lunchtime, and he seemed fortunate to have few guests.

It wasn't enough to annoy the surroundings, but it was pretty exciting.

Well, it'll be good once in a while.

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