The Summoner is Going

1286 Snake Feet is also superb here.


See you later.

I was outdone again!

You muscle idiot, you're fighting like before!

Certainly not half as intimidating.

My physique was naturally unfavourable to us and I couldn't move it.

Speed and power are also overwhelmingly unfavourable, but make up for it with martial arts and spells.

Yes, it should have been.

But not this time.

It doesn't feel right!

Speed is still good.

Even with the power, I'm better up there?

It seems so, but the war situation is completely different.

It's like I'm not getting through.

It's less common than before.

He is scolded, overrun, and sometimes eats the counter.

I don't think so.

No, I didn't want to think about it!

"What's up? We're gonna set this up, too, right?


The muscle idiot moves.

Has that disappeared?

No, what spreads to the present is a water splash.

The sand mixes with the sea water.

You're gonna dazzle me!


Run straight into the front.

I am not willing to retreat.

Sooner or later, it will be packed even if it is passive.

I don't have that option against this demon god from the beginning.

The aim is super melee, joint aim.

The demon god's blow is flying above your knowledge!

But this time it's a little different.

Successful arm wrapped around the neck.

Were you spinning around sometime?

Besides, they're setting you up for naked strangulation?

Oh, shit!

The right arm of the demon god, pushing his elbow up.

I got out of my arm with a single hair.

One blow to the side, elbow in and push the pushing arm to the extreme.

I can't.

Is it an illusion that I felt better about power?

"Hmm. Too bad."


Once, I kept my distance.

There is no pursuit.

You muscle idiot, are you going to show me some room?

"Let me tell you something now. Look at this."


What muscle idiot had in his hand?

The ring.

If it looks familiar.

It's the Devil's Ring.

I used to keep this guy's devil's ring in his possession.

I still have it.

You're right, aren't you?

"This is a gift for you. Let me set you up."

"You wouldn't have a weird taste, would you?

"Well, I don't know"


A different battle from fear runs through my spine.

Psychological warfare, I guess?

If that's the case, it's pretty powerful!

Is it okay to stay for joint aim in super melee?

I can see there's been a stray.

I get it.

That will blunt the offense!

Don't worry.

Now focus on the muscle idiot in front of you!



I don't know.

I don't see a breakthrough.

Keith is still alive.

It's strong and obvious because it's enhanced by martial arts and spells, and its validity time must still be there.

You can wait, but then you won't be able to keep this one focused.

Killing Keith is pointless.

Capture him alive and fit the ring.

It can be described as difficult.

What is so difficult about fighting while suppressing power!

I tried to shake it psychologically. What's the effect?

It did happen.

But I don't come for the joints.

It's the center of the blow.

This shouldn't be it.

Got a hand tag?

There's more.

I still have it but I want to use the decisive note for the last push.

You should probably use another hand tag.

I'm sure Keith will be surprised.

I wouldn't have thought about it before.

A pledge and constraint as a demon god, a hand you can use because you've lost all of it.


"Surprised? I guess so."


"It's Keith. You can use whatever you want."

What I had in my hand was a single bar cut.

No, it's a substitute for an appropriately wood sharpened and wooden knife in the underground world.

[Weapon Item: Knife] Sandalwood Wooden Knife Quality D + Rarity 4

AP +3M · AP +2 Destructive Power 7 + Weight 15 + Endurance Value 250

Wooden knife made of sandalwood. For practice, but the murder weapon itself.

Honestly, it's an impossible substitute.

Well, if an amateur made it, it would be like this.

Still enough.

There is weight in the appropriate length that can be added or subtracted.

But if you do everything you can to get Keith's brain to hit him directly, he'll die instantly.

Keith is too fast for that to happen, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

You should be fine.

My interest was what Keith would gain.

It is possible that you do not have the object, but perhaps use a knife.

Wouldn't you?

"Did you change your purpose?

I don't care what they think.

Gently wave the wooden knife with one hand.

I've tried it many times, but how does it feel?

Oddly familiar.

Why don't we just do it in action?

I wouldn't know if I didn't try.

Another wave of the wooden knife.

Now turn to the ground.

And bounced up!

Water splash hits Keith with tons of sand!

And the next thing I know what I saw?

It's Keith.

I have a knife in that hand.

Yes, yes!

That's fine.

Okay, go on!



Oh, shit!

You muscular idiot, you could have used your gains?

Until now this demon god has pierced a style of combat that uses only flesh.

It should be!

And how much power do you exert if you use your gains?

It's a horrible existence, I can only say.

It's hard to describe!

What if there's a salvation?

That sword muscle will be honest and easy to read.

But if you misread it, that's it.

I'm sure I'll die in one blow.

We're fortified with martial arts and spells, so no blow death?

No, you're not a good person to look at sweetly, are you?

"I don't know, I'm not feeling good about the book. Different senses, too."

"What are you talking about?

"I'm still used to it."

Demons change their minds.

Put the wooden knife in your hand in eight pairs.

No, you're not!

I raised the wooden knife even higher!

Rapidly overheated air slaps him in the face.

It's madness.

No way.

No way!

"Che che che che che che che che!"


I was reflexively a dragonfly.

And the ape voice.

Two monkey voices, and madness overlaps.

I had doubts.

There were also strays.

Those were blowing up!

The time had been packed in an instant.

Maybe, at the same time, the score in your hand will be waved down!



Not a direct hit together.

Sharpen the wax, don't you think?

It was bounced heavily in the bamboo area.

Continue to scoop the razor-throat knife in your hand across the side.

But they stopped this, too?

Imminent, not.

My right fist with a throat knife is in the hands of the demon god!

× × ×

"Hey, what?

× × ×


The throat knife falls out of my hand.

The right hand is rapidly paralyzed and has no sensation.

The left hand had let go of the throat knife and the Vajra pestle in his hand.

And push it against the belly of the demon god.

Expand the blade.

But the demon god doesn't make it faint.

"How do you know?

"You want to know?

My body floated.

The next moment, the sea water slaps him in the face.

I can tell he was thrown in the shallow water.

I'm not letting go of the Vajra pestle.

Nor had the demon god let go of my right hand.

"Why did you give me my name?

"You're going to find the answer."

My right arm is twisted and pressed against my back.

I'm totally extremed!

But a bigger shock than that was hitting me.

Why is that?

How do you know my real name, you muscle idiot!

"It's Keith. You will suffer for a little while to come."


"Despair ahead or find the light. That's up to you."

What's that supposed to mean?

I couldn't ask that question.

It gets dark in front of me.

And severe pain.

What's this?

I can't even hear the words the muscle idiot already speaks.

No more.

I had to let go of consciousness.

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