"What is this place?

The sight that jumped into my sight looked familiar.

I saw it every day, so it's obvious.

But the feeling of being wet all over your body is quite different.

Jelly shaped buffer.

When the systemic Virtual Reality device first came out, it was used as a substitute.

I have to use the shower to get back to my routine.

That's why I had this terminal installed in the bathroom.

Calm down.

This should be the result of my choice.

One of them should be.

There is confusion in my head.

Sometimes I haven't been able to sort it out, but don't panic.

The same everyday sight.

This is my room.

However, it was a room that I had finished before I moved.

There were several choices the golden doll showed me.

What I chose was all of it.

I'm sure some of me will stay inside the game.

I guess some of me log out and live a false world.

I'm not the only one there.

Keith, Mio, Saki.

The faces I've seen haven't changed and I'm sure they're playing the game.

So, what the hell am I doing here?

I remember.


And conversations with golden dolls.

Keith was fighting, that sight too.

I can remember.

Yes, I can remember!

Is this one of the parallel worlds?

Send me to an extremely similar parallel world.

It's one of the choices presented by the golden doll.

But I wanted to send me into multiple worlds whenever possible.

It doesn't have to be one to send it to a parallel world.

It was like a copy of my dataized personality back then.

Then it should have been possible.

I guess there's no way to check with me right now to see if my wishes are fulfilled.

And there's something I want to make sure of as a top priority.

Whether this is the world built in virtual reality.

Whether this flesh is in reality.

The golden doll mentioned that there was no great difference in terms of the presence or absence of flesh.

But it matters to me.

You should check it out!

And it's odd.

Something's wrong with the timeline.

This is the world of the past.

Definitely, it was the space I lived in.

Let's get started.

Wash away the jelly buffer that wraps around your hair with a shower.

And I reached out and got my mobile device.

I know where I keep it even if I don't look.

You want me to check the date?

It was almost two years ago.

By this time, I must have lived in this room.


I have unread emails on my mobile device.

I wonder who it's from, my cousin.

Track your memory.

What could have happened around this time?

We've been in contact with each other quite often, so I often think of it.

I need to talk to you. You want to hear from me?


From now on, you can call me.

Perhaps it will be clearer where this timeline is around.

"Sister, please!

"Just pick a terminal, okay? All right?


I'll keep it in mind, but I know the results.

In the end, you won't have enough money to subsidize me.

Of course, at birth.

This cousin and I have the same pattern as our real family, and it's a gift.

You can't just spoil it on the surface.

I also knew what I wanted to do on a virtual reality device and why.

She has a real sister, but she's already a sociopath and far away.

I want to play with my sister.

Of course, I want to get involved and play too.

That's the heart of it.

"I want to make sure before I buy the hardware, but what does the software do? A classic World Heritage pilgrimage?

'I'll do that too, but I still want to play the game!

"Depending on the specifications, the terminals will be higher, right?

He said, "I know!

"You already have a game with eyes on it, don't you? Confess now."

"I actually do! I'm recruiting for a beta test, and I wanted to sign up."

I knew it.

I already knew her answer.

"Anazerlink Saga Online is a game."

"Copy that. The rendezvous point is local, okay?


Hang up the call.

And stare at the mobile device.

This must be the world of the past.

It is likely a parallel world, extremely similar to the world I was in.

So, how am I supposed to act?

There's still time.

We have to verify it.

That's all I can do right now.

Only a few things can be done, but we should definitely move forward.

There is always hope.

That's what I headline myself and have to grab!


"The network environment is being wiped out, right?

"I know. Yikes!

"Trouble. Can't you log in?"

"Is that where you worry?

I had to immerse myself in the game somehow.

When I got back to reality, I was in a really chaotic situation.

I've collected a bit of information, but all of that shows the end of the century!

The network around the planet also seems to be dimensioned everywhere.

The battle robots launched by the operation in retaliation continued to destroy the world efficiently.

I can see it's intensively crushing the power supply.

And so are the political hubs of every country!

The United Nations headquarters that was in this country, the presidential palace and the military bases that were everywhere are silent.

Wouldn't it all come here?

No, I'm not surprised you're already here.

Because the only place I'm being held seems to be a military base.

Still, brittle.

Even if the battle robot that disappears and looms is your opponent, it's brittle!

Even if the operation uses technology that can be called auto parts.

I'm interested in combat robots like that.

I want to fight.

But there's nothing I can do.

It's not like you can fight in real life!

"Why don't you run while you can?

"Where do I run off to? I don't even know where on earth there's a place to rest!

"Well, so is that"

This building is also running on emergency power.

If the power supply stops, I will die not far from here.


If I were to die anyway, I wanted to die in the fight.

Yet these people here kept me alive, almost dying.

It's for research.

Besides, it's biosciences that use humans as research material!

It is not a legally or humanely acceptable substitute.

The reason why such ultra-legislative measures are being taken is simple.

Because it's a military purpose!

'So what are you doing?

"I don't have time to explain. Now we have to move our hands!

Copy that, Wave.

"That's it, screwball"

I call her Wave.

That's what I called it because I'm a female serviceman.

I don't know my real name.

We have conversations on a daily basis, but she wasn't originally eloquent.

It's rare today, it's hyperbolic.

But he's silent and doing some work.

I kept hearing kacha kacha and keyboard tapping.

She probably doesn't know my real name either.

I've always called it a screwball.

I'm sorry about this freak thing, but I liked it a lot.

Better than being called Samurai or Ninja.

Pretty good.

My fellow mercenaries were full of stereotypes.

It's a closed door for me to call Samurai or Ninja just because I'm Japanese.

What happened to them now, too?

Even if it survives, it's not decent.

Like I am now.

"How about this?


Vision restored, but white and as if invisible!

No, gradually, but I'm starting to see it.

What is this?

"Wave, what did you do?

"Didn't you tell me you didn't have time to explain?

You were right.

Sitting in a chair, she was wounded.

Besides, it doesn't look like a gunshot wound, does it?

Shoulders, and thighs look like knife wounds.

The bleeding had not stopped.

"And now I'm dying."

"What is this?

I have a feeling.

My eyes caught a dull metallic glossy arm.


Do as I please, move.

I'm uncomfortable because I don't have a touch, but I can move!

"It's the body of an enemy robot. I tried to recover a few of them, but I think I can move."

"For what?

"Come on, what is it for?

Wave has no blood on his face.

What about hemostasis?

I don't think I'll make it.

I see several people dying on the battlefield.

This is unlikely to help, even if you want to.

"Hate me? I'm sure you hate it. You want to kill him."

'Well, what do we do?

"Screwball, now you've got a moving body. If you want revenge, now is the time."

"Revenge, or"

"Yeah. Even as I am, I die of a lot of bleeding. If you want revenge, now is the time."

You're in trouble.

Certainly willing to kill.

Wave's attitude toward me was no different than that toward experimental animals.

But she was also the one who gave me the body to move in real life, which was just my brain and brain stem.

I have complicated thoughts.



Deep on her shoulder, something is stabbing her.

Who showed up?

It looks familiar.

It's that battle robot!

No, that's a little different.

The dull glossy epidermis are uniform and some look transparent.

Optical camo specs!

Is it because you made sure Wave was out of breath, the battle robot turns his back on me?

According to Kuzu, he's programmed my motion.

What the hell is this?

Manthrotter Individual Identification Code 421-0216

Operation Robot for Combat in Action

Status: Stand-alone optical camo in preparation for operation

Whoa, whoa!

A virtual window appears in front of me.

Is this the same specification as Anazerlink Saga Online?

Manthrotter Individual Identification Code 899-0121

Standing by for combat robots.

Status: Stand-alone optical camouflage operational

I was able to check my own status.

Apparently, the combat robot in front of me recognizes me as one of them.

Do you have the option of staying with me?

No, more than that.

This is the enemy.

At least you killed the person you were aiming to kill and you definitely embezzled him.

So, what do we do?


Hold your head from behind and strangle it naked, twisting your head as you go.

Uncomfortably, the head of the robot will be chopped a thousand times off the torso.

The torso, which was about to disappear halfway, also shows up.

Try this, it only looks like a mannequin doll.

I'm sure this is what I look like now.

Okay, next.

You can't disassemble my body and look into it.

Do you want to break this guy down instead?

No, maybe there's some other battle robot breaking in here.

You could try that sweep.

In the first place, I don't even know in detail what structure the building here is.

There seems to be a lot of work to be done.

So, when you're done with that?

There's only so much I can do.

There is only battle.

Regardless, there is no alternative to dealing with humans as combat robots.

It's obvious it's only going to be a mortal war!

It's not the fight I want.

Then we'll have to deal with the battle robot.

You can try to aim for a home with operations.

I'm sure you'll be fighting the battle robots.

Besides, the motion program is like diverting my movements!

I don't know how many there are, but there is no shortage.

I don't think you can keep fighting and stay safe, but it's better than every day without a fight.

All the time, okay!

I know I should be thankful for running Anazerlink Saga Online.

I'm not in a position to complain because I enjoyed myself a lot.

But it was the operation that brought the world to the brink of chaos.

I'm sorry, let me fight!

I must be laughing right now.

You must be laughing.

Irina must flatter her face if she's alive, that smile.

I'm a combat robot now, but what the hell kind of look is that?

I'm pretty sure it's as tasteless and dry as a torn battle robot.

Maybe it's salvation for me in a way.

All right, here we go.

Keep it flowing.

Keep it flowing.

I don't think it's ever been and will be the same.

But you're in trouble.

You want to complain a lot about the operation?

I can't feel the pain in this body!

And signs!

Apparently, this is going to be my biggest concern.

Well, I just have to get used to it.

What, there's time.

Some enemies.

That's enough for me right now.

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