"I was just wondering, if the two of them really dated, would you really agree?" Lan Pan'er also hugged her waist, "Godmother, have you checked Yan Xin? He shouldn't hurt her sister. Right. I was just thinking, if he is sincere to his sister, can he stop worrying about the past?"

"Of course." Meng Ying touched her head, "As long as he is sincere, we will not object to them being together."

Lan Pan'er leaned in her arms obediently, "Godmother, do you think my parents are still there?"

She seldom asks this question.

But every time she asked, Meng Ying would answer her seriously, and this time the same, "They should be somewhere in the world, as long as they are still alive, they will be able to find it. They also want to see the baby, they will definitely come."

"So, they haven't come to me yet, are they gone?" Lan Pan'er didn't have deep feelings for her parents, and it was probably her blood that made her miss her.

Meng Ying was also thinking that if they were still there, they would definitely come to find them.

After so many years of no news, maybe it really isn't there.

She hugged Lan Pan'er tightly, "Just think...they are on their way to find you. One day, we will meet."

Lan Pan'er rubbed in her arms, "Godmother, thank you, thank you, godfather, brother Xian, and sister Wennuan. You make my heart always full. I miss them, But I love you more."

"Good hope." Meng Ying put her arms around her, stroking her back like a child, "no matter when you are, you have to believe that your parents love you very much, and we also love you very much. Love you."

"Yeah." Lan Pan'er nodded heavily.

She regards them as her family, her relatives, and the most worthy of her trust in the world.

Not biological, better than biological.

Mu Mengni saw Yan Xin crouching on the ground in pain, she rushed over anxiously, "What's the matter with you?"

Yan Xin opened his eyes, and the moment he saw her, his eyes lit up.

"You're here."

"What happened? Why didn't you call an ambulance?" Mu Mengai was worried.

He looks like a big dog that has been abandoned by others, which makes people feel distressed.

Yan Xin reached out to her.

Without any hesitation, Mu Meng'ai handed him over, grabbed him and helped him up.

Yan Xin's whole body pressed down on her, and Mu Meng'ai also stubbornly propped him up on the sofa. Just moving like this made her exhausted.

I touched his forehead, but there was no fever.

"What's the matter? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Mu Mengai wondered if there was any sequelae from the injection she had been shot before.

Yan Xin was trembling all over, he clasped his arms, "It's okay, I'm just a little cold."


Mu Mengni felt more and more strange. Now that it's summer, how could it be cold?

She touched his hand again, not cold.

"I called Aunt Qingcheng to show you." Mu Mengai flipped through her phone.

Yan Xin held her hand, "Don't bother people. I just want to get a good night's sleep. Could you bring me a blanket?"

Mu Mengni went to get it.

Cover him, and seeing him gradually calm down, she asked, "Is it still cold?"

"Much better." Yan Xin's lips were pale, and he looked weak.

Mu Mengni wanted to ask Qingcheng what was going on with him. It stands to reason that he had used Mommy's blood, so it was impossible to pay him back.

"I'm fine, just a little cold." Yan Xin saw her intention and stopped her from calling, "It's much better now."

Mu Mengni saw that his words were much better than before, and he knew that people were afraid of seeing a doctor, so they could only let him be.

However, it is still necessary to observe carefully. If something goes wrong in a while, either send it to the hospital, or call Miss Qingcheng over.

She went to boil water, poured a glass of cold water and brought it to him, "Drink some hot water."


Yan Xin took it and accidentally brushed her fingers with his fingers.

Mu Mengai did not hide.

It's just that this contact reminded her of the shameful dream last night. She didn't know if her face was red, but she felt a little hot in her ears.

Yan Xin drank the water and huddled aside wrapped in a blanket.

Both of them were quiet, and Mu Mengai looked at him from time to time.

"I am sorry."


"I shouldn't have called you. But it seems... I don't know who to call besides you." Yan Xin's tone was very low.

Mu Mengai didn't look at him, but squeezed her hands, "I'm responsible for what you are now."

"I did it of my own free will." Yan Xin looked at her profile, "I never blame you."

Mu Meng'ai was very confused, and she was at a loss for words.

I don't know what to say.

No matter how much you say, it's a bit redundant.

They sat for more than two hours.

Yan Xin's cell phone vibrated on the table, Mu Meng Ai glanced at the bright screen, but she couldn't see it clearly.

"Do you need me to get it for you?" After all, it was his mobile phone. No matter what the mobile phone was now, it was a secret, and she couldn't take it casually.

"Excuse me."

Mu Mengni took the phone to him, glanced at the call above, it was just a string of numbers without a signature.

When Yan Xin took the phone and saw the string of numbers, his eyes sank slightly.

Mu Mengai walked away very wisely.

She has to give people space.

She was playing with her phone on the balcony outside and couldn't hear what was being said inside.

The phone vibrated, and it was a WeChat message from him to let her in.

Mu Meng'ai turned back, Yan Xin sat up and was looking at her.

She opened the door and walked in. "You better lie down."

"It's much better now." Yan Xin said, "Thank you for coming with me."

"Not so polite."

"It's taking you too long. I'm fine now, go and do your work."

Mu Mengai was startled.

Is this driving her away?

She stared at Yan Xin intently, the phone call just now affected his mood. She could sense the change in his attitude.

"Okay." For some unknown reason, Mu Meng'ai felt a little flustered in her heart, so she picked up her bag and left quickly.

The moment the door closed, Yan Xin's expression became worse and worse.

He clicked on the number he called and dialed back, "I'm not in good health and I'm going to go abroad for recuperation... My body can no longer support the result you want. Yes, I'll leave."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Xin's whole person became more and more gloomy.

Mu Mengni recalled that Yan Xin's attitude when answering the phone was a little wrong, and she couldn't think of the reason.

Who is calling?

For two days in a row, Mu Mengni was in a bad mood.

Lan Pan'er thought her spring was coming, but now it looks like she has passed the winter ahead of time, and her whole body is dizzy.

She asked Mu Mengai what happened.


"I can see it all." Lan Paner was very worried about her, "You've been wrong these days, your face is heavy. You don't seem to be messed with. People in the company are saying that you were dumped, so you have such a bad face. of."

Mu Mengai frowned, "Are they too busy?"

"You used to have a cold face, but now you have a sullen face. You are gloomy, and your whole body seems to be enveloped by a black aura."

"I'm really fine." Mu Mengai didn't want to be affected by the work, and she really didn't expect her face to look so ugly these two days.

When Lan Pan'er saw this, she didn't know what to say.

In the afternoon, Lan Pan'er brought her a cup of dessert and milk tea, "Eat something sweet to make you feel better."


Mu Mengni ate it.

But not in a good mood.

Lan Pan'er didn't bother her either, she returned to Mu Mengxian's office, and while everyone outside was having afternoon tea, she ran to Mu Mengxian's desk and lay down, "Brother, something's wrong with my sister these days, you Did you find it?"


"Why don't you care about her?" Lan Pan'er complained.

Mu Mengxian put down his work, looked up at her, and squeezed her chin lightly, "You must have cared about her. Since you can't do anything, what can I do? You know, what does she have? Things are never told to me."

"I feel that there is a problem with Yan Xin." Lan Pan'er was still very anxious, "I can see that she is actually nervous about Yan Xin. I just don't know what happened to the two of them."

"No one can escape feelings. No one can help. Therefore, this kind of thing can only be digested by herself. As long as she says who hurt her, I will definitely speak ill for her. I am afraid of her. Don't say it, we don't know the reason, and we can't mess with people, right?"

Mu Mengxian was trying to relieve Lan Paner. He knew that Lan Paner cared about Mu Meng'er very much, but he was confused.

But this kind of thing, no matter who is kissing again, what can they do if the parties don't say it?

Lan Pan'er sighed deeply, "Do you want to tie Yan Xin and ask him what he did to Sister Anian. Why is Sister Anian affected by him?"

Mu Mengxian smiled and scratched her nose, "You really think about it."

"If he really made Sister Anian feel sad, of course I would dare to think about it." Lan Pan'er took his hand away and touched her nose, "Sister Anian must have been attracted to him, but Yan Xin is ignorant. "

Seeing her angry look, Mu Mengxian walked around the desk, walked up to her and put her in his arms, "Don't think about it so much, she knows how to handle it herself."

Lan Pan'er wrapped her hands around his waist and leaned in his arms, "I still like to see the light in her eyes. In the past two days, she herself has not noticed how bad her condition is."

"You can accompany her when you are free. Or take her out and have a good time. Of course, the premise of playing is that the two of you are not allowed to discharge electricity everywhere." Mu Mengxian thought about it and shook his head, "You are not allowed to go to places like bars and nightclubs. It's okay to go for a beauty treatment and soak in a hot spring."

Lan Pan'er gave him a slight push, "That's why you don't understand. Sister An Nuan needs a man. As long as there is a little wolf dog or a little milk dog who is considerate and considerate, it will definitely make her happy."

"Little wolf dog? Little milk dog?" Mu Mengxian wrapped Lan Pan'er's waist and squinted, "Lan Pan'er, where did you learn these words?"

Lan Pan'er stuck out her tongue, "You don't need to learn, it's normal. If you're a little younger than me, you're a little wolf dog."

"Then what are you? Little milk cat?" Mu Mengxian teased her.

Lan Paner made a face at him, "Meow!"

Mu Mengxian was amused by her.

Before leaving get off work, Lan Paner asked Mu Mengni to take a bath in a hot spring and then have a beauty treatment.

Mu Mengai did not refuse.

They drove to Tianci Hot Spring Villa and saw Yan Xin walking with a woman as soon as they entered.

Originally they thought it was Meng Lu.

The woman turned her face slightly, it wasn't.

The woman has a small face with melon seeds, showing a large beautiful back, and her small waist twists like a water snake. The most important thing is her smile, which is called a sweet one.

Lan Pan'er subconsciously looked at Mu Meng's expression, she was as cold as ever, without the slightest reaction.

Only she herself knew what kind of mood swings she had when she saw Yan Xin.

"Sister..." Lan Pan'er felt too weak.

Those who went to the suburbs specially to experience the tranquility that is not available in the city, who knew that they were blocked as soon as they entered the door.

Mu Mengai suppressed the impetuousness in her heart and continued to walk forward.

Lan Pan'er doesn't know what happened to her and Yan Xin now, let alone whether the relationship between them has reached the point where she can rush to grab Yan Xin and scold him for a scumbag.

During their brief psychological struggle, the two had long since disappeared.

Lan Pan'er held Mu Meng's hand tightly and went to the front desk to get the card.

They went to Bamboo Forest Pool, where many orchids were planted around, the faint fragrance made people very immersed, and the warm water activated the blood of the whole body, which was extremely comfortable.

For a moment, you can really forget your worries.

Lan Pan went to see Mu Meng'ai from time to time as a child. She closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying it.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Lan Pan'er got up.

She went to the bathroom and met the woman again.

With just one glance, she took this woman to heart.

She followed her in, and when she came out of the toilet after using the toilet, the woman was looking into the mirror, sorting her makeup with one hand, and talking to someone with a mobile phone in the other.

Lan Pan'er was washing her hands slowly and listening to her.

"...Axin is with me. He is fine now, but he has lost some weight. Don't worry, since I am back with him, I will definitely take good care of him.... He is my man, and I will not take good care of him. , how can I be happy in the future? Hee hee, don't make fun of me. I hope I can play a mandarin duck play with him in the hot spring tonight. . . .Bye-Bye."

She hung up the phone, Lan Paner shook her hand, and went out first.

If she stayed in there for another second, Lan Paner was afraid that she would hit someone if she couldn't control it.

Lan Paner didn't notice that just after she went out, the woman behind her showed a sinister smile.

Lan Pan'er was soaking in the hot spring angrily. She glanced at the woman who only opened her eyes when she was in the water, enjoying it comfortably.

She couldn't bear to destroy Mu Meng's relaxed and contented mood, so she could only swallow her anger into her stomach.

"When you go out, your anger will turn the hot spring into a hot spring." Mu Mengai looked at her, "What's wrong?"


"It's okay if you're okay." Mu Mengai asked, "I saw Mu Mengxian with another woman?"

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