Ji Xuan is a handsome man with a sharply carved facial features and healthy brown skin.

It probably has something to do with being a soldier. Since getting tanned, Ji Xuan has never come back in vain. However, Ji Xuan was already good-looking, and although his facial features were handsome but not female.

The hair is not long. The original A Bing brother's hairstyle has also been changed after he entered the Shang Dynasty, and the whole person looks even more powerful.

Ji Xuan stood in the office like a king for a while before calling in Ban Zhenye by phone.

As Jixuan's chief secretary, Ban Zhenye is responsible for all aspects of Jixuan's needs.

But when he heard Ji Xuan's request, he was still stunned and asked: "Ji always wants to find Miss Xiao?"

Ji Xuan nodded heavily, and Ban Zhenye could not help but persuade him: "Ms. Ji, now that I have been divorced, why bother to look for it. Ms. Xiao will come around again. I'm afraid it will cause trouble to Mr. Ji's life. Miss, you should reconsider too."

Ji Xuan showed an expression of "No, you don't understand!", and said, "She is Xiaoyu's mother after all. Since she called, let's go check it out!" He didn't say that it was because of being threatened.

Ji Xuan had already said so, and Ban Zhenye knew what he was doing, so he stopped persuading him, and in response, he went out to arrange the car needed for departure.

While Ji Xuan entered the lounge to change his clothes, she cursed violently in her heart: I was so angry that he dared to threaten me and would never forgive me.

Ban Zhenye directly called Xiao Yu and asked Xiao Yu's location. Xiao Yu smiled and told her: "Central Hospital."

Ban Zhenye asked in a daze, "Why are you in the hospital?"

Xiao Yu smiled, "Miss Ban, what else can you do in the hospital? Will you go for a walk in the hospital if you have nothing to do?"

Ban Zhenye was blocked for a moment. She had been in the upper position for a long time and was used to commanding other secretaries. It has been a long time since I bowed my knees to others, and few people came to her in front of her and even forgot to return when Xiao Yu was blocked.

After Xiao Yu hung up the phone, Ban Zhenye wondered: Why do you feel that Xiao Yu is a little different? Forget it, after being exiled for 4 years, it is impossible to be the same as before.

Ban Zhenye waited downstairs for a while and saw Ji Xuan come down in a nice suit.

"President Ji, at the city center hospital, he should be sick. Do you need to call the lady to come with you?"

Ji Xuan thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on now, let's go and take a look."

Ban Zhenye naturally had no objection. After all, Xiao Yu was really not a qualified mother, so Ban Zhenye asked the driver to leave.

Xiao Yu and Xiao Ruoguang waited until it was about to lunch, but Ji Xuan hadn't come yet.

Xiao Ruoguang sat in front of the bed eagerly and looked at the direction of the door. He kept finding that the pointer was pointing to the place the nurse sister said. Xiao Ruoguang thought: It's time for lunch.

Only then did Xiao Ruoguang take off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, then passed his mother and walked to her pillow. I took out the bag and looked inside and found that there was only one dollar left for the one yuan taught by the nurse sister.

Xiao Ruoguang just broke his fingers and settled. The dry rice boss said he would give him 1 yuan, the vegetables would only be 3 yuan, and the clear soup in the shop would be given away. Xiao Ruoguang did it twice. It was clear that he had to bring 4 yuan.

Xiao Ruoguang hasn't started kindergarten yet, so he doesn't count. Now that he counts with his fingers, he was taught by the kind nurses of the hospital. When he goes out to buy things, his boss will not lie to him. What's more, what can be tricked by a 3-year-old child with one yuan and two yuan each time?

Slowly, Xiao Ruoguang was able to make simple additions and subtractions with his fingers, although it was a bit slow.

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at Xiao Ruoguang and said, "It's okay, baby, I'll call Dad to treat you later."

Xiao Ruoguang turned his head to look at her, blinking his wide eyes and asked, "Can you?"

Xiao Yu nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

So the two waited eagerly until 12 o'clock, when Ji Xuan and Ban Zhenye stepped on their late tails and entered the ward.

When they saw Xiao Yu, both of them were shocked. Xiao Yu is not a beauty with gorgeous features, and there is no denying that she is a beautiful woman. There is only one thing, Xiao Yu is a baby-faced, she is not only a baby-faced, but also a short.

Such a small woman has sunken cheeks, her hair is yellow, her lips are even peeled, her eyes are very energetic.

When they lay there and saw the two coming in, the glances that turned around and swept lightly made Ji Xuan and Ban Zhenye a little ashamed. She is so miserable, they still think that she has ulterior motives, really shouldn't.

As soon as the two of them finished thinking about it, they saw Xiao Yu's chapped lips open and close twice, and spit out: "It's finally here, hurry up and buy some lunch, I'm starving to death."

Ji Xuan: "..."

Ban Zhenye "..."

Ji Xuan asked Ban Zhenye to go, and Xiao Yu lay there still shouting: "Buy more, for two!"

As she walked, Ban Zhenye thought: Xiao Yu finally knew that he had bought a copy for Mr. Ji. It seemed that he was still sensible after suffering a bit outside.

But here, Ji Xuan walked to the bed and sat down, looked at Xiao Yu and said, "What's wrong with you?"

After Xiao Yu struggled hard and couldn't move, she looked at Ji Xuan and said, "What do you think?"

Ji Xuan raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Is it paralyzed?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Yes!" Anyway, it can be cured, Xiao Yu will not be sad for the paralysis.

Ji Xuan: "..." After reacting for more than 10 seconds, Ji Xuan looked at Xiao Yu again and asked, "Really?"

Xiao Yu turned his head again and said, "Can I only turn my head when you see me?"

Ji Xuan cursed, "You are paralyzed, why are you laughing??" He picked up the quilt at the end of the bed, and saw that Xiao Yu's legs were weak and his muscles were a little loose.

Xiao Yu smiled triumphantly: "Look! I didn't lie to you."

Ji Xuan was speechless: "What's so good about this!!!"

Ji Xuan helped her forehead and found that it was very tiring to come and talk to Xiao Yu this time. I was tired before, but I was mad before, and this time I was also tired, although I was also mad, I always feel that the two kinds of qi are different.

"What's the matter? How could it be paralyzed? What do you want me to do?" Ji Xuan felt that since she is Xiaoyu's mother, it is right to reach out for help at this time.

Xiao Yu blinked and said with the same eyes as Xiao Ruoguang: "Oh, I was hit by a car and all my bones were broken. The cervical vertebrae in my neck were all broken. The doctor said he was paralyzed and all the money he lost was spent. Is it miserable? "

Ji Xuan nodded unconsciously: "It's quite miserable."

Xiao Yu said, "Then borrow some money!"

Ji Xuan was not embarrassed, and asked, "How much?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while and said, "Go ask the doctor how much it costs for rehabilitation?"

Ji Xuan glanced at her unexpectedly and said, "You don't need anything else?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said "sadly", "I am already a useless person, and I still need..."

Before Xiao Yu finished speaking, Xiao Ruoguang had already returned with the urinal and shouted: "Mom, I'm back. Is Dad here?"

Ji Xuan: "..."

Xiao Yu: "..."

The moment he saw Xiao Ruoguang, Ji Xuan knew about Xiao Ruoguang's life experience, nothing more than Xiao Ruoguang and Ji Xuan looked so alike when they were young!

As a result, Ban Zhenye, who came back from the door carrying a lunch box, heard Ji Xuan's roar from Ward 506: "Whose child!!!"

"Look! Baby, he is really angry."

Ban Zhenye: "..."

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