The next morning, the rain subsided.

At the discretion of Noel and the others, it was today that we were to leave for the last town of Tenanya.

Master Ardina seems to be leaving her room in the morning and walking around the inn to thank the innkeepers for their stay. Such sights are also seen for the first time since joining this journey.

And - there was no such thing as Mr. Rayburn on her side.

Only yesterday's luncheon, and I'm guessing Mr. Rayburn doesn't really welcome Master Ardina, who looks kind of blown out. I know what makes you want to worship and worship the goddess Ardina more than the goddess, and in fact, I, too, had the same thoughts I had about her once looking away.

But even Master Ardina is one woman before she's a witch.

Joy or sadness, sometimes try to be strong or be thin.

I hope Mr. Rayburn accepts her for showing such normal joy and sorrow. When I was there, that's how you accepted it - yes, to Noel.

Noel nowadays says he has no more feelings for Master Ardina than he has for work.

But I don't know what's ahead.

The whereabouts of people's feelings are more unreadable than tomorrow's wind direction.

Besides, I may just be treating Master Ardina as a job right now, but Noel takes a good look at the inside of them, honest people. Even against Master Ardina, you must be treating her as one "person," not just in the superficial form of being a witch.

What does Master Ardina think of Noel like that?

... I know, that I'm not the one to talk about this.

But my thoughts flow without a hard time.

What if Master Ardina likes Noel?

Will watching the end of this journey of hers also mean watching the end of her and Noel?

If that happens - what the hell am I going to do?

I still like Noel.

I can't deceive that feeling anymore.

But I, myself, will soon be gone from this world.

And I like Aldina, too.

A wonderful person unlike me, but one who may share the closest thoughts. I want you to accomplish something I couldn't accomplish, and I sincerely want you to be happy.

Then I guess I should never, ever tell Noel how I feel again.

(- What pointless things are you thinking, me)

I can't believe you decide how Ardina feels on your own and worry about what's ahead on your own.

Yeah, I know, but I can't stop thinking about one person for good.

(Me, you're an idiot)

What do you ever think of as Gudagda against someone you even thought you would never see again?

Noel and Lady Ardina should spin the time they should spin and head in the direction they should, regardless of my presence or anything else. Those two can walk shoulder to shoulder.

Not like me.

I dropped my shoulder, beaten by my own thoughts.

In doing so, time comes to leave town.

In the last town of Tenanya, we arrived after noon.

Is it right to say that it is no longer soon after dusk rather than after noon?

Just a little more until the sun starts setting.

It was still time to say morning that we left Sminase, but so much so that Sminase and this town of Tenanya were separated.

Long carriage journey, just hurts my back.

No one around me complains, but their tiredness seeps into each look.

Even the movement of everyone who arrived at the intended accommodation and unloaded their luggage from the carriage was slightly slower.

"Look, you guys, be more motivated and energized!

Mr. Ganne, the leader of the guards, flies.

"If you get attacked by an enemy in a situation like this, you'll get hit without a pile!

"Ha, ha."

To a powerful voice, the soldiers, including Mr. Elliot and Mr. Sizzle, stretch their spines.

With them sideways like that, holding boxes with fine luggage, I turned my face to town once.

It's been a long time since this town of Tenanya has been around.

Compared to the previous Sminase feeling of refined urban style, this one has a very small, true rural feel.

Lovely houses with honey-colored roofs dot here and there, and if it's a sunny day, you'll want to make that pastoral view a postcard.

In that, the church in this town was splendid enough to say different colors.

A church big enough to tell at a glance even from outside the town.

I think the tip of the tower stretches high enough to penetrate the sky, and from its top you can look around not only the town, but far beyond the horizon.

Today's Inn is half-integrated with its church.

Japanese-style, it's called a dormitory. Of course, not everyone can stay, and it seems that only church officials can stay.

Speaking of Ardina, a little while ago he entered the inn with words of labor addressed to us.

Mr. Rayburn, who followed her a little behind, leaves her lying low and not letting her read that look. Mr. Sotini was like that, so the carriage they were riding in must have been cooler than the cold air in the middle of winter.

"If they don't like us that much, they can travel on their own."

Mr. Sizzle, who continued to carry out his luggage, mentioned that.

What are you talking about all of a sudden?

Mr. Elliot sends a frivolous gaze to Mr. Sizzle.

"You saw what happened to the cleric Sama earlier? I didn't even want to see us, but I just walked away. We're the ones who are carrying your stuff around right now, but I want you to know that."

"... hey, if that's what you're talking about, I'm not listening"

"'Cause come on, that's what Hulka thought, right? It's written on my face."

Suddenly the firepowder flew over here, so I waved in panic.

"Wow, I didn't think that!... Instead, I think Mr. Sotini is trying to walk over to us."

"Hmm, well, better than Master Rayburn. But after all, it's not compatible with us. We both know that from the beginning. So, over there, over here, I pulled a solid line over here, and I did each job in a kick-ass fashion, and that's good to know. Someone tries to mix it up weirdly, so it's gonna be extra weird."

I also found out that you were talking about Master Ardina in the dark.

"I'm done with my journey, so it's fine. But if there's a second time, I'd like to apologize."


I couldn't say anything back and left the place behind in silence.

I don't know, I can't wait.

Master Ardina just wants to interact with everyone, as one person.

I can't believe the harder I try, the more I create a quarrel with my surroundings.

(When I was there, I didn't end up trying properly. So on the surface, it all seemed to fit round, but the truth is, that didn't work. Someone has to support Master Ardina when he realizes he can't)

When are you going to do that, Mr. Ars following me like that?

"Harka, are you okay?

"... Mr. Ars. Yeah, it's not that heavy."

No, no, it's not about the luggage.

Mr. Ars shrugged his shoulders gently.

"You don't have to worry too much about what everyone says."

That's how I secretly get annoyed because I say things like I figured them all out.

"Nothing, I am"

"You shouldn't really identify yourself with Master Ardina"

"I know that. I'm not looking at it the same way."

"I wonder"

Mr. Ars seems to still be following me.

No, he looks like he's carrying luggage, too, so it's the same place to go.

"Dear Aldina, we're going to the church to pray soon."

"... yes"

"I'm sure it's a sign of readiness to move out of nowhere. You're the one who made me do that. I think Master Ardina knows who you are. Right, should I say I've noticed?"

I stopped by accident.

"Even if you're the one who made me ready, she's the only one who's going down the road ahead. You just have to watch. So there, do not overlap your past shadows"

Without words, I look up to Mr. Ars.

"You have your way to walk. Are you looking right at your feet?

Prayer in the last church.

By the time the sun was completely down, Master Ardina had returned to his quarters.

Until now, Mr. Quinn, who is also nearby in prayer with his escort, had informed us of the results, but this time, Master Ardina himself came to our modest room.

Dear Ardina with a strange face.

Behind her, Mr. Rayburn, Mr. Sotini, and Noel also stand with a harsh look.

Look around us, and she opened her mouth.

"- I'm sorry, guys. Again, no."

To that one word, we just breathed.

"Even in this church, my power did not extend. I couldn't do anything, I..."

So Lady Ardina bit her lip for a long time.

"More for me -"

Squirting, and stopping words along the way. Shaking his head loosely without force, Master Ardina drooped slightly.

The face of the modem also lays down his lid with an analgesic face.

This isn't all over now.

There are not only three churches with the "temperament" flowing, but eight in all. There is also a good chance that the 'chi' of another church is disturbed, outside the route of this pilgrimage. With that in mind, this journey could also be seen as the beginning of a long pilgrimage of witches.

However, from Mr Ardina's point of view, we cannot be so optimistic.

Originally, when the distortion of "chi" occurred, she had to realize it and get it right. Looking around all the churches for distorted parts of 'chi' is not what the original witch should look like. So at the very least, I must have wanted to come up with an answer early in the three churches I chose this time.

Moreover, it was also conceived, more importantly, of the possibility that the disturbed church of 'temperatures' "existed" within the church already surrounded. It is possible that Master Ardina has missed that - and if that happens, there will be no harvest around the remaining five churches in the future. 'Chi' will continue to be left uncensored, and the natural disasters that strike the world will become more and more intense, and the country will be inclined.

What Master Ardina carries is too big.

"I must look back at myself again"

Unexpectedly, Master Ardina said so with her face up.

"If you don't bump right out of the front into what you've been turning away, what you've been running away from. I realized clearly throughout this pilgrimage that it was all from there. - I really appreciate all of you. Thank you so much for leading me so far."

Lady Ardina looked over at us and then sent her gaze to Mr. Rayburn and the others behind her.

By the time the night book (and all) descends.

The church, and the inn, were completely quiet.

Tonight, as always, my room is with Mr. Quinn.

Always a bright and kind Mr. Quinn, but only today, we had a small mouth count, and after each of us went into bed, we turned off the light with little to no mouth to mouth.

Even at dinner, Master Ardina and everyone surrounded the table together, but there were still few words overall. Lady Ardina was not forced to talk to everyone, but to the extent that she had some conversations with her neighbor Sotini.

Mr. Rayburn did not participate this time either.

This journey is over.

I couldn't do anything.

And nothing, I didn't know.

- But will it really end like this?

As the night deepened I was feeling more and more conscious awakening.

In bed, I feel uncomfortable and humbled.

Is it my fault, the air in the room is kind of heavier than ever.

I wanted to open the window and breathe cool night air all over my chest, but I knew I wouldn't feel sunny where I did that.

Besides, Mr. Quinn next door seems to be completely asleep.

I said I was sorry I moved poorly and woke her up, and then I threw my gaze at Mr. Quinn, and I pushed my sigh to death.

Then suddenly, I feel uncomfortable.

- That.

Mr. Quinn, I'm really asleep.

I felt my heartbeat wave loudly.

Mr. Quinn is a shallow sleeper, even if he seems well asleep.

We slept together on this journey, and I realized these days that I was.

For example, if I hit a sleigh and a turnaround in my bed, that's the kind of sensitive person that awakens my consciousness more than half of the time.

And yet, now, she's gone deep enough to not even hear her sleep.

"... Mr. Quinn?

With a faint voice, I spoke to Mr. Quinn next door.

No response.

"Mr. Quinn."

I raised my torso out of bed, solidifying myself with nervousness, and called out again.

No response.

(... by chance, right)

I'm sure you must be particularly tired today and just falling asleep sometime.

I felt similar to prayer and thought so.


My own drowsiness is already far away, running tension all over my body like a strained thread.

(Turns out, it's crazy)

She is an armed knight apprentice and a woman chosen as a witch's escort. It is absolutely impossible - isn't it supposed to - not to wake you up even when you are called by your name?

Finally, I got up with a strong feeling of discomfort.

As always, Mr. Quinn remains motionless. With a barely audible sleep, faint bodies rise and fall just barely visible in the eyes that have begun to get used to the darkness.

Conn, conn.

At that time, the dry sound of knocking on the door of the room sounded quietly.

I also forget to breathe and stare at the door beyond the darkness.

"Halka, I'm coming in."

I'm used to hearing voices.

Soon the door opened slowly.

I shrug in that shadow that rose to the lantern at hand.

"- Mr. Sotini."

Mr. Sotini, dressed in cleric clothing, was sitting on the spot with no expression on his face.

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