The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 991: The second day

Suddenly, the battle was tilted in a direction beneficial to the big man.

The killing continues.

The captain of the God Sha squad, Jack, was furious and slew towards Broken Wave.

The two sides fought fiercely together in the void. The terrifying air wave spread out in all directions centered on the two.

Broken Wave has already used the Sun Eclipse Sword Technique to the highest level at this moment.

However, as the captain of the Shensha team, Jack's combat power is also very strong. Although Duanlang is strong, but it will not be able to kill the opponent for a while.

The strength of the two is equal, and both are half-step divine realm cultivation bases. Want to tell the winner, naturally, not so fast.

Broken waves let out a long whistle.

It's been a long time since I fought so heartily. Duan Lang felt that every cell in his whole body seemed to relax.

The expression of Jack, the leader of the Shensha team, became more dignified. Because although he exerted the power of his whole body to the limit, he felt that he was facing increasing pressure from his opponents. Originally it was evenly matched, but gradually, he felt that it seemed to be more defensive than offensive.

In the attic in the distance

Liu Ce is still calm.

The expressions of the two young girls on the side could not be so calm. After all, the success or failure of this battle is related to their lives, and they naturally can't achieve Liu Ce's grace and grace.

"City Lord, are you really not worried about the demon army at all?"

Yang Jing couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, the demons will close their troops soon, and we can go back and have a good night's sleep."

Liu Ce watched the sky gradually dimmed.


Shen Honglian and Yang Jing looked at each other, their expressions a little confused.

And the palm of Broken Wave and Jack has reached a fever pitch at this moment.

"Fire and Phosphorus Erosion Day!"

Duanlang snorted coldly. The Huolin Sword swept out with a single sword.

This sword is the last sword of the Eclipse Sword Art.

In an instant, the heat waves around Broken Lang's body were soaring, and the Huolin Sword seemed to turn into a round of sun in an instant, seeming to swallow everything.

"this is?"

Jack suddenly felt that countless sword auras surrounded him, as if he was about to swallow him.

This sword qi is the eclipse sword qi.

"Motian Slash!"

Jack roared. A crazy sword swept out.

A horrible sword, as if it could shred everything.


The terrifying sword energy blasted everything along the way to pieces.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void. The endless shock wave swept out in all directions like a tide. Along the way, some demon soldiers who could not dodge were all wiped out by the crushed ashes.

Broken Wave was slightly shaken back by three steps. But his opponent, Jack, was directly knocked out of more than ten meters and managed to stand still. The armor on his body was already shattered by more than half.

"Fire Dragon Chasing the Sun"

Broken waves roared.

This is exactly the blood and fire evil Gang formed by the fusion of Duanmai Sword Qi and Fire Phosphorus Sword Qi. The power is endless.


In an instant, Broken Wave swept out with a sword.

A giant dragon transformed into a sword gas appeared in the void. Roaring at Jack with his teeth and claws.

"Do not…"

Jack's body was full of energy and blood, and he had already suffered serious injuries. At this time, facing this terrible dragon, there is no enemy at all,

"Devil's cover."

In a rush, Jack turned the protective gas shield and stood in front of him.


The dragon slapped a claw on Jack's protective gas shield.

The seemingly powerful body shield was under the claws of the giant dragon, like a piece of paper, and was torn to pieces in an instant.

After Jack was beheaded, the demon army became weak again in this battle.

Shuge also knew that if the battle continued, there would be no results, and he would havetily retreat.

In the distant attic

Han Xin came to Liu Ce.

"Han Xin, did today's battle meet your expectations?"

Liu Ce looked at Han Xin and asked.

"My son, in today's battle, the power of the Han's army has fully met expectations, but the demons are much stronger than Han Xin had imagined."

Han Xin's expression was serious.

"Naturally, the magic army in this blue sky region is the real main force."

Liu Ce nodded.

"Your Majesty, Han Xin thought that this group of demons would definitely come back in the evening."

Korean channel.

"Well, the people in the Hall of Gods and Demons are up to you. What you do, my son doesn't care, my son wants results."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

The two women Yang Jing and Shen Honglian on the side could clearly feel the dominance of Liu Ce. This domineering is enough to make the two women drunk.


Han Xin left immediately.

At night, Han Xin led the gods and demons of the War Demon Squad and waited for nothing.

Sure enough, the Demon Race sent elite warriors to the battlefield to destroy the Dahan's defense facilities, but because of Han Xin's advance arrangement, these Demon Race's elite warriors not only failed to complete the task, but the entire army was annihilated, with none of them. Fleeing, this made House the commander of the demons furious.

In the battle between the humans and demons in the Black Flame City, the Han army repelled the demons on the first day and saved the Black Flame City. This completely relieved the people of Heiyan City who had been worrying all day.

Although the Han army is stationed, no one knows whether the Han army is an opponent of the Mozu after all. Although this was only the first day, the Han army persisted and repelled the demons, which undoubtedly gave the people of Heiyan City a lot of confidence.

And in the dark, the spies left behind by Lan Meng and Juyuanmen also spread the news collected here.

Blue League Headquarters

"What, the defenders of Black Flame City repelled the demon army?"

The look of Gu Feiming, the leader of the Blue League, was a little shocked.

"Do you know where this defender came from?"

Gu Feiming looked at a black man in front of him and asked.

"Leader, the specific origin of this subordinate is still not clear, only know that this new city lord seems to be from the Yunlong domain, but the specific identity is unknown."

The man in black lowered his head and said with a serious look.

"Check, check it out for me, within three days, I want to know his identity."

Gu Fei said angrily.

A character who appeared suddenly, his own people, did not even know the identity of the other party, which was too dereliction of duty.


The man in black quickly withdrew.

at the same time

Jiang Chao, the master of Juyuanmen, also received the news.

"How is that possible? Didn't that person come from the Yunlong Region? How could the Yunlong Region have such a powerful force? When did those troops enter the Black Flame City?"

Jiang Chao looked gloomy.

Of course, Jiang Chao didn't know. After the Dahan army entered the Black Flame City, all the news that came out was intercepted by the Dahan, and there was no news. Therefore, Jiang Chao didn't get the news until this moment.

"Check, find out the ins and outs of this person for me."

Jiang Chao said angrily.

"Black Flame City is mine, no one can take it away."

Jiang Chao roared.

The next day, the Mozu once again sent an army to launch an offensive. In this battle, the attack launched by the demons was even more fierce. There are also two top 100 demon armies, the giant bear armies and the black demon armies launching an offensive together.

The pressure on the Han army is even stronger.

However, in this battle, Liu Ce also alternated between the Guan Yu Army and Lu Bu Army, and the Zhao Yun Army's three major armies as defenses.

The three major legions are replenishing their energy, and playing at this moment is naturally like a tiger coming out of the cage.

Lü Bu personally led the guards under him and fought with the demon army.

"Blood Dragon Slash!"

Lu Bu's Fangtian painted halberd swept out like a windmill. The horrible shadow of the knife, like a sickle for death and injury, crushed and killed the soldiers of the Demon Race.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

The heads of the demons flew up one by one.

"Watch me kill you."

The officers of the three demons came to Lu Bu to kill.

"Good job!"

With a cold snort, Fang Tian slashed out with a halberd. The power of horror The void caused a terrible shock, and a round of blood was crushed down in the void.

The officers of the three demons still don't know what's going on. The blood of horror swept towards them.


With three sad screams sounded.

The heads of the three demon officers flew up.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Lu Bu has gained military exploits and improved his cultivation. He is currently in the early stage of the Spirit Tribulation Realm."

The system prompt sounds.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Lu Bu's Legion has achieved military exploits, and the current level is the pinnacle of the Realm of Nation."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce, who was drinking tea in the attic in the distance, had a slight pause for the teacup in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face immediately. The tea in his hand was drunk.

Yang Jing, the maid at the side, quickly filled Liu Ce's teacup.

In fact. In the battle of Heiyan City, ordinary people are in fear. But seeing Liu Ce's calm appearance in the attic, the people of Heiyan City suddenly felt a little relieved.

Not only Lu Bu, but also Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are not under Lu Bu.

The demon soldiers and demon generals around the two encountered them, and there was no enemy in one.

Sam, the commander of the Demon Bear Legion, looked a little ugly. The Great Bear Army is known for fighting tough battles. It is also famous among the hundred armies of the demons. Although it ranks low, none of the Demon Army that can enter the top 100 of the Demon Army is simple.

However, since the invasion of the Blue Star Territory, the Great Bear Legion has also been in good condition, but this time it is really meeting the opponent.

"Damn it, no matter what, I will break the city today. Otherwise, this will be the shame written on the Bear Legion."

Sam roared.

Under his anger, Sam took his army to launch an even more violent attack on Black Flame City.

The human race once again encountered strong pressure.

However, despite the pressure on the soldiers of the big man, the army of the big man is also an iron-blooded division who has experienced countless battles and cannot be easily defeated. Under the leadership of the three major army commanders, the battle became more and more courageous.

In the attic, Liu Ce carried his hands on his back. His expression was not as determined as before.

The strength of this demon army really exceeded his expectations.

Although it seems that the human race and the demons are evenly matched. But this is in exchange for human lives. In the First World War yesterday, the Han's army was reduced by no less than 50,000. This is already the size of a small army of the Han.

Today's battle is more intense, and the loss may be even greater. Need to know, this is because the elite army of the big man is playing. If you change to some ordinary army of the big man, the reduction in personnel is estimated to be even more severe.

"Nezha, emptiness, flying tent, heavy building."

In the attic, Liu Ce faintly shouted while looking at the battle on the giant city. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the second day of Chapter 991), and you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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