The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 967: Tiangong

Looking at the cherry blossom fields in the distance, Liu Ce was relaxed and happy. It's been a long time since I was so comfortable.

Suddenly, a warrior appeared in front of Liu Ce. Warrior wearing a bronze mask.

Needless to say, the opponent is the gold medal killer.

Obviously, the other party was confident of killing Liu Ce at such a short distance. Therefore, I didn't do it right away.

"You are the Emperor of Han Dynasty?"

The mask man looked at Liu Ce.

"Are you the shadow's gold medal killer?"

Liu Ce looked at each other.

At this moment, Liu Ce and Shadow's gold medal killer were less than a hundred meters away.

Liu Ce's words made the other party slightly surprised. Obviously, the other party did not expect that he would be exposed so soon.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

The gold medal killer smiled slightly.

"I'm afraid of death, but it's not necessarily me who died..."

At the moment when he finished speaking, Liu Ce activated the Fentian Jedi array.


In an instant, the shadow killer was in the shadow of the formation.

Liu Ce was teleported out of the formation in an instant.

"Hahaha... now, what do you think?"

Liu Ce smiled coldly.

"Damn it, what is this?"

"Do you think that by relying on the formation, you can contend against this seat?"

The power of the Divine Emperor Realm Killer burst out.

The shadow killer attacked all around frantically. Want to break free from the shackles of this formation, no matter what, this Burning Heaven Jedi Great Formation is a Saint-Rank high-rank formation, with infinite power.

Not only was the terrifying flame continuously burning the opponent, the power of the earth swept from all directions, and enveloped the shadow gold medal killer.


The Shadow Killer screamed bitterly.

"In the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Liu Ce had already sensed the strength of the opponent. Immediately relieved. Fortunately, it was the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm. If it was the middle stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, it would be really difficult to destroy the opponent.

Liu Ce began to meditate cross-legged, constantly playing a formation to control the formation.

All the sacred flames that erupted out of this formation. The sacred fire is an extremely terrifying flame that passes through the heavens and the earth in the star field. Some were born in the nebula, and some were born in the collision of stars, which is extremely rare.

Some flames, after billions of years of fusion and swallowing matter, become extremely terrifying. It can even directly incinerate a huge star.

Therefore, at this moment, this terrifying flame can't help burning each other. The shadow gold medal killer of the Divine Sovereign Realm also sensed a fatal threat.

Liu Ce could feel the constant explosion in the formation.

As the control of this formation, Liu Ce was not directly involved in the battle, but at this moment he was also under tremendous pressure. After all, Liu Ce controls the formation of this high-ranking holy rank, the more he needs to consume the soul. Especially when the opponent was a warrior in the Divine Emperor Realm, Liu Ce was under even greater pressure.

The huge array quivered in the void. The terrifying roar and coercion radiated from the large array.


Liu Ce found that the formation of the floating void had cracked a few cracks, which made his heart feel uncontrollable.

It seems that this shadow's gold medal killer, even in the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, is probably not the ordinary early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, and the strength is estimated to be in the middle of the Divine Emperor Realm.

Liu Ce knew that he couldn't let the opponent come out of this array alive, otherwise he would be in trouble. Therefore, Liu Ce restrained his mind and controlled the formation with all his strength.

The endless flame accelerates with the speed of the array. A terrible pouring on the body of the shadow gold medal killer in the formation.

The Shadow Gold Medal Killer rivets all the background and wants to break out of the blockade of the formation, but he is not available. Extreme despair.

As a shadow veteran gold medal killer who has completed ninety-nine and eighty-one gold medal missions, he never thought that he would be here this time. This made him extremely desperate.

Three full hours

Liu Ce finally sensed that the voice of the gold medal killer in the formation had weakened, and there seemed to be no movement. But he didn't check it out right away. But the continued operation of the formation method strangled again for half an hour and ended.

Xiaodie stayed with Liu Ce to protect him during the whole process.

"Okay, it should be dead."

Liu Ce muttered.

At this moment, this array has also reached its limit. After all, before, Liu Ce was running the formation at his full strength, and the power of the Burning Heaven Jedi formation was almost used.

Opening the formation, Liu Ce discovered that there was nothing in the formation, and it was obvious that the gold medal killer in the formation had been killed. Was incinerated into slag.


Xiaodie also sensed the other party's breath and nodded to Liu Ce: "Big Brother, that killer is dead."


Liu Ce nodded slightly.

Although he killed a gold medal killer, it also cost Liu Ce's 10 billion national fortune, which made him feel a little distressed. After all, it was 10 billion, which was enough to open another treasure chest.

"Father, where have you been?"

The little princess took her mother Wang Xiruo's hand and found Liu Ce.

Seeing the sky dimmed. Liu Ce felt a little guilty because he didn't accompany them all day. Therefore, he said to Fengyi: "Fengyi, we won't go back to the palace at night, how about playing here?"

"Okay, okay."

The little princess immediately became happy when she heard the words.

"Ah, Your Majesty, if we don't go back to the palace at night, where do we live that night?"

Wang Xiruo was a little surprised.

"I remember that we still have a mountain resort nearby. If you are tired from playing, that's it."

Liu Ce said grimly.

"Well, that's fine too."

Wang Xiruo nodded.

Dahan Han Palace

Liu Ce looked at the information coming from the West Factory from far away. It was estimated that the demons would launch an attack on the Yunlong Region within ten days.

This time, Liu Cequan paid more attention than ever. Not only because this Yunlong Domain is now the domain of the big man, there is also a very important reason, that is, this time, the upgrade task of the system is related to the invasion of the demons. Moreover, the people of Yunlong Domain shall not suffer more than one million damages.

This still puts great pressure on Liu Ce. After all, as long as the Demon Race arbitrarily conquer a huge human city, with the Demon Race's brutality, it will casually kill more than a million people.

That is, the upgrade task of this system is to force oneself not to give up any city. Although Liu Ce had no such intentions. But there will always be accidents in this world.

Not only is this problem, there is another reason. Although the big man has a lot of troops. But there are not many flying boats that can conduct star field operations.

Although several major forces have been captured, the flying boats of all the forces are still somewhat lacking. In fact, several major forces encountered this problem when they were fighting against the demons.

Previously, the flying boats of several major forces belonged to the Star Territory Flying Boats, with slow speed and a little load capacity. However, Yunlong Region is a relatively barren star region, and there are not many refiners who can refine flying boats.

The flying boats of the major forces have been accumulated little by little since they attacked for a thousand years and annexed other small forces. Therefore, it can now be said that there is a shortage of flying boats.

Can't soldiers be allowed to fly in the star field? This naturally does not work. If you didn't reach above the main realm of the gods, flying in the star field, it was purely looking for death.

"By the way, don't I have a heavenly palace?"

When opening the system treasure chest earlier, he rewarded a treasure, that is, the heavenly palace. But Liu Ce never used it.

"Well, I can't use it here."

Liu Ce went out.

"System, can this heavenly palace be invisible?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Host, this heavenly palace has an invisible function, but it's only limited to warriors below the holy realm."

System Road.

"Below the Holy Land?"

Liu Ce nodded slightly, below the holy realm, this was enough.

Liu Cedang was about to summon the Heavenly Palace.


With the explosion of infinite coercion. Heavenly Palace appeared in the void.

Although Liu Ce had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still felt a little shocked the moment he saw Tiangong.

Although Tiangong heard its name, it was just a palace. But it is the size of a city. The floating void at this moment contains solemnity. Invisible coercion shrouded.

At this moment, some warriors in Handu City felt their hearts blocked, and it felt like a big mountain was pressing on them.

These warriors looked up one after another, but found nothing. Secretly wondering. Fortunately, it feels like it's coming and going quickly.

"This is the Heavenly Palace?"

Some big men's gods and demons looked at the heavenly palace suspended in the void with a little shock.

Especially Nezha, he is the marshal of the altar in the heavenly court. The status is not low. At this moment, seeing the former palace in this different world is naturally shocking.

"Is it your majesty?"

Nezha naturally knew that he was summoned by his majesty when he came to another world, and at this moment he also understood that this heavenly palace was 80% of his majesty.

The big Han gods and demons above the holy realm all saw the heavenly palace in the void at this moment.

Liu Ce walked into the Heavenly Palace, and entered the Palace of the High Heavens. Sitting on the throne of the once emperor.

Dahan gods and demons, civil and military officials all entered the heavenly palace.

"From now on, I will be the emperor of heaven."

Liu Ce's majestic way.

"Long live Long live Long live."

Dahan gods and demons, civil and military officials bowed their heads.

"Get out!"

Liu Ce waved his hand.

After the big man gods and demons retreated. Liu Ce studied the Tiangong carefully. This Tiangong was extremely famous in Liu Ce's previous life, and almost no one knew it.

Why, Monkey King made a big mess in Heavenly Palace. The trouble is the Tiangong where Liu Ce sits now. Therefore, in the previous life of the earth and stars, the popularity of this heavenly palace is naturally extremely high.

"There is a god-level formation in this heavenly palace?"

Liu Ce was a little shocked.

God-level formation method, it is natural that the god-level formation Taoist master can arrange the formation. It seems that this heavenly palace is the handwriting of a certain super-powerful person. The current Liu Ce is only a Taoist master of the mysterious rank formation, not even a holy rank, it is naturally difficult to imagine how powerful this **** rank is.

"System, how do I activate this temple?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

The current Tiangong is just released, and it hasn't really been activated yet.

"It's very simple! You only need 50 billion nations to operate as energy to activate."

System Road.


Liu Ce almost spurted blood. It takes 50 billion national fortune to activate Tiangong? The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 967 Tiangong), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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