The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 962: Blood Dragon Killing the Sky

Although every time he strikes, he will be defeated by the slaughter by the big man, but at the moment of Guo Kaiyang, there is no other way but to continue. What Guo Kaiyang wants now is time. Therefore, even if he knows that he is doing this, he is only sending food to the big man, he must send it.

But with the slaughter of the big man, the strength of the big man's army has been steadily increasing.

There was a stalemate for a day, and the major forces could no longer send troops.

Both Fei Peng and Zhonglou have advanced to the Divine Sovereign Realm by half a step in their cultivation bases. Every time the two attacked, the pattern of the big formation would flash out. Immediately, Liu Ce erased the formation pattern.

This time also lasted for a day.

On the second day, Liu Ce asked Feipeng and Zhonglou to continue to attack the defensive barrier.

Under the vast coercion, a series of patterns flashed out. But all were broken by Liu Ce.

Within the formation

"If you think about it, the barrier will soon be broken. The only thing we face is massacre, so at this moment, we have to fight, and if we don't fight, we have to fight, otherwise we can only be prisoners."

Guo Kaiyang was afraid that these people would lose the chain again, because of Tao.

"No problem, Sect Master Guo, we are already mentally prepared."

Xie Yiwei, the leader of the Shenniu Gang said solemnly.

"Sect Master Guo, can you kill the Emperor of Han if you take this blood violent pill?"

Wei Changhe, the leader of the Qiankun Sect, was probably the one who hated the Han Emperor the most, because his power was the first to be destroyed.

"It's not difficult to kill the Emperor of Han. The hardest thing to deal with is those of the Emperor of Han. These people are the most powerful. Therefore, you need to be prepared."

Guo Kaiyang said sternly.

Everyone was silent, but a blazing fire flashed in their eyes.

The first of several big forces looked at the three blood violent pills in his hand, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A violent blood pill needs a thousand years of life to support it. And this time Guo Kaiyang gave them three Blood Pills so generously, it was very meaningful.

This violent blood pill was also obtained by Guo Kaiyang in the secret realm that year. It has always been kept as a foundation, but I didn't think about it, but I took it out at this moment.

Liu Ce, who was outside, didn't think so much. Continue to command Feipeng and Chonglou, Jiang Taixu and Ju Mang attacked the defensive formation together.

"The Ninth Sword of the Tribulation!"

Fei Peng's body contained a peerless sword intent, and the Demon Slashing Sword swept it down.

Chonglou is not far behind.

"Xuankong cut."

Chonglou roared. The wrist knife slashed towards the defensive formation.

The void trembles, flying sand and rocks.

In an instant, the entire void seemed to be frozen.

Hundreds of meters long, the light of the sword and the sword light as if the substance was like a big mountain, slashed towards the defensive array.


With Fei Peng and Zhonglou both launched a full blow.

This time, the already destroyed Jiuyang City defensive formation could no longer persist at this moment. Like a cobweb, it splits towards the cracks in all directions.

But at the moment when the formation was broken. Countless energy arrows condensed in the void. The runes condensed quickly.

"No, be careful."

When Liu Ce saw this scene, his expression couldn't help but condensed.


Countless arrows shot towards Liu Ce's place.

When Jiang Taixu, Jumang, Chonglou, and Fei Peng were breaking their formations, they were at their weakest moments, but they did not expect such a change at this moment. At this moment, Liu Ce's complexion changed.

Fortunately, the four gods and demons supported the protective gas shields.

These arrows were extremely fast, and blasted on the bodies of the four gods and demons in a blink of an eye. The four of them were blasted off directly, and in mid-air, the protective gas shields of the four gods and demons were torn apart.

Liu Ce hurriedly came to the front of the four great gods and demons, looked at them and asked with concern: "How are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, we are fine."

When Fei Peng finished speaking, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chonglou, Jumang, and Jiang Taixu's expressions were not good.

Liu Ce could feel the devastating power in the four of them.

Although the heavy building, Fei Peng both are half-step Divine Emperor Realm. But this formation is very strange. The strength of several people's full-scale attacks was absorbed by the barrier. Although the enchantment did not counterattack, it was after the four of them had fully stored their attack power, and when the formation broke, they released the explosion in one fell swoop.

Such ideas are indeed very strong. This time, he severely damaged the four generals under his command.

It's not that the strength of the four is weak, but this formation is using their strength to defeat them.

Fortunately, it was at a critical moment. The most powerful Fei Peng and Zhonglou were in front of them. For the latter, Ju Mang and Jiang Taixu resisted most of the attacks. Otherwise, the two people may not be seriously injured as they are now, and they are more likely to face death.

"Take the pill, you don't need to participate in the next attack."

Liu Ce looked indifferent and gave each of the four gods and demons a bottle of healing pills made by Zhang Zhongjing.

The four great gods and demons naturally know that they are currently suffering from serious injuries. If they are not treated in time, they will most likely damage their foundation, so they start to heal by sitting cross-legged.

"This big man's master is really difficult to deal with, so that they didn't kill their master, but it finally worked."

Guo Kaiyang's prohibition in the previous big formation did not destroy the opponent, and he was slightly disappointed. Although this formation was not arranged by him, he was also involved in the whole process. He naturally knew the power of this formation.

Fortunately, although the gods and demons of the four big men were not destroyed, they also let the other party know how powerful they were.

At this moment, the defense formation is being repaired.

That's right, this formation can repair itself. This will take some time. Therefore, this is also the reason why Guo Kaiyang, the lord of the Nine Suns Sect, is more confident.

"Hmph, as long as three hours, the formation will return to the original."

There was a tingle on Guo Kaiyang's face.

"Huh, a mere talisman array also wants to stop me?"

Liu Ce was floating in the void, with a wanton smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a series of runes were played, hitting the defense barrier.

Suddenly, the defensive formation shook violently.

"What, the Emperor of Han is actually capable of Fudao, how is this possible?"

Guo Kaiyang's complexion was a little pale.

Although there have long been rumors, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty will communicate with the Dao and Fu Dao, and the Fu Zhen doubles. However, Guo Kaiyang has always sneered at this rumor. It's not that Guo Kaiyang looked down at him. It's just that Fu Dao and Array Dao can cultivate to a high and deep level together, which is very rare. Even reaching the rank of a Taoist Profound Order Formation, Guo Kaiyang already felt that the opponent was talented. Now the Emperor of Han is still the master of Fu Dao, which simply made Guo Kaiyang's eyes stare out.

"Break it to me."

Liu Ce looked cold.


The entire defensive array burst into pieces.


In less than two days, Liu Ce broke the Nine Sun Sect's Nine Sun City defensive formation, which greatly undermined his plan.


Guo Kaiyang said.

The eight people took the Storm Blood Pill together.


A terrible aura suddenly surged over the eight people.

The cultivation base has skyrocketed all the way, from the early stage of the Divine King Realm, it has been soaring, reaching the peak of the Divine King Realm.

"Well, taking drugs?"

Upon seeing this, Liu Ce frowned slightly.

But there are only eight peaks of the **** king realm, so what?

Liu Ce said to Nezha beside him: "Nezha, these people, leave it to you."

"Your Majesty, no problem."

Nezha rushed up with a flaming spear in his hand.

"Stop him."

Guo Kaiyang rushed towards Nezha first.

Seeing that the big man sent out a child who thought he looked less than ten years old. The heads of several major forces are a bit embarrassed, and think that the big man is looking down on who? Even if they are at a disadvantage, they are not going to fight a child.

But soon, they saw the strength of Nezha.

Every shot of Nezha's assassination contained earth-shaking and shocking power.

The first seats of the eight major forces were all shaken out.

"A bunch of rubbish, dare to block me."

With the rise of Nezha, he stepped on the Hot Wheels, holding a fire-tip spear and pounced on it again. The fire-tip spear in his hand was assassinated again.

A terrifying shot was drawn in the void.

The first of the eight forces suddenly felt the terrifying and powerful destructive power of the void.

Destroy the world, unstoppable

"Everyone joins forces."

Guo Kaiyang felt the power of Nezha's destruction of the world and was immediately shocked. The opponent's strength seems to have reached the half-step Divine Emperor Realm.

Thinking of the opponent's strength, Guo Kaiyang suddenly felt a strong pressure. If this is the case, the opponent's strength is really too strong.

Suddenly, the first of the eight major forces united together. Implement defenses.

That's right, Nezha is indeed a half-step divine emperor realm cultivation base. Before that, Nezha entered the advanced training tower. Break through in one fell swoop and entered the Divine Emperor Realm. But the cultivation opportunities of its top cultivation tower have not yet been used. After all, it will take a while after use.

The first of the eight forces unite together. Hand in hand. A powerful gas shield formed above them.


Nezha's shot directly shredded their defense. The powerful shock wave destroys the world.

Fortunately, the defenses performed by the eight people combined also offset most of the power of Nezha's attack. In addition, Nezha's shot only used 70% of its power.

This is so, the first seat of the eight major forces was also beaten up and down at this moment, and suffered serious injuries.

"Huh, took it?"

Nezha suddenly felt a hint of displeasure. But now your Majesty is watching, a half-step Divine Emperor Realm warrior can't even hold a few Divine King Realm peaks, what would your Majesty think of himself.

Thinking of this, Nezha became more upset, ready to fight again with all his strength.


Ne Zha's body erupted with a more powerful aura.

"Everyone is fighting. Use the blood dragon to kill the sky."

Guo Kaiyang said.

Hesitating for a few breaths, the first seat of the other major forces resolutely swallowed the other two blood violent pills.

One violent blood pill consumes one thousand years of lifespan, and two is two thousand years. This is costly. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 962 Blood Dragon Killing the Sky), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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