The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 943: Siege of the Seven Gods and Demons

Up. The opponent's speed is extremely fast, like lightning.

Chonglou, Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, Tu Xingsun and others blocked Liu Ce and others. One by one launched an attack to resist the other's invasion.


Several big gods and demons collided head-to-head with each other.

With the endless shock wave, even Liu Ce was hit and stepped back a few steps continuously.

"So strong. Is it really the Emperor Realm?"

Liu Ce looked serious.

Not only Liu Ce, but several big gods and demons were knocked back more than a dozen steps in succession, and their faces were a little pale. These are all half-step divine emperor realm warriors, even their teamwork is so embarrassed, it is obvious that the warriors who shot this time are very strong.

"Huh, there is more than one half-step God Emperor?"

The look of the old man above the void was a little shocked.

This old man was naturally the Yan Sovereign from the Dark Demon Territory who was invited by Guo Kaiyang, the Sect Master of Nine Suns. At this moment, Yan Huang exudes a powerful and vast aura, which is as powerful as substance.

"It seems to be in the Divine Sovereign Realm, but there is a slight difference. This realm is somewhat unstable."

Liu Ce seemed to be aware of something.

Yes, it is unstable. As if the opponent was injured, the realm was not restored.

But even so, as the former Divine Sovereign Realm, the opponent still had a great suppression of the Dahan's great Gods and Demons.

Fortunately, this time, Liu Ce brought Dahan's peak combat power. Young Master Void, Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, Tu Xingsun, and Nezha, who had just been promoted to the half-step Divine Emperor Realm in the top training room. All are half-step gods.

"Your Majesty, leave it to us."

The five half-step God Emperor began to confront each other in the void.

Yan Huang, who was originally green pine and cozy, also felt great pressure at this moment. After all, Yanhuang at the moment is not at the peak of strength. After being injured, his strength has not recovered, and he has already retreated to a half-step Divine Sovereign Realm strength. It's just that his combat power is far from the average half-step Divine Emperor Realm can compare.

"Hmph, do you think you can stop the emperor alone?"

Yan Huang said disdainfully.

"A small area is injured, and a powerful guy with a degraded strength dare to be the emperor. Who gave you the courage?"

Cao Bao said disdainfully.


When Yan Huang heard the opponent's disdain, he was furious. As a former emperor, how could anyone humiliate him like this? This is definitely not good.

"Success to death."

As the Emperor Yan said, he fisted towards Cao Bao's place.


The fist marks in the void full of scorching sensation smashed towards Cao Bao's place. This fist was extremely terrifying, as if it could swallow everything.

The temperature between the air is rising.

"Xuanbao Palm."

Cao Bao slapped it out.

The other four gods and demons are also four-week assists.

The few great gods and demons are naturally very clear, fighting alone, none of them is the opponent of this **** and demons in front of them, so they dare not make any moves.

This palm contains endless golden light. There are phantoms of various treasures on it.


The attacks of several great gods and demons and Yanhuang collided in the void.

The endless energy storm spread out in all directions.

Cao Bao's attack was annihilated by the opponent's power in an instant. The whole person was shaken back by eight steps in an instant, and the ground under his feet exploded.

The other four gods and demons were also shaken back more than a dozen steps. The look was extremely wilting.

"So powerful."

The four gods and demons were a little shocked. The breath of the opponent is clearly half-step in the Divine Emperor Realm, why are they too strong in combat.

"No, the other party seems to be wandering in the Divine Emperor Realm and Half Step Divine Emperor Realm..."

Several big gods and demons felt something was wrong.

However, at this time, they must go all out. No matter what state the opponent is in, the combat power is clearly above them.

In fact, the Emperor Yan was also a little tight at this moment. This time he originally thought that his injury had recovered 60%. The combat power soared. Completing the task this time is actually easy and pleasant. After all, the first two tasks were extremely easy. But it is not too difficult to complete. But this time, in the face of a newly emerging power, five and a half steps of the Emperor Realm appeared at once, which was simply unthinkable.

"Your Majesty, let me join the war."

Fei Peng watched the five great gods and demons besieging Yan Huang, and the powerful fighting aura made him feel passionate. I can't wait to join the war myself.

"No hurry. You will end."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Fei Peng didn't understand what Liu Ce said.

"This warrior should be the cultivation base of the Divine Emperor Realm, but he seems to be injured. The longer the delay, the better for us."

Liu Cedao.

"It's no wonder that I also feel that the other person's breath is constantly changing, from strong to weak. This is the original reason."

Fei Peng suddenly realized.

Liu Ce frowned. To Feipeng said: "When I let you play, you will play."

"According to the purpose."

Fei Peng was eager to try, his expression excited.

Fei Peng is the **** of war in the fairy sword world, although he is not like a fighting madman like Chonglou. But there is not much difference. Also likes to fight. Otherwise, he would not be called the God of Heaven.

And this time is also an opportunity for sharpening. After all, Zhonglou had already become a half-step Divine Sovereign Realm before him. He can't fall too much either. Otherwise, you will always be scorned by the fellow Chonglou.

Although the five great gods and demons have joined forces together, the Yanhuang's combat effectiveness is too strong. With one-to-five, it didn't have the disadvantage at all.

"Tie the fairy rope!"

Suddenly, Tu Xingsun sacrificed a celestial rope.

The bundle of fairy rope flew out like a snake. Flew towards Yan Huang's place.

"This is Xuanbao?"

Yan Huang was shocked when he sensed the breath of the bundle of immortal ropes.

He wanted to evade quickly, but the bundle of immortal ropes chased him up like a shadow, tying him layer by layer.

However, Emperor Yan's strength is unimaginable by Tuxing Sun. Although the immortal rope tied him up, it does not mean that the immortal rope can completely restrain the opponent.

"Hurry up and do it together, my bundle of fairy ropes won't hold him for long."

Tu Xing Sun's look solemnly said.

Everyone woke up like a dream this time, showing their full strength.

The terrifying attack smashed down on Yan Huang's body like a violent wind|storm.

"Luobao money."

Cao Bao sacrificed Luobao money.

This is in the original world, this treasure money can only be a magic weapon. But this time through, I don't know if these gods and demons have been strengthened. The function of this loot money is no longer so single. It can even be directly used as an attack magic weapon.


The winged Luobaoqian flew in the void, exuding a powerful aura, and blasted towards the Yan Emperor's place.

"Mokong Slash!"

Chonglou's wrist knife was also swept out. The endless demon energy quickly gathered in the void towards the place of the heavy building. Formed a huge sword light.

Xiao Sheng, the empty son and others were naturally not idle. Do it together.

Void Swordsmanship

Money palm

The two great gods and demons naturally also exerted all their power to the limit.

But the Emperor Yan at this moment obviously also felt a great crisis. He exerted his strength to the limit with all his strength.

The endless flames quickly turned around him. Formed a powerful fire domain.

The terrifying temperature soared tens of thousands of degrees in an instant.

At that moment, the air seemed to be burning.

The attacks of the five gods and demons were all blocked. The black flames surrounding Yan Huang's body began to rotate uncontrollably, seeming to swallow the attack that was blasting towards him.

"Huh, was blocked?"

The five gods and demons were a little surprised.

"Break it for me?"

Although Emperor Yan blocked the attacks of the five great gods and demons, he was forced to face the indiscriminate bombardment of several big Chinese gods and demons under the confinement of the immortal ropes, but it also made him feel awkward.

Although Yan Emperor's current strength has not completely improved because of his injury at the time, he is also a former Emperor, not an ordinary Emperor, and he is naturally very unhappy to be bombarded so violently at this moment. This made him feel that the majesty of his emperor was humiliated.

"Break it for me!"

The Emperor Yan burst out with boundless power. The terrifying flames quickly condensed around him.

The immortal rope tied on Yan Huang's body trembled.

Tuxingsun felt that the immortal rope was wailing, and he quickly recruited the immortal rope, otherwise he would definitely be damaged under the pressure of Emperor Yan.

"Damn, you all have to die."

Yanhuang's hands quickly settled in Jieyin. The terrifying black fire around was burning fiercely. More and more prosperous. It seems that even the void will be burned.

The gods and demons of the big men around them looked solemn, and they also felt a great feeling of heart palpitations.

"Well, his breath is declining!"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"Nezha, Fei Peng, come on."

Liu Ce gave orders to the two gods and demons around him.

"According to the purpose."

Not only is Feipeng, Nezha is also extremely aggressive, and he will naturally not miss this opportunity. Maybe you can take this opportunity to enter the half-step Divine Emperor Realm.

Nezha hasn't used his chance to enter the top training room for free. Therefore, the cultivation base is still the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm. If he could enter the half-step divine emperor realm under the pressure of Emperor Yan, this would allow him to go further when entering the top-level training room. Maybe you can condense the Purple Mansion in one fell swoop.


Nezha and Fei Peng joined the battle group.

It was originally the five great gods and demons, which already made Yan Huang feel tremendous pressure. After all, these five gods and demons are not ordinary warriors, they are all considered geniuses. Even the unremarkable Tuxing grandson is not a waiting generation, after all, if the Tuxing grandson is not good, he will not be accepted as an apprentice if he is afraid of keeping his grandson. And Tuxing Sun is a character who can capture Nezha, Yang Jian.

Therefore, adding Fei Peng and Nezha, the balance of this battle is tilted towards the big man.

The endless black cremation turned into a terrible sea of ​​fire, crushing towards the seven gods and demons.

The seven gods and demons also tried their best to resist.

Although Yanhuang's offensive wave after wave, but at this moment, there is already a feeling of the end of the force. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 943 Seven Gods and Demons Siege), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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