The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 940: Asahi Castle


Just when Wei Changhe was ready to consider taking action. Suddenly, the defense of the entire Golden Heaven City trembled, and it cracked and disappeared.

"Damn it, elders, let's go together."

Wei Changhe Road.

Although Qiankun Sect’s internal disharmony, foreign enemies are now coming to the door. Therefore, it is natural that there is no more infighting. Therefore, the elders of these Qiankun Sects were killing them with murderous aura.

"act recklessly."

Liu Ce was expressionless.

"Sprout, take it."

Liu Cedao.


The scabious flew out.

Chonglou did not get a chance to shoot, and felt a little depressed. Need to know, this time entering the top-level training room, the gains of Fei Peng and Zhonglou are huge.

The cultivation base has stepped directly from the middle stage of the Divine King Realm to the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm. Only one step away, he quickly entered the Divine Emperor Realm.

And Tuxing Sun, Cao Bao, Xiao Sheng, and even the empty son and others. None of them crossed to the Divine Emperor Realm.

In this regard, Liu Ce did not have any surprises. After all, the conditions that the Divine Emperor Realm needs to achieve are too harsh. Of course, Tu Xing Sun, Cao Bao, and Xiao Sheng are warriors who have not broken through to become the Emperor Realm. But the three of them all reached the most important step in the Divine Emperor Realm. That is Condensed Purple Mansion. Purple House is a transformation of Qihai. In other words, it is a kind of princess condensed by countless laws. If you say that you become a half-step divine emperor realm martial artist, there is a 10% chance of breaking through to the divine emperor realm, but the martial artist condensing the purple mansion has a full 60% chance of becoming the divine emperor realm. This gap is too big.

Moreover, Tuxing Sun, Cao Bao, and Xiao Sheng, although they did not really break through to the Divine Sovereign Realm, their current strength is at least ten times stronger than before entering the top training room.

The cultivation base of the empty son also broke through from the peak of the **** king realm to the half step of the **** king realm. Just one step away, the Purple Mansion is about to begin to gather.

Although there is no breakthrough, a few people are still very satisfied. After all, half a step from the Divine Emperor Realm to the Divine Emperor Realm. Many warriors don't have a five-hundred-year painstaking practice, so I don't want to have any hope. They just entered the cultivation tower a few times and completed such a big step, so what else can they say.


At the moment, a powerful breath erupted from the scaboo.

It is as if the coercion of substance covers the entire void.


Scabious didn't even do it. Just spit out a word.

This word is like the mantra of heaven and earth. Caused a tremor of the power of heaven and earth.

The five elders of the Qiankun Sect who rushed to the front suddenly felt a tightness in their chests. The overwhelming power smashed down from the void and directly hit them.

Suddenly, several elders of the Qiankun Sect exploded into blood mist.


Several elders of Qiankun Sect were immediately shocked. Immediately he stopped his figure abruptly.

"The peak of the Divine King Realm?"

The elders of Qiankun Sect originally thought that the opponent was at most the middle stage of the Divine King Realm. Then, given their advantage in numbers, they may still have a little chance to fight. But if it is the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm, then this person is enough to crush the entire Qiankun Sect. Therefore, at this moment, the elders of Qiankun Sect are very bitter.

Not only these elders of the Qiankun Sect, but even Wei Changhe, the leader of the Qiankun Sect, was a little shocked.

Last time, Shuibi made the shot. The eight major forces didn't have much preparation, so they collapsed at the touch of a button. But that was only the middle stage of the Divine King Realm. How could it be the peak of the God King Realm this time.

Wei Changhe found it incredible.

"Di Han, is there any misunderstanding?"

Wei Changhe smiled and looked at the Emperor of Han in front of him.

"Misunderstanding, your people are going to kill me. This is also called a misunderstanding? Then there is nothing in this world that is not misunderstanding."

Wei Changhe said blankly.


Wei Changhe narrowed his eyes. Because he knew that he wanted to pass the test, but he couldn't have it. Thinking carefully about all the previous things, this Emperor Han obviously gave him a set, the **** thing is that he is still complacent, thinking that Emperor Han is a fool.

Even so, Wei Changhe also knew it. This time, we definitely can't fight with Emperor Han like this again. In case it really squats down. The biggest loss is still them.

"Emperor Han, we can follow the previous compensation."

Wei Changhe gritted his teeth and said.

Although the one hundred million top-grade spar made Wei Changhe heartache, Wei Changhe knew that they had to compromise.


Liu Ce stared at Wei Changhe deeply, and said with some disdain: "Wei Changhe, you still know how to avoid the heavy and light it. Do you think 100 million top-grade spars are enough now?"

"Emperor Han, one hundred million top-grade spars are already the limit that our Qiankun Sect can produce. No matter how much, our Qiankun Sect can't come out."

Wei Changhe gritted his teeth and said.

"This is written in black and white on the contract. Breach of the contract requires double punishment. Will you Wei Changhe forget it?"

Liu Ce said blankly.

"Di Han, what do you mean?"

Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce.

"Give Rising Sun City to our big man as compensation. This can barely be used as punishment for Wei Changhe's breach of contract."

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe.


Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce in shock, but he didn't expect that the other party turned a corner and ended up waiting for him here. The big man is playing the idea of ​​Rising Sun City. The Rising Sun City is one of the eighteen giant cities of the Qiankun Sect. How could it be taken away by the big man like this. The loss of Qiankun Sect is too great.

"This is absolutely impossible, Emperor Han, you can change the terms!"

Wei Changhe took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

"Oh, if you change the condition, it will be done in accordance with the contract. The penalty for ten times the compensation is one billion fine crystals. You Qiankun teaches one billion fine crystals, and we guys can also retreat."

Liu Ce said lightly.


Wei Changhe staggered under his feet.

One billion of the best spar, even if he sold his Universe Teaching, it would not be able to get it out.

"Emperor Han, it's impossible. We can't get a billion top-grade spar from Qiankun Sect."

Wei Changhe glared at Liu Cedao.

"If you can’t get it out, then use the Rising Sun City. One day, I will give you one day to think about what to do. After one day, if you don’t have any response from Qiankun Education, our big man will default to you. Rising Sun City is about to be handed over. At that time, our big man will seize Rising Sun City."

After speaking, Liu Ce smiled coldly and returned to the Supreme.

The Han army retreated slowly.

Of course, everyone in the Qiankun Sect knows that the Han army did not retreat, but drifted outside the star field of the Golden Sky City.

"Wei Changhe, it was all caused by you, what shall we do now?"

The Great Elder Qiankun looked at Wei Changhe and asked.

"What should I do? If it weren't for your unwillingness to redeem me with 100 million premium spars, would there be such a thing?"

Wei Changhe's expression was a little aggrieved.

"Huh, you, Wei Changhe, did it anyway. If you don't handle it well, our elders will definitely impeach you."

The Great Elder said coldly.

Wei Changhe was also enraged, and said disdainfully: "Import the leader, please."

"Wei Changhe, don't you think that you are powerful enough to control everything? Tell you, it's not that simple. We can't cure you, someone can cure you."

The second elder also followed.

Wei Changhe frowned, his expression stern. He naturally knew who everyone was talking about. The man has been in seclusion for seven hundred years, and has not yet been released. It is the founding ancestor of Qiankun Sect. If the founder of Qiankun Sect wants to veto him, it is really just a matter of one sentence.

"Hmph, then wait and see."

Although Wei Changhe was worried, but on the surface, Wei Changhe would naturally not admit defeat and was still very tough.

"I hope you come. You can be so tough."

"let's go."

The great elder finished speaking, and left with someone.

Wei Changhe's expression sank. He knew that if the current Qiankun Sect did not take measures, it would not be far from falling apart.

Of course, the most important thing now is Rising Sun City.

Rising Sun City is a very important giant city in Qiankunjiao. The importance is that it belongs to the city of the rising sun in addition to the golden sky city, the chief teacher of the Qiankun Sect.

Because Rising Sun City has more than 30% of the resources of Qiankun Sect. All kinds of rare minerals are in Rising Sun City. It can be said that if the city of Rising Sun is lost, the income of Qiankun Sect will be greatly reduced. What's more, Rising Sun City is also extremely prosperous. If you really lose it like this, then Qiankun will be absolutely unbearable.

"No, in any case, Rising Sun City is absolutely not allowed to be lost."

Wei Changhe gritted his teeth and said.

Wei Changhe knew that if the city of Rising Sun was really lost, his position as leader would be suspended. Even without the intervention of the old leader, the people below would rallied against themselves.

But how to stop the big man, Wei Changhe thought of this, and suddenly felt a little weak.

The strength of the big man far exceeded Wei Changhe's imagination. In the Yunlong Region, even the Nine Sun Sect obviously has no way to stop the big man, the only way is the Heavenly Temple.

"Xiaozhu, send a message right away, and ask for help from the Heaven Temple."

Wei Changhe said to his confidant Xiaozhudao.


Xiaozhu nodded to Wei Changhe busy.

The Temple of Heaven is now Wei Changhe's only hope.

But what made Wei Changhe a little helpless was that even though he sent a message to the Temple of Heaven with a talisman, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and there was no response at all.

One day later

In the star field

Inside the Dahan Supreme

"Your Majesty, it seems that Qiankun Sect does not mean any compromise, and has not yet handed over a billion spar."

Fei Peng smiled at Liu Ce.

"Hehe, it's strange that they will hand it over, and I don't want them to hand it over. Compared to the billions of super spars, I still hope to take the Rising Sun City."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"Since they have made a choice, then we are welcome."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Dahan gods and demons.

Hundreds of great men's flying boats are heading towards the city of Qiankun Jiao Rising Sun. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 940 Rising Sun City), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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