The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 937: Captive Master of Universe

At this moment, all the major forces, regardless of the fighting ahead, have issued orders to withdraw their troops.

However, the armies of the eight major forces were all trapped by the killing array of the Han army, completely involuntarily. How can it be withdrawn at this moment.

After receiving the order, the armies of the eight major forces wanted to retreat, but they died faster like this. Originally they placed their army formations, and they could slightly resist the big man's killing formations. Although the effect was not great, it was at least enough to delay them. But at this moment, after receiving the order, they retreated backwards, and the army was naturally unable to set down. This has accelerated their defeat.

The eight major forces suffered heavy losses one by one.

Countless soldiers were involved in the killing field and slaughtered.

But the army's murderous aura of the big man is getting heavier and heavier. The power of the slaughter domain is getting stronger and stronger.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Li Jing's legionnaire has won military service, the army has been promoted, and the current cultivation base is in the middle of the heart disaster..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Xiang Yu Legion won the military merits, the army was promoted, the current cultivation base, the late Heart Tribulation..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Yue Fei's army gained military merit, the army was promoted, the current cultivation base, the pinnacle of the heart disaster..."


The cultivation base of the three major legions skyrocketed. Fighting power is getting stronger and stronger. The slaughter army array laid down is several times stronger.

The scope of the Killing Domain is also skyrocketing frantically. Some enemy soldiers were too late to dodge, and were swallowed and strangled by black holes, torn to pieces.


On the battlefield, screams came uncontrollably.

"Breakthrough, the big man's army collectively broke through?"

The first seat of the eight major forces is a bit unbelievable. They have never discovered that this army can actually break through, and it is a collective breakthrough. In their opinion, this is really incredible. The most outrageous thing is that the three major legions of the big man broke through at the same time.

"What kind of exercises is this big man's army cultivating so that they can break through at the same time. This is simply unheard of..."

At this moment, the Sect Master of Nine Suns is no longer calm.

"Don't panic, there is no other way."

Guo Kaiyang meditated for a while, and his expression returned to calm.

"any solution?"

Gu Jianyi, the lord of Hanhai Ancient City, and Xie Yiwei, the leader of the Shenniu Gang, were the most anxious. After all, the two men invested the most in the army, adding up to more than 300,000. If the loss in World War I is really here, it will be a great blow to their two major forces.

"Although the big man has a powerful army, we can directly kill the Emperor of Han. Did you see that flying boat? This is a flying boat that crosses the stars. The Emperor of Han should be in it. You said, if we kill the Emperor of Han, it will What is the result?"

Guo Kaiyang smiled wantonly.

"Yes, if the Emperor of Han is killed, then his army will destroy itself without attack..."

"It makes sense."

The eyes of the first seat of several major forces suddenly brightened.

In the eyes of these forces, the army may be inferior to the big men, but their strong ones are not necessarily. Cultivating a strong man is not about training an army, it requires a strong foundation. As long as the Emperor of Han is killed, the outcome will naturally be known.

"Everyone sends all the strong guys together, and absolutely can't give the Emperor Han any chance to escape."

Guo Kaiyang looked down.

Guo Kaiyang naturally understands the reason for slashing the mess.


Hundreds of powerful men flew out of the flying boats within the eight major forces. The vast breath exploded from their bodies.

Liu Ce, who was aboard the Supreme flying boat, condensed his eyes when he saw this scene, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"finally come."

"Emperor Han, today|You will definitely die."

Guo Kaiyang hated Liu Ce the most, so this time he took the lead. By his side is the first of several other major forces. The strongest sent by these eight major forces are not weak, and the weakest are the cultivation bases of the Divine Master Realm.

"Huh, looking for death."

Zhao Ling'er, Baiyue, Set, Jumang, Jiang Shili, Shui Bi and others all appeared.


Shuibi displayed the heavenly bearing.

A huge palace ghost appeared in the void.

Shuibi is the strength of the middle stage of the Divine King Realm. The power of the sky-carrying objects displayed at this moment is more than a hundred times stronger than that.

The strong men of the eight major forces suddenly felt suffocated. There is a feeling that Mount Tai is pressing on the top.


Yuwen Tuo swept away.

The horrible sword gas swept across. The warriors of the eight major forces were instantly blown up.

Guo Kaiyang immediately felt the breath of Shuibi.

The middle stage of the God King Realm. And it's not the ordinary middle stage of the Divine King Realm. That supernatural power is too powerful.

Zhao Ling'er, Baiyue, Dorset, Ling Donglai, Ju Mang, Jiang Shili and others all took action.

The weakest of these people is the Half-Step Divine King Realm. Especially Jiang Shili and Ju Mang were both the early cultivation bases of the God King Realm. Shuibi is in the middle stage of the **** king.

The warriors of the eight major forces are not opponents at all.

In particular, Shui Bi was enough to slap most of them in the middle stage of a **** king.

The strong of the eight forces have lost their fighting spirit at this moment. Especially the first seat of the eight major forces has given birth to retreat.

This battle started hastily and ended quickly.

Inside the Supreme Flying Boat

Nezha stood beside Liu Ce, a little unwilling.

"Why, nezha, a little unhappy?"

Liu Ce smiled slightly when he looked at Nezha.

"Well, your Majesty, why don't Nezha take the shot? If there is Nezha shot, they don't even want to run?"

Nezha looked at Liu Ce a little puzzled.

"not the right time yet."

Liu Ce shook his head.

"Your Majesty, why is this? We are fully capable of taking all the eight major forces."

Nezha looked at Liu Ce and wondered.

"Nezha, if the Cloud Dragon Region is just us and the eight powers, it won't be a problem to solve the eight powers in the first battle. But now there are demons in the Yunlong Region. If we kill these eight powers, the eight powers will have no leader. Then the eight powers. We may not necessarily be able to get hands on the territory of the forces. Because the demons are still watching. When the time comes, we will work hard, but we will make wedding dresses for the demons, and the benefits will be taken by the demons. Why bother. , Not to mention, the Demon Race will cause huge disasters to the Human Race at that time."

Liu Ce looked serious.

"Your Majesty, Nezha understands."

Nezha is not stupid, and he understands what your Majesty meant after a little thought.

"Even if we have swallowed the territory of the Eight Great Forces, we cannot digest it for the time being. The territory of the Eight Great Forces is too big. Our big guy has just entered the Star Territory, and our strength is actually very weak. And the Giant Tiger Gang we belong to is just in the big place. From the rear. Now there are eight major forces acting as our barriers to block the demons and buy time for us to develop, which is of even greater benefit to us big guys."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Well, your Majesty, Nezha understands."

Nezha nodded solemnly to Liu Ce, but his face was covered with a semblance of understanding.

Liu Ce had prepared well before, and even summoned Nezha. I just didn't expect that this battle was so smooth. As soon as Yue Fei, Li Jing, Xiang Yu's three major legions and Shui Bi took action, the eight major forces collapsed. Even Nezha and Li Mu, Li Chengliang, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and other legions were hidden in the dark and did not take action.

"Nezha, don't worry, our big man now has a training tower. After we complete our power accumulation, we will soon have the strength to sweep the entire Yunlong Region. At that time, dominance of the entire Yunlong Region is just around the corner."

Liu Ce's expression was serious.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Nezha is also looking forward to that day.

What Liu Ce said to Nezha was what he thought in his heart. He still didn't want to fight a decisive battle with the eight major forces, so he could only make the demons in vain. Of course, once the big man gains a foothold in the Star Territory, the eight major forces will naturally need to be dealt with one by one.

"Your Majesty, a prisoner was caught."

Shui Bi came into the Supreme, with a person in his hand.

"Isn't this the leader of Qiankun Sect?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

He had already released the eight major forces. Unexpectedly, the leader of the Qiankun Sect would still become a captive of Shuibi, and this can only be blamed on the other party's bad luck.

"Emperor Han, you'd better let me go, otherwise my Qiankun Sect will be killed, and your big man will be wiped out."

Wei Changhe, the leader of Qiankun Sect, looked at Liu Ce and yelled.

"Oh, your eight major forces joined forces to attack my big man. My big man is not afraid of it, or do you think your force of the Universe and One Sect is stronger?"

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe disdainfully.


Wei Changhe's words were choked. Speechless.

"It's not impossible to let you go."

Liu Ce's conversation turned around.

"Emperor Han, are you willing to let this leader go back?"

Wei Changhe looked at Liu Ce with joy.

"Yes, but you have to pay the price for Master Wei."

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe.

"What's the price?"

Wei Changhe suddenly thought of something and said to Liu Ce: "Emperor Han, my daughter Princess Xingyue is a well-known beauty in the Yunlong Region. If Emperor Han you want to..."

"To shut up……"

Liu Ce suddenly had three black lines on his forehead. What does this guy think of himself as a hungry ghost? Can you send beautiful women to buy?

"One hundred million top-grade spar, as long as you can come up with 100 million top-grade spar, I will let you go..."

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe.


Wei Changhe's look was a bit ugly.

It's not that Qiankunjiao couldn't produce so many spars, but the 100 million top-grade spars were too much. One hundred million top-grade spar is equivalent to 10 billion top-grade spar. One hundred billion middle grade spar.

Even if the Qiankun Sect, as the nine major forces in the Yunlong Domain, had to produce so many spars, it would take a toll on one's muscles and bones.

Although Wei Changhe is the leader of Qiankun Sect, he is not a true word for words within Qiankun Sect. Because there is a group of elders in Qiankun Sect. He wasn't sure how the elders would say if he wanted Qiankunjiao to take out 100 million top-grade spars.

"Why, don't tell me, do you want money or life?"

Liu Ce looked at Wei Changhe.

"No, no, the master immediately revised a book. Your Majesty will send this letter to Qiankun Jiao."

Wei Changhe quickly felt the murderous aura on Liu Ce.

"It's pretty much the same."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

This Wei Changhe can exchange 100 million top-grade spars, which is also a great gain for Liu Ce.

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